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Old May 6, 2011, 08:37 PM   #76
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as I said I stay away from glock owners, they are like beemer folks. Crazy and get angry if you dont fall down and worship the glock or BMW they prefer.
Naaa, not all of them. All the different "things" have their faithful, some more zealous than others. You can fall down and worship anything you like, just dont start preaching to me, if all you have is "storybook" learning.

Ive been an active disciple of "most" types of handguns (and other things), and all of them were carnied with a live round in the chamber (well, not the open bolt SMG's ), and so far, Ive yet to have a problem, holster or no holster.

I dont like the trigger safety thingy and why should I learn it when I learned the 1911 just fine? Use what you want, dont go telling others what they need to use or learn.
You do what you want. I personally like to be as reasonably well versed in as many things as I can, just for the sake of knowledge and versatility. Just knowing, and being able to shoot only one trigger type seems very limiting to me. Kind of like only being able to drive an automatic transmission.

Im not telling you or anyone to use a Glock, Im simply saying that from actual personal use, they arent as scary as you would have us believe, if youre reasonably prudent in your handling of the gun. If your actual handling experience says otherwise, I'd be interested in hearing that.

Takes a bit more care to carry one in the chamber, therefore I belive that type of gun isnt for everyone. You dont agree?
Not really. Whos to say what gun is for who? Any gun is a bad idea for someone who is unwilling to learn how to properly use it. If youve taken the time to learn the gun, and proved to yourself that it isnt going to be a problem, then carrying with a round in the chamber is no more dangerous than anything else.

If youre reasonably prudent in how you handle the gun, even without a holster, its not a big deal. If you cant be reasonably prudent, then you probably shouldnt be carrying anything.

Guy in sweat pants grabbed the gun by the trigger and it went off, wont happen with my 1911s.
Dont bet on it. Over the years, I had a couple of NIB 1911's that had non functioning grip safeties, right out of the box. I carried a 1911 daily for around 25+ years, and found the thumb safety was swept off at some point during the day, on a pretty frequent and regular basis, and that was often in a holster with a sweat guard.

I think a lot of the super safety people place to much faith in those little mechanical devices. In the case above, the boy in the sweat pants was the lowest common denominator in that equation. It could have easily been a 1911, or any of the other "safe" autos that had their super safe thingie swept off while doing the sweat pant shuffle. The gun itself didnt pull the trigger, and as much as I think of it, I cant think of one case where one ever did.
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Old May 6, 2011, 09:29 PM   #77
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In the case above, the boy in the sweat pants was the lowest common denominator in that equation.
That would be correct. One need only be 10% smarter than the gun to be safe. I carried my glock a little more carefully with one in the pipe at first but that is just a mental thing, and I soon got over it. Finger out of the triggerguard, good holster, the four's all pretty basic. Nothing differs from glock carry than my 1911 in condition one.

I think most people just do not learn the weapon(s) as they should. The guy in the sweatpants would have shot himself with any other gun too. I think thier wives make them put the gun away and they can take it out once a summer. There is no safety in ignorance.
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Old May 9, 2011, 04:43 PM   #78
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Any gun is a bad idea for someone who is unwilling to learn how to properly use it.
OK try this, hand a person an empty gun, see what happens. I do this all the time, most if not all grab the gun and put their finger in the trigger guard, a person will do this when unholstering the thing and bang you got a AD. I have read about this, have seen these guns, have shot them, owned one years ago and sold it. Had a p95 decocker, sold it, no safety. It isnt the trigger, it is lack of a safety I dont like.

I used to shoot revolvers in the 70s cause them semis jammed up, but times have changed and shooting my BILs 1911s 30 years ago made me like them, I try others but always go back to that gun. I dont own any revolvers today.

Now go experiment, and when you can get everyone to not do that, well I will recant my take and say yes it is for everyone.
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Old May 9, 2011, 08:42 PM   #79
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OK try this, hand a person an empty gun, see what happens. I do this all the time, most if not all grab the gun and put their finger in the trigger guard, a person will do this when unholstering the thing and bang you got a AD.
Whats this got to do with "Any gun is a bad idea for someone who is unwilling to learn how to properly use it.", other than to prove the point?

Most of the people I would hand a gun to, I could hand it to them loaded, and without worry, including my kids when they were about 5 years old.

I used to shoot revolvers in the 70s cause them semis jammed up, but times have changed and shooting my BILs 1911s 30 years ago made me like them, I try others but always go back to that gun. I dont own any revolvers today.
I used to shoot a lot of revolvers back then too (still shoot them a lot today too), but my autos didnt seem to have the troubles yours did. They ran fine then too.

Now go experiment, and when you can get everyone to not do that, well I will recant my take and say yes it is for everyone.
I dont care if you recant it or not, do what you want. My point is, your statement applies to any gun, if the person handling it doenst take the time to learn the gun properly. None of this is about "the gun", regardless what kind it is (unless its malfunctioning). Its all about "the weakest link".
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Old May 9, 2011, 08:49 PM   #80
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Carry the spooky Glock in my waist often without a holster. Never a single problem. Seems if your pants are tight enough the double fold at the top of the pants acts like a trigger protector. With a belt even better.
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Old May 9, 2011, 09:26 PM   #81
ryan huddleston
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I have been carrying my Bodygaurd 380 in my pocket for a few months. I kept the safety on. I just ordered a pocket holster though so the safety will go off and the gun will ride in the holster.
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Old May 9, 2011, 10:39 PM   #82
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Barami hip grips and an untucked shirt.
.44 Special: For those who get it, no explanation is necessary. For those who don't, no explanation is possible.
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Old May 9, 2011, 10:49 PM   #83
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I'm not going to read this whole thread, but this is what happened to me today.

No holster, and just tucked into the small of my back.
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Old May 10, 2011, 12:34 AM   #84
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This is simple for me...

NO for any revolver... because I dont think I could get any of them to stay put.

MAYBE for semi auto pistols.... If for some reason I didnt have a holster that would work, or I was in a serious hurry with no chance to get a holster, I would, but if that were the case, I would carry WITHOUT a loaded chamber. Unless I was expecting trouble. HAH!
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Old May 10, 2011, 07:49 AM   #85
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Old May 10, 2011, 08:32 AM   #86
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The only time I would carry without a holster would be when firearm is placed in a pocket-holster (so to speak) of T-shirt. And that particular firearm would have to be small, as with my backup ... Ruger LCP 380.

Another thing I noticed is that the majority of CCW permit holders carry holstered, while those who do not are your average thug-wannabe's who usually mexican-carry deep down in their shorts.

Last edited by PanBaccha; May 10, 2011 at 11:27 AM.
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Old May 10, 2011, 04:12 PM   #87
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Pocket carried a Browning HP and a 1911 in a trench coat and a big winter coat.
The guns snagging on the coat lining when I pulled them out made me look for a holster.

I also pocket carried a snubbie in my jeans. Ok for walking not good for sitting.
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Old May 10, 2011, 05:03 PM   #88
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but my autos didnt seem to have the troubles yours did
I didnt have any semis then it was my BIL that got me on them.

You missed my point, the guns I use have a safety,I like them that way. I dont like a gun without a safety or external safety I should say.

Now get the keyboard lit up and give me a 3 page reply as to why the glock is so far supior to anything else. Know what? I am glad you feel that way.
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Old May 10, 2011, 05:43 PM   #89
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I've read this entire thread and I keep asking myself: "why would anyone NOT use a holster?" I can think of three excellent reasons why I'll always use one: first, if I have to draw in a hurry the holster facilitates that by reducing the possibility of snagging; second, a holster reduces the possibility that the gun will fall out during an unforeseen event; and third, a holster is an added safety factor. It only takes a few seconds for me to strap a holster to my belt (I always carry OWB). Those few seconds are well worth it IMO.
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Old May 10, 2011, 09:02 PM   #90
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Now get the keyboard lit up and give me a 3 page reply as to why the glock is so far supior to anything else. Know what? I am glad you feel that way.
I never said the Glock was superior to anything, simply it isnt inferior as you seem to want to portray it. They all have their issues. Some, like you, feel safer with additional safeties, where some of us, arent as concerned. Neither type are wrong, as long as they are functional and the user is familair with the gun.

Just because it doesnt have the additional safeties, doesnt mean its unsafe. Just because you choose not to use a holster, doesnt mean its unsafe. Either way, its only unsafe if the user is unsafe.
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Old May 16, 2011, 06:34 PM   #91
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The Plaxico Burress holster:

This allows you to carry your gun without a holster by just gripping it by the trigger. Callled the "Plaxico", it was inspired by the famous NFL receiver:

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Old May 16, 2011, 07:07 PM   #92
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Cute, but I believe the Saf-T-Blok's have been around since before Plaxico made history.

I pick one of my Glocks up by the trigger multiple times pretty much everyday, and have yet to have the trigger drop. As I said before, Ive been doing it as part of a test for over a year now, and the only way Ive got the trigger to drop, was with a deliberate pull of the trigger.

If you think any of this is an issue, Id suggest you try it yourself, and make a decision based on your own actual experience, instead of all the continually passed on internet "opinions".

As for the Saf-T-Blok.........

Looks like it may not be as fool proof as they would like you to believe.
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Old May 16, 2011, 07:10 PM   #93
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“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”
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Old May 16, 2011, 07:12 PM   #94
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lmfao... yeah like that won't ever fail
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Old May 16, 2011, 07:27 PM   #95
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“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”
Thats very true, and in the gun world, applies to ALL of them, and maybe more so to guns with manual safeties that people seem to put a lot of faith in, and trust implicitly, simply because they are there.

Those safeties dont make the gun "safe".
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Old May 16, 2011, 10:10 PM   #96
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Carry without a holster

I almost always use a holster. When I don't, I'll carry my P32 with it's belt clip and as for my G33, I occasionally carry it with a belt clip. When I pulled it out of my waist band and the trigger block was gone , I stopped that practice until I installed a safety on it!
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Old May 16, 2011, 11:23 PM   #97
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Carry without a holster.

If you're carrying a double action pistol with a relatively long and heavy trigger pull, you will probably get away with this. But if you're carrying a striker fired pistol with a lighter trigger, you're asking for trouble.

Still, without a holster you are likely to subject your gun to unnecessary body salts and sweat. This will definitely rust your gun.

A proper holster will keep the gun clean while protecting from rust, pocket lint and other debris that can stop the gun from firing when you want it to.

Get a holster with a metal clip or leather belt snap and these are quick to put on and off. I would only go without a holster in an emergency.
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Old May 17, 2011, 05:43 PM   #98
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it isnt inferior as you seem to want to portray it
I didnt say that, I said they are not for everyone due to the lack of a manual safety, many carry them just fine, my cousin for instance. I did say I shot them and they are not for me.

Just because you choose not to use a holster, doesnt mean its unsafe
I use a holster except for my barn coat I wear out to do chores I live on a farm.

Soooo who ya argueing with dude? The people I have read about pulled their glock out by the trigger and it went boom, my 1911 wont do this with the safety on.

See they make many types of handguns some you may like, some I may like, so go buy what you like, I will do so as well and we can all be happy. But I wont own a glock, ever. Mainly cause its plastic and ugly but beuty is in the eye.....
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Old May 17, 2011, 06:25 PM   #99
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Guy had a little Kel Tec P32 in his pocket with no holster. A small pocket knife in the same pocket managed to light of the gun. Luck was with him because he's still here and still has everything he came in with. No holster???
Crazy to me. The pocket guns are not only easier to carry with a pocket holster. The holster makes for a better draw and breaks up the outline of the gun. A Glock without a holster covering the trigger??? Insane!!! It your life and your package. I wouldn't do it. Having a gun fall out of your pants at say a wedding would not go over well. YMMV.
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Old May 17, 2011, 07:49 PM   #100
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My pocket pistol is carried in my back pocket sans holster.
Sometimes I'll use a folded handkerchief between the pistol and the outside to hide the outline. With hammer (safety) transfer bar and trigger lock safety, I have no concerns about accidential discharge.
One reason I like it there is because when/if in a robbery/mugging scenario I can reach for my 'wallet' and bring out my gun.
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