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Old May 9, 2011, 04:35 PM   #1
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I'm so ashamed of myself, and completely embarassed.

I have a CPL from the State of Michigan. I got it about 5 weeks a go, and have been carrying in my truck, in my locker at work, and trying to build up gradually becoming more comfortable carrying, always with an eye towards safety. I've become very adept and proficient in handling handguns and shooting on the range.

I have a holster on order that should be here later this week, but for the last week or so I've been carrying in the small of the back tucked in my jeans with a belt.

I carry a Bersa UC40 with one in the chamber. I chose this gun for the decocker feature, which also is a trigger disconnect. I just felt safer having a ambidextrous decocker.

I was shopping today, and it finally warmed up in Michigan enough to wear shorts which I did, along with a belt and a light long sleeve sweater. I was carrying, and getting ready to swipe my debit card, and damn if my gun dropped out right on the floor. Quicker then hell, I couldn't react fast enough as it slide through my shorts.

I had an old fella behind me,(I'm 52), he of course seen it, and the cashier seen it, they both reacted decently, I showed them my CPL card and explained I was legal to carry, and apologized profusely.

I learned a hugh and very serious lesson today. No matter how much you focus on safety accidents are always possible. I understand there's a block also on the firing pin to prevent accidental discharge, but the unsafe and unexpected movement of the gun spooked me and will stay with me for quite a while.
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Old May 9, 2011, 04:41 PM   #2
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Quicker then hell, I couldn't react fast enough as it slide through my shorts.
That's probably for the best. You never, NEVER, try to catch a dropped or fumbled firearm. Just let it fall and then pick it back up. There are too many stories of people shooting themselves or others trying to catch a firearm and snagging the trigger.

Responsible concealed (or open for that matter) carry means in a proper holster that covers the trigger and holds the firearm securely. Anything else is an accident actively looking to happen. I'm glad you didn't fare worse but get-that-holster and don't "carry" until you do!
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Old May 9, 2011, 04:50 PM   #3
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This is how we learn... I had a similar incident in my early carry days too. Thanks for having the humility to post about it. Those new to the carry concept need to read about such incidents because they always happen WAY more easily than we think they would (until they actually happen)!
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Old May 9, 2011, 04:50 PM   #4
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Yup, agreed.

I started this thread in the hope that someone else in the same situation will see it and think twice before doing what I did.

We all feel were careful and responsible, and we are, but accidents could happen that could be prevented.

CPL classes are brimming over in Michigan, I hope another newby reads this and learns.
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Old May 9, 2011, 05:07 PM   #5
Aguila Blanca
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Originally Posted by Duckkkk
We all feel were careful and responsible, and we are, but accidents could happen that could be prevented.
With all due respect, I don't think I have ever read, on ANY "gun" or RKBA forum, anyone who has ever suggested that it's a good idea to carry your piece tucked into your waistband without a holster. You have now learned why they make holsters. I sincerely HOPE you have also learned that, if you thought you were being safe and responsible -- you weren't. What happened was unintentional, but it was not an "accident." It was pre-ordained. It was not a question of "if" it could happen, only a question of "when" it would happen.

Just ask Plaxico Buress.
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Old May 9, 2011, 05:30 PM   #6
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With all due respect, I don't think I have ever read, on ANY "gun" or RKBA forum, anyone who has ever suggested that it's a good idea to carry your piece tucked into your waistband without a holster. You have now learned why they make holsters. I sincerely HOPE you have also learned that, if you thought you were being safe and responsible -- you weren't. What happened was unintentional, but it was not an "accident." It was pre-ordained. It was not a question of "if" it could happen, only a question of "when" it would happen.

Yup agreed, No matter how secure you think it feels, unless it's in a holster, it's NOT secure. Like I said that's why I started this thread. I completely admit it was incorrect but didn't realize it. I hope someone else learns.
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Old May 9, 2011, 05:44 PM   #7
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Good on you for manning up and admitting your mistake. Maybe some one who is lurking this forum who thinks it is perfectly safe to carry without a holster will begin to see the error of their ways...and will go buy a decent and well-designed carry holster.
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Old May 9, 2011, 05:59 PM   #8
Coyote WT
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I can relate to a couple of things on this thread. Like the OP I'm a new owner of a Washington State CPL. It took me a little bit of pushing my comfort zone before I started carrying so I know what you're feeling. I still don't carry with one in the chamber and I don't know how I feel about that just yet. All part of the process of accepting the responsibilty attached to the right I guess.

The second thing is reacting to a falling weapon. My dad is a custom knife maker and he has a saying that the best way to catch a knife when you drop it is to pick it up. Kind of back woods wisdom for stand back and let it hit the floor.

And of course the age old concept of surviving mistakes is how we learn. I'm glad to hear no one was hurt. I'm glad you took the time to realize what could have gone wrong. I'm glad this is a safe and adult place to air our mistakes and that you are taking the comments to heart with out getting defensive.
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Old May 9, 2011, 06:11 PM   #9
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We can all thank GOD for cheap lessons.

I am proud that this turned out okay for you and the others in the store. It is good that you are embarrassed and I do not say that in a pious way, it is just that I always remember my embarrassing moments and seek to prevent this from happening again, especially when it has dangerous connotations.

Anyway, it happens to the best of us and we should learn from it.

How about that Mexican scary....

Last edited by shootniron; May 9, 2011 at 06:50 PM.
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Old May 9, 2011, 06:44 PM   #10
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I have a Stoner IWB coming any time now. Everyone has opinions on holsters of course, but from the reviews I could find, people seemed to like them, and they put out a decent product for the money.
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Old May 9, 2011, 07:06 PM   #11
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You learned a very valuable lesson, luckily for you and everyone else involved, no one was injured or worse.

Always use a proper fitting holster.
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Old May 9, 2011, 10:24 PM   #12
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Thanks for posting
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Old May 9, 2011, 10:42 PM   #13
Al Norris
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This tale is best suited for the General Discussions forum. More folks will read it and hopefully, learn the lesson being taught.

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Old May 9, 2011, 10:49 PM   #14
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There is a good lesson here. I also dropped my gun one time, when first starting to ccw, and get this...It was because I stuffed it in my waistband without a holster. Luckily mine hit the carpet just inside my friends house, and it was just a bit of ribbing for me.
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Old May 10, 2011, 07:56 AM   #15
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I sincerely HOPE you have also learned that, if you thought you were being safe and responsible -- you weren't. What happened was unintentional, but it was not an "accident." It was pre-ordained. It was not a question of "if" it could happen, only a question of "when" it would happen.
agreed. I prefer to call incidents like this negligence, because had the gun gone off and hurt or killed someone he wouldn't be here telling us his story.
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Old May 10, 2011, 08:19 AM   #16
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But it looks so cool to carry "Mexican" style! Seriously, an alternative that some might consider who don't want a traditional IWB holster and can't or don't want a pocket holster is the SmartCarry. Especially for those with a bit of a beer belly, this holster is easy to use and makes the firearm virtually invisible. It is not, however, as ready to draw as some more traditional holsters (my opinion).
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Old May 10, 2011, 09:17 AM   #17
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Thank you sir for sharing your incident with us as this is the type of post that each and everyone of us that takes the time to read can learn from. The best lessons are the ones we learn the hard way. Thankfully no was hurt and the only injury was to your pride but you have turned a negative to a positive by sharing.

I had been carrying a 1911 for years and years. One day at a shooting club I belonged to (which also had a gun store) I came across an H & K USP Compact .45. I had heard what nice guns they are, the price was right and so I bought it. All I needed was a holster which was not in stock at the store. It just so happened that there was a gun show in town that weekend and I found a great deal on a leather shoulder holster for the H & K. Back in those days I wore a sport jacket nearly every day and thought that I would carry the H & K in the shoulder holster. The very first day I did that I happened to be in the parking lot of a very large mall and found a parking spot right next to the jitney stop with lots of people standing around. I got out of the car and immediately felt my brand new gun leave my holster. It hit the pavement hard, making a sound that attracted everyone's attention. I can appreciate your embarrassment as I was as embarrassed as you were, if not more and to make matters worse, I now had a constant reminder because of an ugly scratch that was made on the slide.

The obvious lesson I learned was to always make sure the gun is secure in the holster. The other lesson is that one always gets what one pays for. I bought a "deal" on a leather shoulder rig only to discover after the fact that the retention snap did not snap together properly thus allowing the gun to slip out of a less that perfect fitting holster. Now I examine a holster with the same discipline I exam a gun before purchase.
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Old May 10, 2011, 09:28 AM   #18
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I live in South Africa.We dont have to have a special licence to carry weapon but you need a compentancy and the liecence for eatch weapon .This is not that important but what is, is the the law that states that you have to have weapon in a holster or in a bag and it needs to be coverd in public.Mexican carry is illegal and can cause you to have your weapon taken away
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Old May 10, 2011, 10:18 AM   #19
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Thanks for sharing this. One can never be too comfortably safe while carrying. You never know.
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Old May 10, 2011, 10:40 AM   #20
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I'm going to range right now, my guns are all tucked away and secured in my range bag. No more belt carrying stupidity for me.
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Old May 10, 2011, 11:34 AM   #21
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Pick up a cheap uncle mikes until the holster you ordered arrived.
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Old May 10, 2011, 01:50 PM   #22
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Pick up a cheap uncle mikes until the holster you ordered arrived.
It was shipped today.

Just got back from the range. Didn't shoot my best but this was at 10 yards, with my Sig.

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Old May 10, 2011, 03:29 PM   #23
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With all due respect, I don't think I have ever read, on ANY "gun" or RKBA forum, anyone who has ever suggested that it's a good idea to carry your piece tucked into your waistband without a holster. You have now learned why they make holsters. I sincerely HOPE you have also learned that, if you thought you were being safe and responsible -- you weren't. What happened was unintentional, but it was not an "accident." It was pre-ordained. It was not a question of "if" it could happen, only a question of "when" it would happen.
Unfortunately, several have suggested exactly that right here on TFL:

If you read thru the thread you'll find several arguing that carry without a holster is just peachy keen.

Glad no one was hurt Duckkkk. And glad you posted here so we can use your lesson as example. Hopefully in time to prevent an idiot from hurting themselves or others with unsafe firearm practices.
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Old May 10, 2011, 06:32 PM   #24
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...makes all the difference.

Before I got my Michigan CPL, I tried out several handgun/holster combinations while I awaited approval. By the time I got it (about 60 days), I already had several holsters to go with the guns I owned, and I didn't have to experiment.

As it has turned out, I use several handguns in the rotation. I practice with all of them. My favorite holster is the Don Hume J.I.T. Slide. It seems to solve most issues I had with other designs. Be sure to check with the folks at your LGS. They've been a wealth of information to me.

PS - I never could comfortably carry a gun in my pocket. With wallets, keys, etc., there's just no room for a gun.
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Old May 10, 2011, 08:48 PM   #25
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Pick up a cheap uncle mikes until the holster you ordered arrived.
That,too, can have its problems. That's what I did, but the retention on the Uncle Mike's IWB was so poor that the gun tended to ooze out of the top like toothpaste out of a tube. Once it did so while I was in a laundromat. I managed to catch it between my elbow and my side, clamp it there, and go outside to rearrange all unobserved.
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