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Old October 5, 2007, 04:18 PM   #1
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I was "fake" robbed yesterday

Yesterday I'm in the parking garage (I'm a senior in college) at my university, and something very strange and disturbing happened. I was "fake" robbed. I just made up that phrase, but thats what we could call it I guess.

It's approximately 3-3:30 in the afternoon, I'm done with class, and I'm in my truck getting ready to head home. I climbed in the truck, started the car, and started adjusting the A/C, putting my backpack in the back seat, etc etc. My passenger door flies open and before I know it, a black guy is leaned inside my car. His hand moves toward me and I see a shiny object. This is happening so fast I barely had time to react. He said something like "Bitchh gimme your wallet". I jumped, then reached for the knife that I keep between the seat and the center console. I then realized that what he had in his hand was a cell phone. He goes "haha just playin fool, gotcha!" then walked back over toward his group (or should I say troop) of buddies. They were all hooting and hollering at this point, because whatever he had done was apparently hilarious to them.

I was still sort of shocked, but alert and keeping an eye on him. I had no idea what just happened, or if something else was going to happen. I called the campus police who arrived quickly, but of course they were already gone. The officer took a statement and passed word on to the higher ups, and it becane a big deal pretty quickly. From what I have heard, they are pretty sure they know who did it (because of some parking garage camera footage) and are dealing with it accordingly. The police are still in contact with me about taking further action and pressing any sort of charges, etc.

I couldn't believe this happened. I was still on edge long after they left. I have a HK USP .45 but its my only handgun and I dont like to carry it in my car in fear of break ins and such. I tend to leave it in my house. Like I said earlier, I carry a knife in my car, but I'm starting to think that isnt adequate.

I'm absolutely furious at this point. Seeing those guys just laughing and hooting after this "fake" robbery was ridiculous. I just got done reading the thread about kids with BB guns, and this only serves to reinforce what I already know. Youth these days are so much more corrupt and dangerous than they used to be, and no longer can we treat them like little children. There have been way more incidences of black on white crime and violence in my city (Waco) than just this one, and its getting to the point where I dont feel safe anywhere unless I'm packing. I've watched them stalk girls out into supermarket parking lots, break into cars, steal bicycles right off of campus bike racks, etc. One carful of these pieces of crap even shot up a local house with an AK47 clone. Why? They just wanted to. They didnt even know the people.

I dont know what I'm looking for with this post really, just some advice on what to do for the future I guess. I try to stay alert, and I have some weapons, but what do you guys think?

That idiot is lucky he didnt get his face slashed open, and I'm glad it didnt come to that, but now I almost wish I could have done more. Somebody needs to take a stand before this sort of thing gets worse and worse.
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Old October 5, 2007, 04:33 PM   #2
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Was the car running?

I woulda instinctively thrown it into reverse, dropping him onto the ground with the car door and even maybe inherently running him over.

If it was not running, I woulda grabbed his hand and bashed it into the closest hard object I could.

Having a gun at that point wouldn't have mattered. If it was a gun, it woulda already been pointing at you. He isn't going to pause while you reach for yours.

For future reference:

1. Make sure no one is in your back seat before you get into a car. When you get into a car

2. Immediately lock all doors upon entry.

3. Environment awareness: While walking to your car, watch the surroundings, stay clear of any isolated areas where you could be ambushed or cornered. At the least, as you walk to the car, keep your keys in your hand in such a way you have keys portruding from your fist so if you are attacked, you can quickly punch a person in the eyes or in the cornice of the breast plate with the keys. If attacked, digging them into a persons ribs can cause great amounts of pain.

4. Pepper spray on your keychain or velcroed to your dashboard for easy access. Pump his eyes full of the stuff, turn in your seat and kick him in the face if he hasn't retreated already. Start the car and go with what I would have done when I said if the car was running.

If you are attacked from one side of the car, be sure you try to lock your own door. You don't need to be attacked from both sides...

You can buy a cheap gun, like a Kel-Tec P3-AT, a HI-POINT or something similar and mount it to a holster beneath your dashboard...or to the drivers seat between the door and the seat for easy access. That way if it is stolen, it isn't a whole lot of cash lost on your part and same goes for if you do need to use is cheap so having it confiscated is no big deal. A nice 9mm/.40S&W HI-POINT can be had for less than $200.

I'm glad it was just "in fun" and no one was hurt, but it is a pretty stupid thing to do on their part.
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Old October 5, 2007, 05:10 PM   #3
chris in va
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USP .45 but its my only handgun and I dont like to carry it in my car in fear of break ins and such. I tend to leave it in my house
Hmm. Might want to reconsider that.
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Old October 5, 2007, 05:47 PM   #4
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Another reason why I love to open carry. He would have had a nice XD40 pointed in his face, with him armed, or unarmed. Who'd be laughing then??

Just pay attention to your surroundings. Simple as that. When in your truck (this is what I do) constantly check your side mirrors, rearview mirrors, and out your front windows. If someone is too close for comfort, lock doors, or put your hand on your gun (as long as you're in your car)

Glad nothing bad happend tho..
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Old October 5, 2007, 05:54 PM   #5
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lock all doors and plan before it happens.

Action is easier and more effective than reaction.
If you see him coming
Action:Lock doors
Make defencive weapon accesible if not already in hand Ex. pistol, knife, mace
Call police
Reaction:Fumble through console for knife only to find out it was a prank and your going to be fine.

I choose action...: D
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Old October 5, 2007, 06:14 PM   #6
C Philip
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What a stupid thing to do. If those guys keep playing around like that they'll eventually pick the wrong target for their "joke" and one of them will get killed or seriously injured. You would be justified in shooting him even if you did realize it was "only a cellphone" because of this.

Whenever I get into my car I lock the doors right away. I think that would have prevented this situation or at least have given you more time to react.
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Old October 5, 2007, 06:30 PM   #7
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Bet you'll never let yourself get caught in Condition White again, will ya?

You messed up by not doing the obvious: locking car doors, sitting in a stationary spot for too long, failing to survey your surroundings. Your .45 won't help after he has the drop on you, rather only if you could prepare and anticipate what was about to happen.
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Old October 5, 2007, 06:32 PM   #8
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Whenever I get into my car I lock the doors right away.
I do the same. Not only does this prevent unauthorized entry while you're in the vehicle, it also makes the car safer in the event of a traffic accident.
Do you know about the TEXAS State Rifle Association?
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Old October 5, 2007, 06:39 PM   #9
carcajou garou
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I am lucky old car I only unlock my door.
A similar thing happened to me some years ago at a firearm store I worked at, joker came in and took out a toy gun and pointed it accross the counter, I promptly took hold of his wrist and broke it as I dragged him accross and then put the boots to him
I did say sorry,my mistake, as the ambulance came to pick him up.
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Old October 5, 2007, 06:44 PM   #10
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Which reminds me..I've noticed the newr cars (2000 and up) (I've had a lot of cars) if you press the keyless unlock button once, it only unlocks your it twice within two seconds or so, and it unlocks all the doors..

Nice lil saftey feature
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Old October 5, 2007, 07:44 PM   #11
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Locking doors is probably the best advice here. Why was the passenger side door even unlocked? Also note that colleges typically have policies dictating students be unarmed little sheep, so be careful. I don't remember whether they are actual "Pistol Free/Psychos Welcome Zones" however.

Probably also a good idea that I don't start the AC until I'm under way. It gives my car a chance to get rolling more efficiently and also keeps me free to stay aware while it's warming up.

+1 on checking your car and surroundings ahead of time.

A similar thing happened to me some years ago at a firearm store I worked at, joker came in and took out a toy gun and pointed it accross the counter, I promptly took hold of his wrist and broke it as I dragged him accross and then put the boots to him
I did say sorry,my mistake, as the ambulance came to pick him up.
I think you did the poor bastard a favor. Had he done that at my regular gun store he'd have been shot by the half-dozen employees who all open carry.
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Old October 5, 2007, 08:18 PM   #12
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You mentioned the story about the two boys pointing the pellet guns a people and I was amazed how many defended them as saying that since no one got hurt and it was only a pellet gun that there wasn't any harm. "All's well that ends well". I would like your opinion of what should be this guys punishment and if you feel that there was no harm or victim since it wasn't even a weapon. People seem to have a different opinion of things when it happens to them instead of someone else.
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Old October 5, 2007, 08:21 PM   #13
The Tourist
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By that time I would have shot or slashed and then "fake dialed" 911...
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Old October 5, 2007, 08:34 PM   #14
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"I don't know what I'm looking for with this post really, just some advice on what to do for the future I guess."

Personally, under the circumstances you described, scarred and confused, you did the best you could and that was call the police once he walked away. What you could of done prior to the assault was, not "PC", but real life .... profile the group, note number and location and keep your eye on them till your in the truck and the doors are locked.

If he had a knife or a gun he would've been in control until you reacted to his threat, at which time, your fates would forever be related.

As of the first of September it is now legal for anyone [few exceptions, no felon, illegal invader and a few others] to carry a concealed weapon in their car in the State of Texas without a license. Even a $ 250.00 Bersa would give you a fighting chance.

Glad you walked away and I hope they file charges and follow up.
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Old October 5, 2007, 09:42 PM   #15
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Holy cow! While reading the first post I saw it occur in my mind. I've got to give you credit for not blowing your top in sights of the cowardly punks laughing and giggling like little school children at your expense. I hate being startled and on top of that be made a fool. Though I am not a criminal nor do I generaly support illegal activities, I gotta be honest with you(this will probably get me burned in this forum, but oh well) if it was me in your situation I'd probably arm myself with something defensivily useful (concealed of coarse) and jumped out of my car and confronted from a decent distance. If they remain in their places I would verbaly warn them to not ever try it again, but if they progress in my general direction I'd prepair and if they are close I'd equip myself with my weapon. I know-I know, doing this is dangerous, illegal, and/or could result in retaliation, but man! Patience and sense should only be given to those who deserve it, and my friend, those damn kids do not.

+1 on the fact you probably couldn't have done much with the given situation besides what you did, being startled and shocked sucks man. Hope something positive came out of this and next time they won't get in so close, and if they do its because u unlocked it on purpose following a big welcome from the hole of your muzzle.

And about the pellet gun thing, I don't know the full story, but to me a pellet gun can be as dangerous as a real gun and frankly I would treat it as a real gun if someone pointed one at me. Probably wouldn't draw and fire at them quite as quickly if I knew it was a pellet gun, but I would take the threat just as serious. To those who stood/stand up for those pellet gun waving "gangsters" sometimes the reaction of seeing a gun or a gun shaped object for that matter can cause violent reaction thus causing harm to others, so no, not "all is well that ends well" very ignorant to me how people defend such stupid acts.

Congrates to you texans on being legal to carry inside your vehicles even without a permit, just hope it doesn't get abused. By the way, BOOMER SOONERS!!!! Big day tomorrow, hope you guys are ready to get waxed.(Oklahoma Sooners vs Texas Longhorns)

Good to hear you're ok though, and YES!!! I hope they do apprehend the ones involved and charges are filed. My assumption is that you will be pressing charges if possible considering your state of ease with the whole incident correct? I sure do hope so, a lot of this non-sense these days are spawn from lack of punishment. And yeap, I sure do believe and support the death penalty.
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Old October 5, 2007, 10:23 PM   #16
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Did this happen at Baylor? If so, you would be in alot of trouble if you were caught carrying or having a firearm in your vehicle on campus. Your best bet is to be aware of your surroundings and of any possible threats. Locking all your car doors immediately and getting moving quickly will lessen your vulnurability.
Sitting in an unlocked vehicle fiddling with the A/C or whatever while sitting stationary in a parking garage leaves you very vulnurable to attack as you now know. Once you get your vehicle moving, remember that it has alot more "stopping power" than any firearm so don't be afraid to use it.
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Old October 5, 2007, 11:10 PM   #17
Sigma 40 Blaster
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If it's not against school policy get a cheapo Hi Point, .38 special (Rossi or Taurus) or even a nice used Ruger/Taurus that won't take a tremendous chunk out of your pocket. I keep something in my door panel or under my seat (when I park I put it under the seat so everyone doesn't see it in my door panel, goes back in the panel when I get back in).

When I see anyone standing around a parking lot I am a little more aware of what's going on...regardless of color as there are a lot of white, hispanic, and others in the state pen as well. Any race presents a threat...your references to "them" and "those people" remind me why I don't like Waco.
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Old October 5, 2007, 11:47 PM   #18
Wolf Lies Down
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Pursue This

-I guess the reason it is "us" and "them" is because "they" want it that way. I say okay to that and react in kind. I treat people the way they treat me and don't mince words about it. As an example, as far as I'm concerned there just are not any words that black people "are allowed to use" that white people are not. This PC crap is wearing reeeeaaaal thin and everyone, black and white is getting tired of it.

If I were you, I'd buy two or three single stack Makarov pistols in caliber .380acp and keep Federal Hydra-shok or something similar in them, and stow them away in places where you will be. This if you're afraid of losing a more expensive gun. If you did have your sidearm, you would have taught his friends a lesson, anyway. It would be too late for him. As it turns out, the only real damage done is to your opinion of black people, but you have no apologies to make; they do.

I guess, though, I have to critique your reaction:
After this guy did this, why didn't you get out of your car and unload a blast of $#!+ on him? Explaining to him how close he came to dying for nothing would most likely end his and his friends' future childishness along these lines. Your actions exhibited fear, which reinforces this type of behavior from people like him. Learn to fear nothing.

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Old October 6, 2007, 12:11 AM   #19
Sigma 40 Blaster
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At least the author of the OP has the courage to admit he was afraid and will learn to be alert no matter who is around...meanwhile some good ol' boys, schizo's, meth freaks or neo's are gonna catch you slippin lol.

Since this is a tactical thread I thought it made good sense to mention that BG's come in a variety of packages...probably shouldn't said that about Waco but after making several business trips there I've heard a lot of **** like that...even more than I've heard in the piney woods of East Texas.

I wonder which words you'd like to say that society says are unacceptable??? "Nappy headed hoes"??? The N-bomb??? lol. Just say it to the face of the people that don't want you to say it and you have my respect (and sympathy). There is a not so thin line between PC and a little human respect.

I honestly wish more white people weren't so consciously or unconsciously afraid of other people...period. I see a lot of well adjusted people on here who view everyone as a potential threat while others are on the lookout for those dreaded "gangbangers" or "homies". Be aware of your surroundings and profiling doesn't hurt anyone...just remember that the little nerdy white guys usually make the best mass murderers and serial killers in the process although it appears that other races are catching up to be as sadly crazy as we can be.
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Old October 6, 2007, 12:18 AM   #20
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remember that the little nerdy white guys usually make the best mass murderers and serial killers in the process
Yeah usualy they will put time into something, wont just demand your wallet and money.
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Old October 6, 2007, 12:32 AM   #21
The Tourist
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Originally Posted by Sigma 40 Blaster
view everyone as a potential threat
The problem with your debate is that the guy jumped into the car. He was no longer a "potential threat."

I'm not a mind reader. I have no idea whether a guy like this is a prankster or a mob enforcer.

Besides, I doubt if you would be so charitable if a few of my riding buddies parked in your driveway to watch your wife sunbathe.

I guess it's always easier to accuse the other guy of an agenda when you're safe at home. Unfortunately, the intruder in this story was inches away.
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Old October 6, 2007, 12:36 AM   #22
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Don't forget, the jails on our country are at the braking point too~
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Old October 6, 2007, 08:29 AM   #23
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I wonder what the cell phone was for?
Was he videoing your reaction? Snapping a pic?
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Old October 6, 2007, 09:48 AM   #24
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Sorry I hit the Dallas Stars game last night but I'm back now...I dont know what the cell phone was for, probably just to make it look like he had a weapon at first glance. And yeah, I'm at Baylor, and I would be in trouble if I had a weapon in the car. I mean, no trouble is worth my life, but at the same time, I'm thinking that if he did have a gun, there wouldnt have been much I could do at that point, whether I was armed or not. I certainly wouldnt attempt to draw. In such close quarters, I could have probably used a knife just as effectively as a pistol.

Many have suggested a can of pepper spray, which I started carrying after a similar incident (or several) happened on the same campus. Black kids from the local high school would run up to the windows of cars at stop signs and pour drinks on people, try and take their phones, etc. I figured that as satisfying as it would be to put a bullet in little Demetrius Jacksons face, there probably wouldnt be much grounds for lethal force use. I opted for pepper spray instead. I recently gave my can to my girlfriend though, and I dont think it would have helped any more or less in this fake robbery situation.

Thanks for the replies guys, keep em coming.
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Old October 6, 2007, 10:20 AM   #25
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Have you considered the fact that the BG committed a crime and should be prosecuted? He broke and entered your vehicle and announced a robbery.How do you know if he was really kidding (unlikely) or just lost his nerve?You could have legally shot and killed him on the spot and you treat it as a joke because the bg didn't wait for your wallet and keys to your car? Unbelievable.PRESS CHARGES OR STFU.
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