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Old October 18, 2010, 07:30 AM   #1
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hunting etiquette and other info

I haven't gone hunting yet since i'm pretty new to rifles and shotguns, so I was wondering if there was an unwritten hunter's code or some form of etiquette that most of you abide by when out in the field? I haven't taken a hunter safety course yet, so i'm not sure if the following topics are covered.

for example:

- do you hunt alone? in pairs? three or more?

- is your firearm supposed to be unloaded until you actually spot an animal you plan on shooting? are you supposed to keep the action open or do you chamber 1 round just in case?

- after shooting a deer, do most of you transport it back to your place and dress it there, or do you field dress it immediately? if it's the former, how the hell do you transport such a heavy load?

- i'm assuming most hunters identify themselves to other hunters, even if it's apparant from the way they're dressed.

- what do you do if you or your hunting buddy are injured and are far from a populated area? I don't trust cell phone reception in rural areas so I can't vouch for their trustworthiness.

if there's any other bits of info you think is pertinent to this thread, please feel free to mention it here.
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Old October 18, 2010, 08:10 AM   #2
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Your questions would take volumes to answer.
Do try to take the hunter safety course and/or find an experienced hunter to buddy up with.
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Old October 18, 2010, 09:48 AM   #3
Art Eatman
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- do you hunt alone? in pairs? three or more?

All of the above. Depends on who's in camp during any particular hunt. I may be somewhat uncommon in that I've hunted solo in areas above tens of thousands of acres, 20 miles from pavement.

- is your firearm supposed to be unloaded until you actually spot an animal you plan on shooting? are you supposed to keep the action open or do you chamber 1 round just in case?

I generally have a round chambered and the bolt handle up when walking hunting. If sitting, it sorta depends on the situation as to whether or not the bolt handle is closed. I rarely use the safety.

- after shooting a deer, do most of you transport it back to your place and dress it there, or do you field dress it immediately? if it's the former, how the hell do you transport such a heavy load?

I've always field dressed immediately. If I can't drive to the animal and it's too heavy to drag, I look for help. So far, I've never killed a deer where I really needed help.

- i'm assuming most hunters identify themselves to other hunters, even if it's apparant from the way they're dressed.

Never thought about it.

- what do you do if you or your hunting buddy are injured and are far from a populated area? I don't trust cell phone reception in rural areas so I can't vouch for their trustworthiness.

Die? Heck, I live a helluva long way from a populated area. I keep strong pain-killer in my first-aid kit. I know a bit about first-aid. Mostly I rely on caution and pretty good balance and reflexes.

I went to a doctor one time to get a prescription for Valium and Percodan. He asked why. I told him, "If I take you quail hunting and you fall and break a leg, I don't want to listen to you scream for two hours on a jeep trail before we get to the pavement." I've never seen a man write so fast in all my life!

I don't have a cell phone; don't want one. Besides, they don't work where I hunt.
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Old October 18, 2010, 10:05 AM   #4
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- do you hunt alone? in pairs? three or more?
Bird hunting yes, big game hunting we generally hunt our own spot in the same area

- is your firearm supposed to be unloaded until you actually spot an animal you plan on shooting? are you supposed to keep the action open or do you chamber 1 round just in case?
Keep the safty on and your finger off the triger until you are ready to kill something

- after shooting a deer, do most of you transport it back to your place and dress it there, or do you field dress it immediately? if it's the former, how the hell do you transport such a heavy load?
Depends, generally I gut them where they are, you dont want to wait too long, the hide can be removed later. To move them each person grabs a leg and drags them.

- i'm assuming most hunters identify themselves to other hunters, even if it's apparant from the way they're dressed.
If your wearing blaze orange and someone else is, no need, you know what they are up to, but wouldnt be a bad idea for saftey reasons

- what do you do if you or your hunting buddy are injured and are far from a populated area? I don't trust cell phone reception in rural areas so I can't vouch for their trustworthiness.
Keep a first aid kit, and know how to treat broken bones\gun shots.
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Old October 18, 2010, 10:23 AM   #5
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I always hunt with someone. However during deer season we are not in sight of each other. We do communicate with two way radios however.

I always have a round chambered with the safety engaged. If you aren't comfortable with that, walk in with an unloaded gun and walk out with an unloaded gun.

Field dress it right there. It's vital to let the meat cool down quickly. As far as transporting it, we drag ours out. Over long distances a cart or 4 wheeler will work too.

Identify yourself? Wear orange in the woods. On the street hunters often as others how they did and wish them good luck.

The other thing I'd suggest to you is to take a hunters ed course. You seem pretty new to the idea of hunting and a hunters ed course would be a great way to meet some other experience people.
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Old October 18, 2010, 10:36 AM   #6
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You are refering to a Personal Hunting Code and it's just that; Personal. Every hunter has his own special set of do's and don'ts. Broken down into the practicals and then the particulars. By my measure, the foundation is to follow all hunting laws. All too often, one code comes into conflict with another and that usually leads to the break-up of a group. I remember hunting with one guy, in a group, that shot his own hunting dog because he was not performing. That hunt didn't last very long. You have to decide what you can live with and what you won't put up with. Even the anti-hunters, have their own hunting code.

Be Safe !!!
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Old October 18, 2010, 10:55 AM   #7
Dr. Strangelove
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- do you hunt alone? in pairs? three or more?
In bird or small game hunting it's common to hunt side by side, that's uncommon for large game unless it's a child/parent combo. You'll usually be in the same general area as your buddies.

- is your firearm supposed to be unloaded until you actually spot an animal you plan on shooting? are you supposed to keep the action open or do you chamber 1 round just in case?
Follow your local laws, but you need to keep movement and noise to minimum, so working the action after seeing an animal is to your disadvantage. I load my rifle after I get in the stand, and unload before walking out. Some folks load as soon as they get out of the truck, depends on your preference and local laws. WATCH YOUR MUZZLE! WATCH YOUR BUDDY'S MUZZLE! Don't use your scope as a pair of binoculars, either. Get a small pair of binoculars and use them instead.

- after shooting a deer, do most of you transport it back to your place and dress it there, or do you field dress it immediately? if it's the former, how the hell do you transport such a heavy load?
Depends on the terrain - if I can just drive up or have a short drag, I'll just take it straight to the processor and let them dress the animal. If it's a long, steep drag, I'll field dress the animal. (I'm somewhat in the minority in that I don't dress my own deer if I don't have to, I've done it, for $10.00, the processor can have that job)

- i'm assuming most hunters identify themselves to other hunters, even if it's apparant from the way they're dressed.
More just a friendly wave or something similar. On public land, if you see someone, it's considered rude to just barge on in to them and start talking. (not that it doesn't happen)

- what do you do if you or your hunting buddy are injured and are far from a populated area? I don't trust cell phone reception in rural areas so I can't vouch for their trustworthiness.
Take your phone anyway, my buddy and I use two-way radios (check legality in your area) to stay in touch. Most importantly, someone needs to know where you are hunting and when they can expect you back or to check-in. I always leave a note or send a text, so someone knows when and where to send the calvary if needed.
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Old October 18, 2010, 11:17 AM   #8
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- do you hunt alone? in pairs? three or more?
Personal choice. For example, I hunt alone most of the time. That way I only have to worry about myself. The rest of the time I hunt with some buddies from the USMC, because they are used to carrying guns around other people. If you hunt with more than one other person, I would make damn sure they are competent and safe with firearms. Nothing like having a rifle touched off just inches from your ear to teach you that lesson (don't ask how I know).
- is your firearm supposed to be unloaded until you actually spot an animal you plan on shooting? are you supposed to keep the action open or do you chamber 1 round just in case?
Once you are in the field hunting, it is usual to carry your firearms loaded. There are people who go afield with their guns unloaded, they are called "hungry".
- after shooting a deer, do most of you transport it back to your place and dress it there, or do you field dress it immediately? if it's the former, how the hell do you transport such a heavy load?
Funny thing about names: they are often very aptly descriptive. "Field dressing" is called that because you do it "in the field". Bleeding and gutting an animal is done right where you shoot them. The entrails account for about 1/2 of an animal's live weight. So it's not so much "how do you transport such a heavy load?" as much as "why would you?".
- i'm assuming most hunters identify themselves to other hunters, even if it's apparent from the way they're dressed.
No, generally it is apparent to others that you are engaged in hunting, either by your clothing or (duh) the fact that you are carrying a firearm. Say hello if you happen to come across someone else in the field, but don't go walking up to them just to say hi. If you walk up just to talk to someone else who is hunting, you are interfering with their hunt, and they may tell you to take a hike.
- what do you do if you or your hunting buddy are injured and are far from a populated area? I don't trust cell phone reception in rural areas so I can't vouch for their trustworthiness.
An injury pretty much ends the hunt. Transport the person back to a doctor. Cell coverage may be spotty, but any advance contact with a doctor or emergency provider will be helpful, so carry your cell phone.
Never try to educate someone who resists knowledge at all costs.
But what do I know?
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Old October 18, 2010, 11:33 AM   #9
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If you're the first one up, you get to make the coffee and start breakfast.

I hunt alone and with people. Depends on what and where. Birds are better with groups. Deer is better alone. We may have a group in camp, but usually break up to actually hunt.

If I'm hunting from a blind, my gun is empty till I get there. If I'm walking the gun is loaded with the safety
On more than one occasion I've taken aim and pulled the trigger and nothing happened. That's because in the excitement I forgot to release the safety. It's a mistake that hasn't cost me a deer.

Field dress it there. A couple of times I've quartered a deer and carried it out piecemeal. Mostly the deer I've shot are either small enough to carry or drag, or they were fairly close to a road.
Of course my 22 year old self would say, geez it only weighs 150 pounds pick it up and carry it ya wimp

I wear orange. If I see another hunter I move away. Don't want to spoil his hunt or have him spoil mine.

Let people know where you're hunting and when to expect you back. While you may not trust a cell phone, they have saved many lives. Considering the amount of money people spend on gear, a satellite phone would not be out of the question.
While I've never had to use one I carry a 1st aid kit and I have taken 1st aid classes. The fact remains that if you're hurt bad enough only other people are going to be able to keep you on this earth.

Besides that follow the four rules of shooting
1. All guns are always loaded.
2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

Only take a shot that gives you a clean kill.

And have fun.
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Old October 19, 2010, 08:12 AM   #10
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I can't say your questions are really etiquette-type questions, but I'll answer anyway.

- do you hunt alone? in pairs? three or more?
I tend to hunt either by myself (archery), or with my brother-in-law or other members of my family, depending on where I'm hunting (anything else). During deer season, we're generally on our own in the same general area, and know where each other are.

- is your firearm supposed to be unloaded until you actually spot an animal you plan on shooting? are you supposed to keep the action open or do you chamber 1 round just in case?
This is more of a safety question than anything else. The answer depends on a couple factors: Is it dark? If you're heading into the woods and can't shoot until first light, leave the gun unloaded, with the safety ON (treat every gun as if it were loaded). If you're climbing into a stand, leave it unloaded until you're in the stand. If it's light out, I would keep it loaded with the safety ON as I'm headed into the woods. Once I get to my stand, I'd unload the gun, climb up, pull up the gun, and reload it.

- after shooting a deer, do most of you transport it back to your place and dress it there, or do you field dress it immediately? if it's the former, how the hell do you transport such a heavy load?
I don't see a reason to NOT field dress it immediately. It helps the carcass cool off faster, and helps prevent meat spoilage. Also, if you drag it out, what in the world are you going to do with that mess?

- i'm assuming most hunters identify themselves to other hunters, even if it's apparant from the way they're dressed.
I can't say I've ever run into other hunters while in the woods. This would be a situational thing for me, I suppose, depending on what season it is, and the safety factor involved. If I felt at risk, I'd start by giving a whistle to get the attention of the other hunter.

- what do you do if you or your hunting buddy are injured and are far from a populated area? I don't trust cell phone reception in rural areas so I can't vouch for their trustworthiness.
Again, this is a safety thing. You should always have an emergency plan. A cell phone is a good start. You should also give your trip plan to someone who's not going on the trip, so that if you don't come back within a reasonable amount of time of your planned return, they know to alert authorities, and can also tell them roughly where you are/should be. There are also devices out now that can transmit an alert beacon via GPS, in the event of an emergency/getting lost.
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Old October 19, 2010, 08:40 AM   #11
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Dear Gaseuousclay
I agree with Hunter 1776 Take the Hunter safety course It is free in most states. They will answer all of your questions, and will encourage you to ask questions.Join a club if you can, and go hunting with them, or at least until you become experienced At the very least go with those who know what they are doing.
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Old October 19, 2010, 10:08 AM   #12
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Addressing etiquette-type questions,

As hunter's etiquette go, these are things that mostly involve interaction with another person. That could mean a hunting buddy, land owner, conservation officers and anyone else that comes into the picture. As hunters, we all have our pet gripes. May I suggest;

1. If you are invited to hunt by someone else and taken to his favorite spot, it doesn't become yours for future use.

2. Share with the daily expenses such as gas or any other expense. If anything, be generous.

3. Always ask the land owner for permission to hunt. Remember that the worst he can say, is NO. Just thank him for his time and walk away. He might just invite you back.

4. Take as much of your trash out of the field that you brought in.

5. Make sure you have your license with you and that you are familiar with current hunting laws.

6. Offer the land owner some of the game. Most of the time, he will refuse but it is a nice gesture. DO NOT give him any game that needs cleaning. Anything I shared with him was dressed, cut up and frozen. Makes for a good excuse to go back. I have had many phone calls from housewives, asking me how to clean a pheasant or skin a squirrel.

7. Never take any of the folks you deal with, for granted. Pay your way, all the way.

8. Carry a cell phone and/or always tell someone where you are going and with whom.

9. Show respect everyone and everything, involved; Do Your Best, in Your Best Ways


Be Safe !!!
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Old October 20, 2010, 10:16 AM   #13
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I'd add

On hunting alone or with others.
For most, it's certainly more fun sharing the experience with family and friends, but I often find myself going out alone, (and i fill more tags that way). I always let the family know where i am and when i expect to return. They're called accidents for a reason, nobody plans on having one.

ID-ing yourself to other hunters
If a guys still hunting right toward you and its obvious he doesn't see you. If you're in camo I'd be real leery of just waving. better to say hello in a calm clear voice once he's in earshot. Turkey/bow hunting in crowded areas I do post orange flagging on my treestand when i'm there. Otherwise i don't go out of my way to ID myself.
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Old October 20, 2010, 11:53 PM   #14
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Shoot your injured buddy (again).
It is so much easier than trying to do first aid.
Take his rifle, pickup, He would want you to have them.
OF course to prove how much he meant to you, take care of his hunting dog and his wife (if she is pretty or can cook).
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Old October 21, 2010, 08:54 AM   #15
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I can't say this loud enough:

Don't use your scope as a pair of binoculars, either. Get a small pair of binoculars and use them instead.

Having been scoped by some idjit "Jus' tryin' t'see what ya wuz....." I can't agree more.
I used to hunt deer alone, now I have kids.... I watch them hunt.

I used to hunt turkeys with a friend (hard to watch two directions and remain still), now I have kids......

Hell, I used to have money, now I have kids
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Old October 21, 2010, 08:59 AM   #16
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I agree with Hunter 1776 Take the Hunter safety course It is free in most states. They will answer all of your questions, and will encourage you to ask questions.Join a club if you can, and go hunting with them, or at least until you become experienced At the very least go with those who know what they are doing.
I'm actually planning on taking the independent study course through the DNR. the regular hunter safety courses are either full or too far away.
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Old October 21, 2010, 10:08 AM   #17
Uncle Buck
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The guys have given you some serious answers to some serious questions. I have lightened it up a little in my response. Hope it brings a chuckle to you.

- do you hunt alone? in pairs? three or more?

Depends on if they are bigger liars than I am. I do not need an unreliable witness messing up my story.

- is your firearm supposed to be unloaded until you actually spot an animal you plan on shooting? are you supposed to keep the action open or do you chamber 1 round just in case?

Always remember gun safety. How-ever, see question #1. Did that big buck get away because you just could not get a clean shot, or did you forget to chamber a round when you got to the hunting grounds?

- after shooting a deer, do most of you transport it back to your place and dress it there, or do you field dress it immediately? if it's the former, how the hell do you transport such a heavy load?

This puts you in a quandary here. I do not remember the exact formula, but I think it is something like: For every 100 yards of dragging a deer, you ad 25 pounds to the carcass weight. If pulling uphill, you add 45 pounds. Field dressing in this instance is best accomplished at the sight of the kill (Check to see what is common disposition of gut piles, burial or just leave them.) Again, if hunting with witnesses, you need to make sure they will not proclaim to others that your eyes have turned brown because you are so full of fecal matter.

- i'm assuming most hunters identify themselves to other hunters, even if it's apparant from the way they're dressed.

This is very important. Yes, you usually wave towards other hunters, but never go barging into their hunt area. However, when you say dressed as a hunter, this can be confusing. Are you talking about the blaze orange or the camo cloths that seem to be in vogue now? It is important to know where the other hunters are, but you must be forewarned that deer also look for people dressed as hunters and try to avoid them.

I have had my best success hunting while dressed as a farmer. I use the tractor as a decoy and pretend I am working on it. While the deer start laughing at the sight of me fixing the dang thing again, I can usually get a pretty clear shot at them.

Alibi: Always have an alibi. The scope was off; the scope fogged on me; it was standing behind a tree; I did not see anything (Usually used when you forget your ammo); my compass must have been broken, etc.
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Old October 21, 2010, 01:02 PM   #18
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Don't forget to bring your ammo. This has happened more than once and I know a BowHunter that left his arrows at home. Camp was in Wisconsin and home was Iowa. Had to buy a new dozen arrows up thar !!

Be Safe !!!
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Old October 23, 2010, 07:45 AM   #19
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Pahoo summed it up for me, I usually offer "sweat equity" to any landowner that let's me trespass on them. Unclebuck I would definately hunt with you, and you could lie to me all season, (i think it's hilliarious) And you are NOT lying about deer's weight as you drag'em. I took a 70lb doe that later turned into the 300 lb carcass of death, after about one mile of the trip!!!!
Keep your Axe sharp and your powder dry.
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Old October 23, 2010, 10:01 AM   #20
Art Eatman
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Tip: During deer season, a hunter should always leave a box of shells in his vehicle between hunts. That avoids the problem of forgetfulness when premature Oldtimers' Disease attacks...
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Old October 23, 2010, 04:50 PM   #21
the blur
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I went to the range the other night, and didn't have the key to my trigger lock. good thing it's only 10 minutes from my house.
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Old October 23, 2010, 05:57 PM   #22
roy reali
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If you hunt with someone that uses dogs there are some unwritten rules.

1. The dog is only controlled by its master.

2. Game is only retrieved to its master.

3. If you don't like the way the dog hunts or is being used, find another hunting buddy.

4. Don't shoot his dog, even by accident.
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Old October 23, 2010, 09:00 PM   #23
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hehehe, +100 roy reali, you shouldn't even yell at a man's dog unless your told it's okay. Honestly, it's some of the coolest hunts, when it involves dogs! I mostly set back and watch the dogs work and I'm still amazed by some of the things I have witnessed!!
Keep your Axe sharp and your powder dry.
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Old October 24, 2010, 07:51 AM   #24
Uncle Buck
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Here are a few honest tips, providing you have permission to hunt the area you are in:

Gates: If they are closed when you go through them, close them. Leave a farmers gates open and you will not have a happy land owner.

Signs: They are not targets.

Trash: You took it in, please take it out. If you find some after your hunt, feel free to pick it up. (I had a newly weaned calf choke on a plastic bag)

Idiots: If your hunting partners are acting like idiots, you do not have to.

Fences: Go over them, or under them. If you break the wire, mark the spot and offer to help fix it.

Identify your target: Know what you are shooting at. Too many people are hurt and farm animals injured/killed, because "I thought it was a ..." If you can not see it clearly, do not shoot it. (I lost a nice goat because it was the color of a deer.)

Game Animal: If you are hunting rabbits, shoot only rabbits. If you are hunting deer, shoot only deer. We had a city boy in a tree stand once who was deer hunting. A squirrel was barking at him and he thought it was making too much noise, so he shot it, and wondered why he did not see any deer that morning. (.30-06, not much left for the stew pot.)

Scouting: Know the area you are hunting. Know what is beyond the direction of the shot you are going to take. If you miss, where is your bullet going? Here in rural Missouri, you could be walking through a woodlot and end up in someones back yard.

I have met hunters who think it is more important to get their game than it is to worry about others safety. When I was a kid, we used to have people shoot squirrels off the roof of the farm house. I have been duck hunting and had shotgun pellets rain down on me.

A little more brevity:

Cows: Cows are nosey. They will follow you and try to help you hunt. Never listen to a cow when it comes to hunting, they do not know the first thing about hunting and will not help you field dress or carry the game out. A cow will stand at a fence all day long and pretend it is helping you spot game. A cow does not know a deer from a rabbit. They really make lousy hunting partners, they just do not know it.

Goats: See above entry for cows. A goat will go through a fence with you. They will browse around you if you are hunting from the ground. If you are wearing camo clothing, they will browse on you. Goats are easily bored and will soon wander away, providing you do not feed them.
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