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Old February 21, 2007, 03:02 PM   #176
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Let’s make a change in other directions too

I find it interesting how strong the firearms community is that they can do this to Zumbo so quickly.

Now let’s see that passion around voting time. Let’s see that passion about notifying your congressman when gun laws restricting our rights come up. Let’s see that passion supporting the NRA. If everyone that wrote in to complain about Zumbo wrote their congressman and help fight new guns laws .50 BMG would not have been banned in Ca and New York and Maryland guns laws would have been a lot less restrictive.
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Old February 21, 2007, 04:07 PM   #177
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I've been writing and calling for about 30 years now. I've seen and heard a lot of BS and lies, and over and over too. I've seen two letters from a local Representative sent to a constituent that swore he would fight for and against the same bill. The first letter was your normal form letter, the writer asked for a clarification, because he didnt like the form letter, and received the second form letter, 180* from the first. I've seen republicans and democrats alike pass legislation that violate their oath and our wishes, all while telling us they support us. Dont mind me if I'm a little cynical about government in general, but our one party system isnt working.

If you want to get serious about this, we all have to support each other, regardless of our favorite firearm related choices. When the machine gun ban passed, I heard a number of people in gun shops saying "who needs them", I also heard the same thing about "assault weapons", and even some handguns. Its the same as was posted elswhere..."when they came for..." mentality, and as long as their guns are left alone, it will continue to be "better you than me" until their turn comes.

I'd suggest, if you dont already belong, you join the JPFO. They are the only organization that seems to understand whats going on, and isnt afraid to say it. Take your NRA renewal money this year and use that, and call the NRA and tell them what you did and why, maybe they will wise up and stop playing games. Dont worry, they will send you plenty of renewal notices so you wont forget about them.

If you dont already understand or know about "Jury Nullification", you REALLY need to read up on it, and when necessary, USE it. WE ARE THE POWER IN THE COURTROOM, not the judges, no matter how much they tell you different. WE have the power to hold illegal and unjust laws in contempt and stop this foolishness, no matter what the law says.

Let them pass all the laws they want. DONT OBEY THEM! Law or not, an illegal law is just that, illegal.

Every person who was in the military, or civil service, etc, swore the oath to "uphold and defend", not just those we complain about "in office". Its as much your DUTY as theirs to something besides nothing or bitch. Think about that awhile.
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Old February 21, 2007, 05:05 PM   #178
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If everyone always reacted to the Governemnt as fiercly as they did the Zumbo article it would be good. At the same time do not for a minute think the effects would be the same. The sponsors for Zumbo depend almost 100%on the shooting community for their livelyhood. When there is such an outpouring of anger ffrom the very community they depend on it certainly gets their attention.

I write my Congressmen and and Senators but also know that if every sportsman in the state of New York who frequents the online forums did the same it woulnd't make a bit of difference. Even if every shooter did it would not matter. Schumer and Clinton never have and never will depend on their votes for office so anything we say to them is meaningless.
"Religions are all alike - founded upon fables and mythologies." Thomas Jefferson

"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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Old February 21, 2007, 06:03 PM   #179
Yankee Doodle
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Just got this on my e-mail


Dear fellow 2nd Amendment Supporters,

I am writing to thank all of you for your activism in making us aware of the comments made on Mr. Zumbo’s blog. Hi Mountain Jerky and Seasoning has been a sponsor of his hunting show on the Outdoor Channel, but is in the process of terminating our relationship. We do not support his statements regarding his view of the Second Amendment and would not have supported the show or had his endorsement on our packaging in the past had we known this. We fully stand behind the individual right to keep and bear arms as our Founding Fathers intended. It is truly heartwarming to see the grass roots activism in support of our Second Amendment, please know Hi Mountain Jerky and Seasoning stands behind you.

Thank you,

Hans Hummel
Hi Mountain Jerky, Inc.
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Old February 21, 2007, 06:34 PM   #180
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The proposed packaging design on the McBrady's new Zumbo meal.....

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Old February 21, 2007, 08:00 PM   #181
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Note that the "good people" are DEAD because they HAD NO GUNS.
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Old February 21, 2007, 08:33 PM   #182
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Good response!
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Old February 21, 2007, 08:37 PM   #183
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can't help it

I wasn't going to jump in, but...

There once was a writer named Zumbo
Who assaulted AR/AK owners, outrageously so!
His excuse was he was tired
But it appears that he's fired,
A victim of terrorist lingo
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Old February 21, 2007, 11:31 PM   #184
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I may be sorry I jumped into this mess, but my flame proof suit is on. I don't agree with Mr. Zumbo about his claim that AK and AR's are terrorist weapons. I do know, as all of you do, that most of the people in this world that want to do us harm, use AK's. The men trying to stop this use AR's. It is unfortunate that someone as involved in the shooting sports didn't realize this simple fact. Personally, I have no particular desire for a AK, only because I prefer guns that shoot more accuratly. I have owned a couple of Mini 14's looking for a good one, I haven't found one that shots under 4 MOA. Would I spend my money on an AK with no better accuracy, not a chance. Do I care if the guy on the bench next to me shot a an AR or AK or whatever,, NOPE. Zumbo was wrong ( stupid, in error, shoud have thought about it) to pontificate his views on a National site or magazine. I have no particular use for either, but I sure don't think YOU don't have the right to have or use them for targets or hunting. He certainly should have known better than to condemn a gun he now says he didn't know much about.
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Old February 22, 2007, 02:49 AM   #185
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That 6 year old sure is a good writer at that age. I don't know many who are able to pull of that level of sophisticated writing at that age so I would guess its not real and created by a progun guy to show the folly of the antigunner opinion especially considering the way its been put together.

That bugs me for some reason too. I wish the guy would put his proper age and stop pretending to be a 6 year old.
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Old February 22, 2007, 08:10 AM   #186
Al Norris
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Originally Posted by Musketeer
If everyone always reacted to the Governemnt as fiercly as they did the Zumbo article it would be good. At the same time do not for a minute think the effects would be the same. The sponsors for Zumbo depend almost 100%on the shooting community for their livelyhood. When there is such an outpouring of anger ffrom the very community they depend on it certainly gets their attention.
I've been doing a little thinking on just that idea. It's still a half-baked idea, but I'm wondering how this might work:

Take H.R. 1022 (the Carolyn McCarthy AWB bill, recently introduced). If it looked like it would get out of committee, or (heavens forbid) get to a floor vote, we could spread the word to the various bloggers and gun/hunting forums (as was done with Zumbo). A mass email campaign to the Congress Critters and to the major campaign donors of those Critters.

I'm thinking that these political people must have some major corporate sponsorship in their donation portfolios. We let these "sponsors" know that there will be a united, 80 million strong, boycott in the offing, should their pet congressman/senator vote the wrong way on the legislation. And we let the Congress Critter know what we are going to do!

The Congressman/Senator may be able to ignore the tens of thousands of emails from us, but I suspect that at the corporate level, they won't be ignored. The corporate people will contact their sponsoree. I doubt that this will be ignored.

We hit them where it counts. Just as we did with Zumbo. In their corporate wallets and their campaign treasuries.

As I said, it is only a half-baked idea. Would it work?
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Old February 22, 2007, 10:16 AM   #187
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We hit them where it counts. Just as we did with Zumbo. In their corporate wallets and their campaign treasuries.
Excellent idea.
We used to read what company's were supporting gun control in the gun magazines, and or who to avoid or contact, and make our own decisions, but now with the net we have a large lobby power as just shown in the Zumbo case.

Someone or group a lot savvier and smarter than I should with the use of the internet connect hundereds of thousands, if not millions of us gun owners. With all the forum and firearm, hunting shooting web sites we are quite a force if united.
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Old February 22, 2007, 12:53 PM   #188
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Outdoor life has now parted ways with Zumbo.
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Old February 22, 2007, 01:10 PM   #189
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Jim's remarks on things thus far, and leaving Outdoor Life:
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Old February 22, 2007, 01:37 PM   #190
Yankee Doodle
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Bye Bye from gerber

Just got response from Gerber Legendary Blades.
They are cutting all ties with Zumbo as well.
Looks like he forgot the adage:
Engage brain BEFORE putting mouth in gear.
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Old February 22, 2007, 01:43 PM   #191
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I am sure I am in a minority here but I tend to believe him. I think it was a terrible mistake on his part, and he is paying dearly. Who know where this might go, in the end it may benefit us all as gun owners. Jim is now for sure going to be a out spoken advocate for black rifles with what influence he has left and it has or is uniting us as a force to be reckoned with as gun owners.
As new legislation comes into play hopefully this will have helped our cause in the long run. Lets all hope this will in the end have a positive effect.
Jim will never fully recover I feel sure but maybe it will be to our advantage in the long run
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Old February 22, 2007, 01:50 PM   #192
Al Norris
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This apology is worth its weight. If he had said this in the first place, I doubt the firestorm would have been near as bad. And we wouldn't have seen the power we actually wield.

Contingent upon Mr. Zumbo doing what he has said (at the Nugent forum), I'm not only willing to forgive, but welcome him back to the fold with open arms.

The damage is done, but this may go a long way to mitigate the harm.
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Old February 22, 2007, 01:57 PM   #193
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Gerber Has Now Dumped Him

So, who has heard from:


Or are they all out of the picture, since there is no longer a TV show, or magazine column?
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Old February 22, 2007, 02:12 PM   #194
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Not sure if this has been posted yet, but Remington has now severed all ties to Zumbo also.

Remington to Sever Sponsorship Ties with Jim Zumbo

Madison, North Carolina – As a result of comments made by Mr. Jim Zumbo in recent postings on his blog site, Remington Arms Company, Inc., has severed all sponsorship ties with Mr. Zumbo effective immediately. While Mr. Zumbo is entitled to his opinions and has the constitutional right to freely express those opinions, these comments are solely his, and do not reflect the views of Remington.

“Remington has spent tens of millions of dollars defending our Second Amendment rights to privately own and possess firearms and we will continue to vigorously fight to protect these rights,” commented Tommy Millner, Remington’s CEO and President. “As hunters and shooters of all interest levels, we should strive to utilize this unfortunate occurrence to unite as a whole in support of our Second Amendment rights.”

We regret having to terminate our long-standing relationship with Mr. Zumbo, who is a well-respected writer and life-long hunter.
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Old February 22, 2007, 02:21 PM   #195
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You're a vengeful lot, aren't you?
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Old February 22, 2007, 02:22 PM   #196
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Contingent upon Mr. Zumbo doing what he has said (at the Nugent forum), I'm not only willing to forgive, but welcome him back to the fold with open arms.

The damage is done, but this may go a long way to mitigate the harm
Zumbo might redeem himself if he becomes a Constitutional scholar and studies history with the same zeal as he pursued hunting. As many have said, this is a 2nd Amendment issue. The man didn't understand the place the AR holds in hunting, but he is apparently totally ignorant about the 2nd A. His skills as a writer can be put to good use if he will, first, educate himself, and second, educate others. It may be a whole new career for the man.
I agree with your assessment, Antipitas. The damage is done, hopefully he can help us in the long run.

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Old February 22, 2007, 03:02 PM   #197
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The problem I have with Zumbo's "apology" is that he keeps referring to AR's and such in hunting terms. He's going to hunt with an AR - big whoop.
It isn't about what is and is not a proper hunting implement, it is about a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and he seems to be missing that completely.

He may be a great hunting writer, but his first foray as a "gun writer" cost him his career, and he deserves it.
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Old February 22, 2007, 03:26 PM   #198
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I had the opportunity to meet Jim in Syracuse a few years ago at a hunting seminar hosted by outdoor life. He seemed to be a genuine and open person. He treated everyone he met that day with respect and was happy to meet everyone there.

He made a mistake and has publicly apologized for it. It has cost him friends, his job and the respect of many people. Shouldn't that be enough?

Let it go, all of us here have opened our mouths at the wrong time and said the wrong things to the wrong people. let it go.....
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Old February 22, 2007, 03:41 PM   #199
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From Zumbo's apology at

I’m learning that many of my pals own AR-15’s and similar firearms and indeed use them for hunting. I was totally unaware that they were being used for legitimate hunting purposes. That is the absolute truth.
I am sorry but he still does not get it. His apology with regards to that statement is like that of a husband to an irate wife when he has no idea what he did to cause the problem. God knows I have been in that situation! You are sincere in your apology but you just DO NOT GET IT.

Zumbo knows he has hurt the shooting community and his fans. I do believe that part of his apology is sincere. He still does not understand why what he said is so damaging.

He attacked EBRs (Evil Black Rifles) and to some extent their owners. He does not understand though that those citizens who own EBRs DO NOT NEED the excuse that they are good for hunting to defend their right to own them. To me it seems he has suddenly realized EBRs can be used for hunting so now they are somehow "justified" and not "terrorist weapons."

He does not get it that hunting is not supposed to be justification for gun ownership.

Like I said, I believe he is sincere. He just doesn't get it yet. I think there is hope for him but I doubt he will ever be able to personally make up for the damage he has done. His quote will be used by the Bradys and other antis for years to come but his apology will certainly not be included. Give him time, let him talk to others who saw no problem in giving up EBRs in the UK only to loose the sporting firearms soon after. Let him pull himself out of the woods and learn first hand the real battle going on around the 2A. Then let him reissue an enlightenned apology.

I think his "punishments" have been justified. The best that can come out of this now is a lesson to others that we need to stand together in defense of teh 2A or be disarmed individually.
"Religions are all alike - founded upon fables and mythologies." Thomas Jefferson

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Old February 22, 2007, 04:05 PM   #200
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I am sorry but he still does not get it. His apology with regards to that statement is like that of a husband to an irate wife when he has no idea what he did to cause the problem. God knows I have been in that situation! You are sincere in your apology but you just DO NOT GET IT.
Dead on. He still clings, barnicle-like, to the specious premise that the only "legitimate" firearm is one you can hunt with. That's CRAP.

The Second Amendment is about ensuring the citizens' ability to protect their rights against all enemies of freedom, foreign and domestic. Hunting is utterly IRRELEVANT.

Whatever sincerity Dumbo Zumbo may now have is also irrelevant. He STILL does not "get it." He has no more comprehension of the Second Amendment now than before; merely a vague concept of an AR (no other "assault weapons" were included in his pseudo-epiphany) as a "legitimate hunting rifle."

Zumbo is another wilfully ignorant, dumb Fudd; TSTL - Too Stupid Too Live. He deserved every bit of the retaliation he received and, apparently still does.
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