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Old November 25, 2008, 12:53 PM   #51
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In terms of being an average Joe civilian, do we really need to sleep with guns? Do we really need to carry guns? Do we really need to have guns?

In my civilian experiences, the answer is no, we dont really need any of this stuff. There has not been an incident at my house, or my neighbor's house or anywhere in the neighborhood, ever. I do travel around a lot and I really havent come upon one incident where there was a need to pull a gun.

There have been some hostile situations in my life where if I did pull a gun then it would have probably made things a lot worse.

However, the need to carry guns and have them by the bedside is the same as the need for nuclear weapons. In America, a burglar is deterred by the knowledge that some people might have guns by their bedside. Violence on the streets is deterred by the knowledge that some people might be carrying guns.

The necessity to carry and have guns is really for the deterence of criminal action. There are those rare times, however, when its more then just deterence, but the purpose behind carrying and having is to have that deterence.

I believe every homeowner should at least have a .38 revolver at the bare minimum. If it was known that everyone had a pistol in their house, then think of the amount of burglaries that would be reduced or the amount of at home violence that would be reduced.

I sure would not go knocking on someone's door in a strange neighborhood if I knew that there were very liberal gun laws and that most everyone had one...

If everyone carried a pistol on the street, Im willing to bet that there would a great reduction in overall crime. If I were a police officer, I would feel more comfortable knowing that everyone is armed around me.
I'm sorry, but I'm not quite sure I follow or agree with your logic. I'm not sure where you live, but it must be some crime free utopia. Crimes do occur where most of us live. Check your local newspaper if you don't believe me. This is despite the fact that there are many states that allow for concealed carry. If your logic held true, there would be no burgleries or crimes in general.

While it is my sincere hope I never have to use a gun to defend myself (and I'm sure most members on this forum feel that way) I am not naive enough to believe that I will never be the target of a criminal. I have been burglerized once and had my car broken into once. Had I or my wife been home and suprised the burgler, there could have been a confrontation, especially if they were armed.

You are assuming that most burglers are not armed and only want to steal your stuf and leave. What about the increase in home invasions? What about rapists? Do you think the victims would be better off unarmed? While you can say that the percentage chance of being a victim are still relatively low (check the FBI crime statistics), what about when your number comes up? Do you prefer to be a helpless victim? I don't believe that any of the members on this forum are willing to just be helpless victims.

As for having gun in every home and everyone carry a pistol, that is delusional. Simply having a gun does not mean you know how to use it. What would keep criminals from just shooting people in the back and then robbing them? I suggest that you do some research on crimes in less developed countries. I went to Caracas, Venezuela for business quite a few years back. Car jackings there typically play out as follows... The car jacker shoots you while you are at a stop light, drags your body our of the car, and then drives off. None of that "polite" get the bleep put of the car or "simple" pistol whip before driving off.

Believe what you want, but you have a "victim" mindset right now. I feel that I have the duty to protect my loved ones and I work hard for what I have. I will not simply "roll over" to any criminal and I will be ready and able to defend myself and my loved ones. As unlikely as it is, people still "win the lottery".
The ATF should be a convenience store instead of a government agency!
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Old November 25, 2008, 01:09 PM   #52
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I'd still like to hear more about the mechanics of sleeping with guns, what kind of holster do you sleep in, do you use a fanny pack, anyone?
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Old November 25, 2008, 03:55 PM   #53
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JohnH1963 wrote:
There have been some hostile situations in my life where if I did pull a gun then it would have probably made things a lot worse.
Count your blessing that you have not yet experienced a hostile (life-threatening) situation where pulling a gun would probably have made things a lot better. Chances are very good that you will at least once in your life.

Will you be ready...and equipped...for it?
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Old November 25, 2008, 11:20 PM   #54
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Dare I say it: Under the pillow

A Glock is not going to go off unless you pull the trigger, nor is a DA revolver.

Has anyone heard of a negligent discharge associated with having a gun in the bed? Or of a Glock without a finger?

I don't sleep with a gun in my room, usually. On the road, I usually put it into the bedside table, unless it's a skeezy place, in which case it goes under the pillow.

I also keep my keys and wallet with the gun so I don't forget it...and I never leave it in the room, unless there's a safe.
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Old November 26, 2008, 01:29 AM   #55
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3 guns...but mostly for my pleasure.

I sleep with a loaded 38 snubby in a holster under the mattress...and a 38 4" in a holster under the bed...not that I might need it, but it's my favorite pistol and I often wear it around the house unloaded. The 3rd is a 9mm on the floor with full clip but nothing in the's a play gun for me to fool around with, after I remove the loaded clip and insert an empty. I practice some live, but a lot of dry shooting as well.

I do have a gun safe and probably will put my play things away with the exception of the 38 under the mattress on my side.

I live in an exceptionally safe neighborhood...I think...and still have grown kids at home (2), my wife works night even when off goes and comes at odd hours. And my 20 year old's girlfriend, another night worker, comes over at odd hours. Most often I never know she's in the house. And the guys coming soon to install a new shower...will probably show up early in the morning when I may still be asleep. But noises and even the presence of strangers never alarm me to the point of picking up a gun...I most often answer the door with just me as I is. (That could be frightening enough!)

I don't do concealed carry, as, so far there is no need for it. Going for a gun for noises in the house would be a I just pray and hope to avoid anything remotely threatening...but I can respond if need be.

I like guns...but more importantly I do believe that society could quickly get a whole lot shakier than it is...and then, guns might be much more important, as heavy duty screens and new set of locks etc.

I would like to avoid all of that...and pray that it not happen on my watch...but from what I could.
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Old November 26, 2008, 02:21 AM   #56
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I couldn't imagine sleeping without my Glock within arms reach. It's either under the pillow or next to me in bed. The wife thinks I'm nuts.

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Old November 26, 2008, 03:35 AM   #57
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R1145 in answer to your question we investigated a case where an old guy heard a bump in the night pulled his gun out saw movement at the foot of his bed and shot his toe.

My Sig is on the headboard where both I or my wife can reach it My S&W 340PD is standing up in the partialy open drawer by my bed Both with Crimson Trace Lasers. When I get up they go in my holster and pocket.

I haven't been without a gun since 1968 except on planes and then it was in my checked luggage.

Last edited by armsmaster270; November 26, 2008 at 11:20 PM.
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Old November 26, 2008, 08:44 AM   #58
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Years ago I heard the most common place to look for a weapon was the night stand, it appear that it is still true today.

I think it was an NRA video, not sure, but they recommended placing the gun on the floor next to the bed. Then placing a magazine or book over top of it. That way it looked natural, and if a criminal did manage to sneak in he may not find it. Also it allowed you to roll out of bed onto the floor where your gun would be waiting, and provide a little cover from an attacker. This would ensure you were awake and not have a ND on a loved one.

Made good sense to me. I personally have a couple locked in an electronic safe. as I have children in the house. We have our house in a "good" area, but also have it lit up and doors closed and locked with deadbolts. Many of our neighbors leave their garage doors wide open, so am thinking the targets would be them.

I also have an 80 lb German Shepherd, and a 30 lb noisey mutt for my high tech alarm system.

Dogs are great early warning systems!
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Old November 26, 2008, 08:51 AM   #59
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Dogs are great early warning systems!
Dogs make good backup systems. Dogs are as fallible as we are.

I have sneaked into my own home. Specifically to test my dogs. I was amazed to find that on numerous occasions I was able to make it through my entire home all the way to my bedroom only to find my dog soundly asleep, snoring loud enough to wake the dead....whereupon I woke them with a royal start.

It is why I went ahead and installed a electronic alarm system.
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Old November 26, 2008, 09:46 AM   #60
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I'm with Creature re dogs. Much as I do feel protected by mine, esp. from squirrels and cats and other dogs passing by, I know that she can have selective hearing, and that if I was to be targeted it wouldn't take a brain surgeon to neutralize her.

Even though she is never outside unsupervised, ie only on leash, it would not be difficult to place poisoned meat in her path, or to get into the house and make peace with her.

The fact that she looks fierce and will bite frightens people, which is useful...but if money wasn't an issue I'd help her out with a fence for the yard and some geese to wake her up. And if she really can't be roused to get to the door when I am trying to enter, what am I going to do? Call the cops only to find she was accidently shut in a room somewhere?
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Old November 26, 2008, 10:37 AM   #61
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Interesting thoughts regarding Dogs, I suppose very valid points as well.

I guess my thought process is to have many levels of security in your home. Not just a gun, not just well lit, not just clearing vegatation away from your home, not just closing and locking doors, not just relying on dogs, or security systems, etc.

I think we have to have as many layers as possible, and yet still be able to live fairly peaceable. On guard, but able to relax somewhat.

Hope this makes a little more sense, not trying to get off topic, just adding a bit to it. I think it unwise to place all hope in one thing alone, if you do and lose it, your options disappear. Many options are always better.
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Old November 26, 2008, 10:41 AM   #62
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I keep mine chambered and de-cocked. It's a DA/SA with no safety so all I need to do is grab and squeeze. I keep it on my nightstand within arm's reach.
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Old November 27, 2008, 11:59 AM   #63
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Dgos, like humans w/firearms require training. They aslo require consistency and continuation in their training, again like people. They are only one layer of protection though. Many options are best, one or two are not as favorable. But a wise man once said, even a small gun is better than no gun in a fight.

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Old November 27, 2008, 12:18 PM   #64
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Dgos, like humans w/firearms require training.
Some dogs do not require training to be good watch dogs. There are many breeds which make excellent watch dogs. Some are born and bred to be always "alert" even to the point of remaining semi-conscious at night time when most people are asleep. Many watch dogs will only sleep deeply when the rest of the pack (their human/s) are awake. Many people confuse watch dogs with guard dogs. Guard dogs require training.
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Old November 27, 2008, 01:39 PM   #65
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Sleeping with a loaded side arm

No I do not live in the former Soviet Union, however if I did and had the Russian Mob gunning for me I sure as hell would be sleeping with a loaded side arm and probably a select fire weapon as well. Having said that there are many white folks still living in South Africa. They live in armed, guarded, walled compounds. The folks there keep and live with side arms and select fire weapons as a matter of course, like Rosie O'Donal uses spoons. When they go to bed at night they keep their powder dry and everybody in the household has a loaded weapon within easy fast reach. In a situation like that I want a loaded side arm in a shoulder holster on my little pink body when I go beddy by.
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Old November 27, 2008, 02:52 PM   #66
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I am too paranoid of arming an attruder should he be silent enough to get inside of my bedroom before I wake up to deal with him.

So,not on the nightstand for me.

My gun is at my side,on the floor,next to the bed,covered up with a hand towel.

We also have no kids in the house.
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Old November 27, 2008, 05:12 PM   #67
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What about a holster that is designed for the bed? I think I did see one out there where it fits in between the box spring and the mattress. The pistol is then within an arms reach, but you have to stoop over and get it in a deliberate action. Under the pillow, well, sometimes I reach under the pillow while sleeping.

I guess the pistol going off while sleeping is a remote possibility, but I do strive for 100% safety so as to prevent low-probability/high-risk situations.

If you feel that it is neccasary to sleep with a pistol in your room and afraid of someone sneaking in, then the door to the room should be as secure as the door to the outside of the house. A deadbolt at the minimum. I hired a locksmith who reinforced the door frame and placed a nice deadbolt on my bedroom door. The actual door is more like the outside door to the house then the standard doors that are found inside homes. I also utilize a door knob alarm and door security bar that can be found cheaply on the web or at home depot.

A few other measures I use are motion detectors right outside the door and in hallways which set of alarms and lights. These are also fairly cheap at home depot or on the web.

If someone manages to get through the motion detectors, then they have to get through the bedroom door. They could get through it, but I think it would take a few good kicks which will give me enough time. No one is going to sneak through though...
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Old November 27, 2008, 05:20 PM   #68
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Here is my side of the bed...

The pistol is only a .22 but the ruger hard case would wear out if I use it much so I committed my Homer slipper to holster duty. It is not my main HD gun but I will use it if I must...
It is also fully loaded with one in the pipe as is the 20 gauge mossberg.
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Old November 29, 2008, 12:54 PM   #69
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I'm worried that a burglar will steal the pistol when I'm not there, so I rely upon an 870 under the bed. Sure, he could steal that too, but it's harder to conceal than a pistol. Plus 870's are easier to replace.

This reminds me - I need to buy a used book and hollow it out; I think that's a good place. I need to find one that will accommodate a 1911, though.
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Old November 30, 2008, 07:05 AM   #70
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Glock 22 or 27, with one always in the chamber, on the nightstand next to bed. I don't understand the shoulder holster while sleeping in my own bed and not deployed somewhere, but to each his own. Although with some of the girls I have dated in the past, might have been a good option.
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Old November 30, 2008, 01:47 PM   #71
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Ruger SP101 on top of the nightstand.
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Old November 30, 2008, 10:04 PM   #72
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In my situation: A revolver in a holster in the nightstand by day and on the nightstand by night. I have no children.
Life is a web woven by necessity and chance...
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Old November 30, 2008, 10:58 PM   #73
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Under my bed, in a biometric safe which is cabled to the wood & metal bed frame, sits a 1911 in condition 3.

I would rather extend the time it takes me to get my weapon ready for self defense, if that reduces the likelihood of the weapon being stolen or used by anybody other than me.

My carry gun is upstairs with the range toys, inside a quality safe, to which only I have the combo. When my son in law visits overnight, his gun goes in the safe, except when we are on the way to the range. House rules.

There are two dogs in the house, but they wouldn't do much more than bark. My wife turns on the security system at night if I'm not home.

This works for us. In twenty six years of marriage, we've only taken to locking all the doors at night when I'm home for the past 3 or 4 years. So far, so good.
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Old December 2, 2008, 12:48 AM   #74
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This would be an interesting training scenario that would probably be best fit for say contractors going off to Iraq. Get everyone sleeping armed with paint guns, start sounding airhorns and setting off firecrackers at 3am and see how everyone gets into a defensive position. I bet you would be seeing paint all over the ceiling, floors and all over everyone
Basic training, November 1991. Final FTX (Field Training Exercise):
Grenade Simulator in tree above sleeping squad. 1 severely twisted ankle, several bruises, one serious laceration (NEVER SLEEP NEXT TO CONCERTINA WIRE) several drill sergeants laughing their butts off.

Fort Irwin, January 1992. Artillery Simulator (Loads of fun) in midst of sleeping platoon. No Negligent Discharges (blanks again.)

Lesson learned: Train, Train, Train. Whatever you do, get some snap caps and practice getting it from sleep. Field strip it with your eyes closed. Bring it to firing condition in the dark. If you have it and are going to trust your life to it, get some snap caps and make it part of you. Take it to the range. Know it as well as you know your wife.
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Old December 2, 2008, 07:57 AM   #75
Mike Irwin
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I find that clenching my gun tightly between my buttocks just before going to bed offers me the greatest combination of security and accessability.
"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is in fact the most precious and valuable possession of mankind" -Theodorus Gaza

Baby Jesus cries when the fat redneck doesn't have military-grade firepower.
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