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Old August 6, 2007, 01:43 PM   #26
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the civil suit idea is something to consider, but these people dont have squat, think TRAILER TRASH and you will get the picture, they are renting the house, so maybe they wont be there forever, i do know the people that they rent from, couldnt hurt to talk to them, but as long as the rent check doesnt bounce, i doubt he would care.
You might look into suing the land lord. A good lawyer could present things to him in such a manner that he might become inclined to think about kicking the bums out.
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Old August 6, 2007, 05:58 PM   #27
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If you're into dogs, you could get a big one, stake him in the ground, with a rope long enough to go around the length of the truck.

Another option, get an alarm put into the truck. Its expensive, but your response time will be reduced.

A third option, purchase an alarm that gets "tripped" when a pin is pulled out of it. There are many different styles that have powerful signals. You can then run wire across the property, so that if anyone enters, the wire will pull the pin on the alarm, alerting you, and scaring them off. This should prevent any future damage.
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Old August 6, 2007, 06:34 PM   #28
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JoeBlackSpade, Thanks for the link. I've been looking for similar products for a while.
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Old August 6, 2007, 07:31 PM   #29
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There are ways to solve problems, if you are a thinker you can solve them. You need a piece of mind. Take a vacation and let things wind down. Find out who the real estate management company is, chances they don't know what a wreck they are causing the house these trash live in I can garantee you that. Chances you would do a landlord a favor if you would just go to the courthouse or some other and find out who the landlord is and just find a reason to evict these rats. The land lord would probably be onyour side in this case just to rid them. On average no one wants rats for tenants except rats (landlord rats). You can figure that one out in two seconds. There are ways. Pipe in CS Gas in the middle of the night would be a great clue to you but I can't suggest that because that would be breaking the law.
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Old August 6, 2007, 07:57 PM   #30
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I have seen this numerous times. The only way these pukes are going to stay away from you is to make their life hell just for looking your way. That's the only way people like that get the message. One of them needs a skateboard shoved up his ***. Or you could put some m-80 firecrackers in the bottom of their grill and cover it with mesquite chips...that would be worth watching the next time they cooked out.

I really think sending the landlord a letter from your lawyer will go a long way in getting rid of them though...especially if you can get your other neighbors on board with an all out legal assault.
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Old August 6, 2007, 08:20 PM   #31
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although the legal route is safer, if this was my problem I would be using blanks or the tripwire type devices. Assuming it's legal in the area (although it's probably not from the sounds of it, in a neighborhood-like area that is). Also, I liked the paintball idea too, even more if you can manage to get some of those balls filled with mace.
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Old August 6, 2007, 08:22 PM   #32
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Some creative ideas here...I like how some of you think. Are you guys in a single family home, condo, townhouse, apartment?
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Old August 6, 2007, 08:54 PM   #33
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i like the trip wire alarm idea, but arent they going to eventually see the wire?

once that happens, it would be useless.

i already know the landlord, there was a Mexican family living there, they were good people, they moved out but still own the place. they have never had any nice and quiet people renting, the last family they had living there had the cops over several times, because they were fighting with each other. not the best of neighbors, but atleast they didnt bother me. that bunch looks like the Waltons compared to this current batch of crap.

i think talking to him and maybe a lawyer is the next move.

in the meantime i left some cheese(a bicycle) out for the rat with a video camera running. are they stupid enough to hit me 3 nights in a row?
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Old August 6, 2007, 10:09 PM   #34
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I knew a man with the same problem. He hired a teenager,(read "out of town hitman), from out of area. He just beat the stew outta the punks. The message was leave the neighbors ALONE. They got the message.

About your video camera. Hook it up to a VCR and set the tape time to 6 or 8 hours. It will give you something to look at.

I do know the rage you feel. I have an F-150. Got the super cab...with the two small doors for rear seat access. The punks broke that door window to get a $140 radio two years ago. Ford LOVES those the tune of $700. I used after market...still $500.

Yea...I wanted to shoot 'em too...and probably would have If I had caught them on the act. I know...not good.
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Old August 7, 2007, 12:01 AM   #35
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What about investing in some cheap outdoor motion activated lighting? Get one of the big jobs that hold 3-4 250 watt or higher spot beam lamps, with directional motion sensors, and aim them in the general area. Soon as they get near, the floodlights will bang straight on them, and it may scare them into thinking you are home, at least a few times until you can set up some better defenses.

I would seriously consider a big, mean, loud dog, securely tied, but with enough cable to roam a wide area of your property without leaving it. Getting their marbles chewed off by such a creature will no doubt deter their late night activities.

As for the ciggarette butts, just wait till the middle of the night and empty your trash cans on her lawn a few dozen times. (after removing any paper or identifying material obviously) They won't be able to prove it, and nothing says keep your crap off my lawn like a few dozen cans of nasty garbage.
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Old August 7, 2007, 12:45 AM   #36
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I know a fellow whos family owns a building in Philadelphia that was next to a rental home w/ similar tenants. They needed to get the landlord to remove these people because they were harassing the Korean family that rented their first floor - really making their lives hell.

Well the other landlord didn't want to deal with it.

So my friend's family began petitioning for condemnation, reporting code violations, storage of hazardous materials, pretty much any type of filing that would trigger a review and possible inspection.

You can apparently do most of this by just filing forms, and some of these reports are kept anonymous, at least in Philadelphia. You don't need an attorney either.

The property doesn't need to actually have anything wrong with it. Once the bureaucratic process has begun there's going to be a certain amount of red tape for the property owner simply to determine whether the process is warranted. This equates to time and money, and the potential that fines will be levied.

The result was that the other landlord eventually buckled and sold the property.
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Old August 7, 2007, 06:30 AM   #37
Spade Cooley
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I think the only reasonable solution would be to move. The courts favor the bad boys and would punish you if you took agressive action. The paint ball gud idea has merit but the boys would be claiming that you shot them on their property rather than yours. An order of protection along with the cameras that could show the trespass might help.

My son had a buddy who could not get rid of some young men who refused to pay the rent. In California it takes about six months to kick out tenants. He hired an outlaw motorcycle gang to take care of it. They walked into the home by kicking down the door and told the boys they had two weeks to get out. The boys responded by placing fake bombs around the place, My son then called the police about the bombs that appeared real and they hauled them off to jail. The house could then be secured. They didn't return. They were a couple of freeloading dope heads.
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Old August 7, 2007, 08:37 AM   #38
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I can vouche for anyone in regards to MCs. We have a couple patch holders from the dominant MC here in the neighborhood and even though they are rarely seen, our neighborhood is pretty dang safe. Someone would be crazy to knowingly crap in their backyard (the neighborhood).
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Old August 7, 2007, 09:46 AM   #39
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Snoopy first off I would post the property with a few NO Treepassing signs and ask about the current laws regarding this , here in Missouri criminal tresspassing would cost them hundreds of dollars for each offense .

Next I would do a search for the X10 camera it can be had for $79.99 and it comes equiped to hook up to your VCR with a motion sensor .

Third I would ad a motion sensing flood light or two to the yard .

If the cops refused to do their jobs after a few pictures send the tapes to the local TV news and see if they will run a story on why the cops refuse to do their jobs , and even write a few news papers also .

Mount the camera up high near the guttering to keep them from reaching it and destroying it .

Forget the search here is a link .

Best of luck hope it works out .
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Old August 7, 2007, 11:01 AM   #40
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Although imagination is a great thing I am at a loss for some of these answers. Breaking the law is a BAD idea in any fashion. I don't think it would be fun to have someone actually try some of this and then have it fall back to you for even mentioning.

The game camra isn't a bad idea if you can mount it high enough. Talking to a lawyer and even filling out a report or complaint with the township is a good start.

But if it comes down to it moving would be the best option. You know that the landlord lets scum live there repeatedly. So what makes you assume that the next batch of neighbors will be any better.

Honestly I think everyone should check this nonsense and even the mention of unlawful activity.

Capt Charlie says it best.

You are an embassador for the world of firearm owners.
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Old August 7, 2007, 11:32 AM   #41
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Snoopy, This may not be an option for you, but have you considered moving? You can do a lot of things as have been suggested by others, however if you succeed in getting them kicked out, what's to keep them from continuing to harass you? They know where you live. Good luck on finding a resolve to this issue. ez
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Old August 7, 2007, 11:49 AM   #42
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Well said, Whitefeather.

Shooting teenagers with paint balls, or digging pungi stakes into the ground... these ideas SOUND hilarious, and appeal to that little twisted side in each one of us, that wants to see those kids bit on the butt by a Rottweiler.

The problem is that none of those punks are worth doing a week in the clink for. Shoot someone's kid with paint balls, and you are going to jail for assault. Hiring another teenager to "whip em up" is no better. Not only would you NOT solve the problem, you'll create more complications for your life than you want or need. These ideas are funny, and in some small measure, writing them out gives us a bit of release for pent-up frustration. Each of us has come across idiots before, and some of us have imagined them stepping into a loop of rope that snatches them up into the air, dangling by one leg- like an episode of Bugs Bunny. Such ideas, humorous though they may be, belong in fantasy land, and that's where they should stay.

Re: tripwires and alarms-

The post I made earlier involved using a trip-wire to SOUND AN ALARM. I also provided a link to a company that manufactures simple trip-wire alarms. It's an inexpensive way of alerting you to a potential robbery/vandalism act. I am not advocating creating booby traps in your yard, I'm merely offering a way of creating a basic alarm system that will cost a few dollars at most to install.

Good lighting systems- coupled with motion detectors, and properly placed alarms will pretty much eliminate the problem.

Good luck.
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Old August 7, 2007, 12:04 PM   #43
Capt. Charlie
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Each of us has come across idiots before, and some of us have imagined them stepping into a loop of rope that snatches them up into the air, dangling by one leg- like an episode of Bugs Bunny. Such ideas, humorous though they may be, belong in fantasy land, and that's where they should stay.
Whitefeather and Joe nailed it.

Normally, I would simply delete posts suggesting illegal activity. They don't reflect well on The Firing Line, its Members, or gunners in general. They are so entwined in this thread though, that it would be difficult, if not impossible to do.

What to do? I should close this, but Snoopy has a real problem, and a few here actually took the high road.

Considering that, this stays open.... for now. Whether or not it stays open is entirely up to you.
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Old August 7, 2007, 12:09 PM   #44
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Those kids and their mom need to be taught a lesson.

The kids deserve a good old fashion ass kicking.
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Old August 7, 2007, 01:04 PM   #45
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While I agree that it is the best option to take 'the high road' as you say, god its good for the heart just to 'think' about getting them back in some fashion.

But seriously, like I said before, some well placed flood lights and a barking dog can be a great deterent. I have both, and the local kids stay well away from my property, but the neighbors get vandalized in small ways all the time.

You obviously don't want them to get bitten, but just knowing a dog is out there that might bite them if they get too close can keep them away. And little thieving punks like the cover of darkness. You light your yard up good and bright with motion lights, and the rats will scurry for cover.

As for dumping your trash on their lawn, it was a fun suggestion, and while it would feel soooo good to do, I wouldn't really advise it.

And Capt. Charlie, FWIW, members of this board can applaude at the mere thought of a homeowner chasing down heavily armed badguys, off his property, firing rounds through a residential neighborhood, during a high speed car chase, and its totally okay.....but mention doing a few well deserved dirty tricks to a few future inmates that are vandalizing your stuff, and we are taking the 'low road'? C'mon man.....

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Old August 7, 2007, 01:13 PM   #46
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Honestly I think everyone should check this nonsense and even the mention of unlawful activity.

Capt Charlie says it best.

You are an ambassador for the world of firearm owners.
Best advice yet about breaking the law.
Those kids and their mom need to be taught a lesson.

The kids deserve a good old fashion ass kicking.
That is assault and will get you thrown in jail. Period.
And Capt. Charlie, FWIW, members of this board can applaude at the mere thought of a homeowner chasing down heavily armed badguys, off his property, firing rounds through a residential neighborhood, during a high speed car chase, and its totally okay.....but mention doing a few well deserved dirty tricks to a few future inmates that are vandalizing your stuff, and we are taking the 'low road'? C'mon man.....
This isn't about doing what "feels good"...this about deliberately, constructively, and logically thinking out the best course of action for our brother who has a problem and has asked for our wisdom and advice...not the rantings of repressed sociopaths.

As hard as it sounds, seriously think about moving...and do it soon before your property value really starts to drop. Your nieghborhood sounds like it is beginning down the slippery slope into decline.

For now, protect yourself with video cameras, motion lights, ...and the long arm of the law. Johnny Law loves a paper trail.

Last edited by Creature; August 7, 2007 at 03:38 PM.
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Old August 7, 2007, 02:29 PM   #47
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A game camera seems like a great idea. Pictures stored digitally, MADE to be there when you are not, takes inclimate weather, motion activated. What you do with the pictures is up to you. For me, I would walk next door and threaten police action on her youngsters while portraying confidence that my "security camera" photos will bring the law down upon her. If she's not at the very least appologetic, maybe the police would take a look and take some action. And if nothing else, like others suggest take them to a newspaper or TV station.

don't forget to secure your camera or make sure it's well hidden...
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Old August 7, 2007, 02:31 PM   #48
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but mention doing a few well deserved dirty tricks to a few future inmates that are vandalizing your stuff, and we are taking the 'low road'? C'mon man.....
There's a world of difference between commenting upon someone's actions and opining on whether they were legal, and advocating the commission of illegal acts as was done in this thread.
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Old August 7, 2007, 02:35 PM   #49
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Big dog trained not to take food from strangers. WOOF CHOMP
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Old August 7, 2007, 02:58 PM   #50
Spade Cooley
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When you are losing the battle, sometimes you have to fight dirty!
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