View Full Version : Keep the message alive!

April 8, 2013, 08:38 PM
You can just feel the "Chicago Machine" ramping up in President Obama. I expect a full court press to try to pressure our Senators and Congressmen into making bad deals on the National level, which will do little to help our cause on the state level.

Keep the messages coming to our State and National Senators and Congressmen. They have to know that we expect them to listen to us as representatives of the people. Below is an example of the latest letter I have sent, just to keep the message alive.

Dear President Obama,

Restricting our 2nd Amendment rights, not priveliges but rights, would not stop the crazy people in this world from inflicting terrible crimes on innocent citizens, including children like those in Connecticut.

Please think carefully about what the real problem is, and what it isn't. If there were stricter gun laws prior to what happened in any of the high profile shootings, it would not have stopped those deranged individuals from killing other people in one way or another. It is not guns, it is people.

Do not infringe on the rights of the majority in our country, as guaranteed by our own constitiution, the same constitution that has made us the great country that we have been and still are today.

Go after the real problem, which is mental illness and enforcing tougher consequences for those that break our current laws.

I implore you to not use the recent tragedies to restrict the rights of the majority of honest people. Our constitution must be protected.



This isn't just about Gun Control, it's about protecting our Constitutional rights, whichever one is being threatened. It just happens to be our 2nd Amendment today. Don't stop. Let them hear from us, not just those representing us, like the NRA.

April 9, 2013, 03:35 PM
Thank you. I have been writing my representatives once a week all year, and will continue the rest of the year. It takes 5 minutes, and it's working.