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Old January 17, 2025, 12:01 PM   #1
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The temp of the market ?

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Regardless of which administration is in office...overall, what do you all feel is the temp of the AR market?
Should we continue to see steady sales of parts? Do you think sales will slow and parts prices will drop? What say you all ?
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Old January 17, 2025, 09:39 PM   #2
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Historically when a pro-gun or at least Republican administration comes into office the gun market cools at least some.

I'd expect this to happen now, but possibly not to the extent of the past.
Crime is still high, and that's going to take some time and doing to address.
People, especially women and minorities are buying guns and are a major part of the market today.
I'd expect this to continue at a lesser pace.

People love to customize and make their guns "better" by adding accessories and parts, so I'd think the parts market will only fade slightly.
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Old January 18, 2025, 03:14 AM   #3
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IMO there is no real issue for supply of firearms and parts. There is and will probably remain market fluctuations for things that compete with military usage and are constarined by domestic manufacturing capacity--like primers and powder. I do not see this as a political issue as both parties are dominated by self-interested idiots who's primary concerns are money and power as far as I'm concerned.
"Everyone speaks gun."--Robert O'Neill
I am NOT an expert--I do not have any formal experience or certification in firearms use or testing; use any information I post at your own risk!
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Old January 18, 2025, 11:41 AM   #4
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AR Market

Im not sure where it is going frankly. It seems to be in bottom feeder mode. For the longest time, we had a bunch of cool builds going on. Those were good times.

Now we seem to have a poop ton of super low end parts, builds and complete rifles. I fear that this bottom feeder crap will sell to the masses, the guns will suck, the high end stuff will get discontinued and we will be left with negativity and future political pressure to get rid of the think we don’t really care for. So we have $350 AR’s, can we do under $300…doesn’t need to run 100% or last more than 2000 rounds! Sarcasm!

I have 3 builds, all pretty mid to high end builds in my mind.

I’d like to see more of what Colt tried…..a super nice bare 6920 that people can buy and put whatever cool furniture, optics, etc they want on it. Those were full milspec, super nice hardware ready to be dressed up or down, but didn’t require a build of the internals. In the world I see a lot of folks struggle to turn a light switch on. This could be a thing!

If we keep heading down the toilet bowl, people will become disheartened, they will go back to video games and it will become a more ban-able platform due to lack of interest.
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Old January 18, 2025, 11:10 PM   #5
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I think the key to the market will not be guns and parts, .....but ammo and components.
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Old January 19, 2025, 02:07 AM   #6
Shoots Left
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Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
Now we seem to have a poop ton of super low end parts, builds and complete rifles. I fear that this bottom feeder crap will sell to the masses, the guns will suck, the high end stuff will get discontinued and we will be left with negativity and future political pressure to get rid of the think we don’t really care for. So we have $350 AR’s, can we do under $300…doesn’t need to run 100% or last more than 2000 rounds! Sarcasm!
That's an interesting observation. I can certainly see where the industry is, to an extent, moving to "WalMartize" giving us more affordable options which simply don't measure up to past standards or durability.

There's a couple of $1K+ pieces that I'm eventually going to procure but a lot of folks simply can't do that. So the market is certainly there for affordable firearms. I don't think that's a bad thing as it provides affordable access to those on a limited budget. That's not to say I haven't indulged in a little bottom feeder crap myself knowing it has limitations.

Other than that I have no crystal ball to tell me where the market is going, I'm just a little fishing bobber floating along in a sea full of waves hoping stay afloat.
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Old January 19, 2025, 04:27 AM   #7
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I think AR sales might cool a bit. (Complete rifles - especially budget class.)
But parts will still sell well. People that "build" do so under all political conditions.

Those were full milspec, super nice hardware ready to be dressed up or down, but didn’t require a build of the internals. In the world I see a lot of folks struggle to turn a light switch on. This could be a thing!
"Mil-spec" is perfect for those people.
Anyone with military experience understands what "mil-spec" really means.
It was just a product made by the lowest bidder, that met the minimum required standards.
One-ply toilet paper made from sawdust and fiberglass? Meets minimum mil-spec.
Don't even try it. It's even worse than the internet would lead you to believe.
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Old January 19, 2025, 08:41 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by stagpanther View Post
IMO there is no real issue for supply of firearms and parts. There is and will probably remain market fluctuations for things that compete with military usage and are constarined by domestic manufacturing capacity--like primers and powder. I do not see this as a political issue as both parties are dominated by self-interested idiots who's primary concerns are money and power as far as I'm concerned.
Well put SP.
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