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Old January 23, 2010, 02:19 AM   #2451
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my father just gave me after years of waiting the .38 that was given to my great-grandfather by Boston PD as a marksmanship instructor...I believe it was right after WWI, might be as late as the early 20's...
serial # is - 253XXX
square butt
6" bbl
Assuming we're talking a 6 shot... .38 Military & Police Model of 1905 4th Change. Serial numbers ran from 241704 in 1915 to 1000000 in 1942. Your SN of 253XXX is near the beginning of that run.

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Old January 23, 2010, 03:45 PM   #2452
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my dad's SW - year of make

Hi I am wondering if I could get some information on a SW my Dad gave me. He believes it was a Cavalry Officer's issue side arm. The serial number is: 556xxx.

Thanks for any help!
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Old January 23, 2010, 04:59 PM   #2453
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Just picked up at the gun show. 47X1X is what Year? Thanks.
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Old January 23, 2010, 05:26 PM   #2454
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I'm thinking about picking a 32 s&w. Sn 262484. it has 5039 on the in side of the crane. any one know the date? many thanks.
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Old January 23, 2010, 06:52 PM   #2455
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model 36

I just aquired a model 36. This is my first S&W. Can someone date this for me? sn# 624JXX. It also has an "N" stamped on frame which I assume is nickel plated? And also "G7", what does that marking mean?

Much appreciated!
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Old January 24, 2010, 12:49 AM   #2456
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Hi I am wondering if I could get some information on a SW my Dad gave me. He believes it was a Cavalry Officer's issue side arm. The serial number is: 556xxx.
S&W reused the same serial numbers on different models of guns. I need a lot more info to figure out what model it is... Exact caliber markings on the barrel, any other markings on the gun and barrel, 5 shot or 6, is it a swing out cylinder or a break top (barrel/cylinder hinge down)? If it's a break top then double or single action, hammer or hammerless, does it have a trigger guard... A picture would help allot too.

M65-2. Just picked up at the gun show. 47X1X is what Year?
Should have a "D" in the serial number. Take SN from here:

I'm thinking about picking a 32 s&w. Sn 262484. it has 5039 on the in side of the crane. any one know the date?
Assuming there was no "K" prefix that serial number was used on two different models of 32. Square butt or round butt will narrow it down, see pic.

I just aquired a model 36. This is my first S&W. Can someone date this for me? sn# 624JXX. It also has an "N" stamped on frame which I assume is nickel plated? And also "G7", what does that marking mean?
1971/72. As for the lone "N", I believe so. Other markings are assembly stamps.


Last edited by laytonj1; January 24, 2010 at 01:19 AM. Reason: added picture
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Old January 24, 2010, 05:41 AM   #2457
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my dad's SW - year of make

Hi I am wondering if I could get some information on a SW my Dad gave me. He believes it was a Cavalry Officer's issue side arm. The serial number is: 556xxx.

S&W reused the same serial numbers on different models of guns. I need a lot more info to figure out what model it is... Exact caliber markings on the barrel, any other markings on the gun and barrel, 5 shot or 6, is it a swing out cylinder or a break top (barrel/cylinder hinge down)? If it's a break top then double or single action, hammer or hammerless, does it have a trigger guard... A picture would help allot too.

It is a 38 caliber. 6 shot. swing out cylinder. See the pictures attached.

On the right side of the barrel it says "38 s&w special ctg"
On the left side of the barrel it says "smith and wesson"
On the right side just below the cylinder it says "made in the usa"
On the left side just below the cylinder release it has the smith and wesson trade mark engraving.

Thanks again!

Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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Old January 24, 2010, 12:48 PM   #2458
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my dad's SW - year of make

i also just noticed this morning the stamp on the top of the barrel which reads:

"smith & wesson springfield mass. u.s.a
patented feb.8.06.sept.14.09.dec29.14"

thanks again
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Old January 24, 2010, 01:55 PM   #2459
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.38 Military and Police Model of 1905-4th change.
s/n range 241704-1000000 manufactured between 1915-1942
1934 s/n range was approx. 646994-648882 based on 25 revolvers for Coast Guard in that range.
Just guessing yours was mid to late 20's era.
Appears to be a target model with square butt.

Last edited by onebadscrambler; January 24, 2010 at 02:01 PM.
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Old January 24, 2010, 04:10 PM   #2460
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my dad's SW - year of make


thanks for the info...what does it mean that it was a 'target model'? is that a type of usage, i.e. shooting at targets? also, what does 'based on 25 revolvers for Coast Guard in that range' mean? did the Coast Guard have a specific usage here and it may have been one of those?

i may send off to Mr. Jinks for more history. this is my first foray into this type of research and find the stories of the weapons incredibly interesting.

thanks again...
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Old January 24, 2010, 04:36 PM   #2461
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Interested in the SKS you have for sale

Do you have pics? [email protected] Tell me more please. How mich are you asking for it?
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Old January 24, 2010, 06:55 PM   #2462
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Target model has adjustable rear sights and square butt frame which is what yours appears to have. Use is up to the owner.
The Coast Guard purchased 25 revolvers in 1934 and their s/n's fell into that range of numbers. The CG models were 4" barrels, blued finish, and square butt. I only mentioned them as I used them to narrow down that yours was likely produced mid to late 20's.
FlyFish and Laytonj1 are far more knowledgable than I. If they have any more info, I am sure they will share it.
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Old January 25, 2010, 04:03 PM   #2463
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I was wondering if someone could reference a serial number for me; my good friends grandfather passed away a couple weeks ago leaving him 3 massive gun safes filled with rifles, handguns, and shotguns. There is one in particular his grandfather used to let me shoot that I'd like to know the date on. It is a near mint 19-3 4inch; serial number 7k33xxx. Just wondering the date on it.
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Old January 25, 2010, 04:04 PM   #2464
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Model 66

I have recently aquired a model 66 serial number 9K40XXX. I was wondering what age it was, and if anybody had any advice on ammunition for this gun. I have read a lot about the avoidance of 125gr. ammunition.
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Old January 25, 2010, 08:14 PM   #2465
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Hello all,was wondering if anyone could give me a year on a 657 no dash serial #AVF2xxx thx for any info...
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Old January 25, 2010, 08:21 PM   #2466
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hoominga 1975

scv 1976

muskrat3 July 1987
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Old January 25, 2010, 09:29 PM   #2467
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Please help with a date of manufacture for a S&W Model 25-5 ser.# N9396xx.

Thank you!

Can you also tell me what dimensions S&W used for chamber throat dimensions then? Thanks!
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Old January 25, 2010, 10:25 PM   #2468
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somewhere between 1982-1986. Highest known N prefix range was N97xxxx. Puts yours somewhere close to the middle.

I can not answer your second question because I have no idea.
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Old January 26, 2010, 01:42 AM   #2469
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I have read a lot about the avoidance of 125gr. ammunition.
Shooting full power "light for the caliber" bullets can result in accelerated erosion to the forcing cone and possible accelerated flame cutting to the frames top strap due to the greater powder charges and higher velocities involved.
However, you'll have to shoot an awful lot of them for it to be an issue.
Can you also tell me what dimensions S&W used for chamber throat dimensions then?
Like Ruger and Colt, it's a crap shoot. The only way to know for sure is to measure them.
I am still amazed that there is/was such a problem standardizing the throats for .452. While the standard prior to WWII was .454 the current .452 standard has been around long enough that it should be a non issue. Some make then loose, others too tight.

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Old January 27, 2010, 10:26 AM   #2470
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Can you guys help me date and get a model number off this S&W my grandfather left me? Serial number BBH4XXX. It's a 4" tapered barrel, 6 shot, 38S&W Special. It also has stamping on the back strap. RHKP 101XX. I have no clue as to what those are. Thanks guys.

EDIT: I got the model. 10-9

Last edited by mrawesome22; January 27, 2010 at 11:08 AM.
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Old January 27, 2010, 11:48 AM   #2471
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S&W model 43 year made?

Could someone tell me the year my little Smith 22 was made? It's a model 43. serial # 49xxx.

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Old January 27, 2010, 02:46 PM   #2472
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Can you guys help me date and get a model number off this S&W my grandfather left me? Serial number BBH4XXX. It's a 4" tapered barrel, 6 shot, 38S&W Special. It also has stamping on the back strap. RHKP 101XX. I have no clue as to what those are. Thanks guys.
RHKP = Royal Hong Kong Police. Your gun was part of a sale to Hong Kong that was later traded in towards the purchase of new guns. Those used guns were then resold thru distributors here.

Could someone tell me the year my little Smith 22 was made? It's a model 43. serial # 49xxx.
The book shows serial numbers starting at 11000 in 1955 and 52673 in 1959. So, in between there.

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Old January 27, 2010, 04:13 PM   #2473
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Could some please helpe me with date of manufacture.

629-3 # bkz 794x
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Old January 27, 2010, 08:01 PM   #2474
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Thank you.
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Old January 27, 2010, 09:44 PM   #2475
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629-3 # bkz 794x

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s&w 686

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