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Old August 23, 2010, 06:29 PM   #3276
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"S" prefix serial numbers were used on K-frames for a very short period immediately following WW2 - they ran from S811120 in 1945 (SCSW quotes but apparently disagrees with another source claiming S769000 in 1944) to S999999 in 1948, so your .38 M&P (pre-10) dates from that time span. "S" models in very good or better condition are said to bring a 25% premium over their non-"S" counterparts. Based on the SN, your gun was made around the time that S&W was switching to the short action and new hammer profile and the book also mentions a premium for these so-called transitional models.

Numbers in various places that are obviously not the SN are called "assembly numbers" and are used to keep track of fitted parts during the manufacturing process. They have no further significance.
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Old August 24, 2010, 11:37 PM   #3277
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Model 29-2

I have a Pinned and Recessed 6" Mod. 29-2 .44 Mag which I received from my dad, and I'd like to figure out the DOB (as close as possible) of this 'big iron'.

S/N: N8171XX
Crane Assembly #:42996

This thing is just beautiful, I have to see if I can scare up a camera for some shots. The bluing is about as close to perfect as I've seen on a used, and I know for a fact it's original. It maintains the original checkered wood stock, and it's dead acc-u-rate. What more can you say, it's a Smith.

I'd appreciate any help, and I'd be glad to offer any more info. necessary.

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Old August 25, 2010, 08:49 AM   #3278
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Smokey: Somewhere between 1980 (start at SN N790001) and 1983 (end at N932999), and they dropped P&R ~1982, so '83 is out. I'd say 1980 is most likely, but that's just an estimate based on interpolation. Beautiful guns - I have N314XXX, 8-3/8", from 1975.
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Old August 28, 2010, 10:20 AM   #3279
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Model 38 Bodyguard

Can you give be a DOB and any other interesting points on my S&W Model 38 (no dash) Bodyguard, 38 special, 5 shot, nichel finish, serial - J963*** ?

Thanks much.
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Old August 28, 2010, 10:51 AM   #3280
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Can you give be a DOB and any other interesting points on my S&W Model 38 (no dash) Bodyguard, 38 special, 5 shot, nichel finish, serial - J963*** ?
DOB would be 1982. The M38 (essentially an alloy-frame version of the M49, which came later, so I guess it would be more correct to say that the M49 is the steel-frame version of the M38) was introduced as the Bodyguard Airweight in 1955, prior to model numbering which began in 1957, and was discontinued in 1999. The 'no-dash' was replaced by the -1 in 1988. Does yours have the pinned barrel? That feature was deleted in 1982, so I guess you may or may not have it.
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Old August 28, 2010, 12:06 PM   #3281
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Model 38 Bodyguard

Yes, it must be an M38. I forgot to mention it does say Airweight on the barrel. It is not pinned.
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Old August 28, 2010, 08:45 PM   #3282
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Hey guys, i just bought a Never-Been-Shot little model 36, .38special, j-frame snubby

I know this is the first question most folk ask, but i cannot find an online version of "The Standard Cat. of S &W" so here goes:
Please help me date this haha!

number on bottom of the grip says: J714xx
number on the thin part at the bottom front part of cylinder: 179xx
says M-36 on frame when you pop out the cylinder so i have a vague idea of its age but "M-36" not much to go by

Im very excited about it though. I took it to the range today and pumped out 50 rounds of standard AGUILA .38 special sjhp 158gr
Really fun to shoot btw!
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Old August 28, 2010, 10:02 PM   #3283
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the_collector: J714xx would be 1969 (starting at J1) to 1970 (ending at J99999) - so probably 1970. Really unfired? I would have been tempted to leave it that way, but S&W made it to be used so I'm glad it's getting a chance to do what it was made for.
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Old August 29, 2010, 12:04 AM   #3284
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Unfortunately, (as my name might imply) I am not a gun collector.
So i have no idea what the gun is worth...

My Grandfather is/was the original purchaser of this i assume back in '79 haha I wasnt even born then. He found it when he was going through some things and he had forgotten about it.
He told me that he had carried it before, but had never fired it, i dont really know why you wouldnt fire a gun you were "packing" seems a little dumb if you ask me. But its in good shape least as far as i can tell, i do plan on carrying it.

I'l post some pics of it. Although it has now shot 52 rounds, what do you all think it might be worth? I have NO idea.

And thank you very much for the info Flyfish

I dont thing the pics really do it justice. Theyre a tad bit dark. Anyways, ill try to get more
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Old August 29, 2010, 08:58 AM   #3285
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Although it has now shot 52 rounds, what do you all think it might be worth?
That's beautiful, as I guess you'd expect for a gun with only 52 rounds through it. There are a lot of Model 36s around, so even in relatively pristine condition it's not going to bring big bucks. I'd say around $500, maybe a tad more, but of course, as it was your Grandfather's gun, to you it's priceless. My father, and his father, both long since departed, were not gun owners so I have nothing comparable. If I did I wouldn't part with it for anything.
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Old August 29, 2010, 01:07 PM   #3286
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Thanks for the reply. I didnt think it would be worth a whole lot but $500 is more than i was expecting.

I dont plan on selling it! Its going to stay in the family, as it is worth a lot sentimentally. Thank you again Flyfish, im looking forward to reading/posting more on the forum
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Old August 30, 2010, 01:09 PM   #3287
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Smith and Wesson Mystery

A friend of mine has a chromed Smith and Wesson revolver which I believe is a model 60, 38 special.

The serial number on the bottom of the handle frame is: WBLP15xx.

I understand that S&W doesn't make 8 digit serial #'s.

The S&W logo is clearly stamped on the side, so I know it's authentic.

Any ideas?

Did somebody add their initials to the Serial #?

Could the true serial # be P15xx?

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Old August 30, 2010, 02:43 PM   #3288
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A mystery indeed. The Model 60 is a stainless gun, so wouldn't be "chromed" though it could have been polished to look like it (while I suppose it would be possible to have a gun chrome plated, nickel is the material usually used - not on stainless, of course, and S&W doesn't chrome plate guns at the factory). Modern S&W serial numbers are of the form AAAXXXX, where the "A"s are letters and the "X"s are numerals, so "WBLP" is not a correct prefix and although they used to use various single-letter prefixes over the years, "P" is not one of them.

S&W made many special runs of various models , usually for law enforcement organizations, and stamped them to indicate such, e.g., "CRPD" for the Conrail Police Dept., "PXPD" for the Phoenix (AZ) Police Dept., etc.), but these stampings were on the side and not incorporated into the serial number. There is no mention of a "WBLP" special run in SCSW.

"BLP15XX" would be a valid serial number, from around 1992-93, but that means the "W" would have been added. I would think it would be relatively easy to determine if that's the case. I'd also think that BATFE would consider that to be defacing the serial number, with all the potential pain that could bring to the owner, regardless of who did the defacing.

The Model 60 was introduced nearly a decade after S&W started assigning numbers rather than names to its guns, so the model number should be clearly stamped inside the yoke cutout.
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Old August 31, 2010, 08:33 AM   #3289
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I inherited a Model 37 from my grandfather. It was his carry gun after he was promoted to Detective.
SN 739Jxx Would love to know around the time this gun was made and any other info someone can give. Thanks
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Old August 31, 2010, 08:54 AM   #3290
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I inherited a Model 37 from my grandfather. It was his carry gun after he was promoted to Detective.
SN 739Jxx Would love to know around the time this gun was made and any other info someone can give.
The Model 37 was introduced in 1951 as the Chiefs Special Airweight prior to the introduction of model numbering in 1957. It's essentially the alloy-frame version of the Model 36. Yours dates from the 1971-72 so-called "wandering J" period - the "J" appeared in different locations within the serial number - just prior to then, and for the next decade or so after, it was always the first character. Production ended in 2006.
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Old August 31, 2010, 09:27 AM   #3291
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Thanks for the info Flyfish.
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Old August 31, 2010, 10:08 AM   #3292
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Thanks for the info flyfish! I will check inside the frame.
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Old August 31, 2010, 10:13 AM   #3293
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Standard Catalogue

The book is a trove of good info on anything S&W ever made.There is one for Colt also.The serial # info is also in the Colt catalogue.
It's worth the price if you collect either make of firearm.
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Old August 31, 2010, 06:59 PM   #3294
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S&W production date

I recently bought a S&W .38 special revolver from a friend and i would like to know its age. double action, blued, 6" bbl, there are no model numbers on it serial number is 4444XX

Last edited by six-gun-saint; September 1, 2010 at 11:00 AM.
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Old August 31, 2010, 11:02 PM   #3295
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Not a revolver but can anyone give me some pointers on a year for a 4506 with prefix TDN or VJL?

Thanks in advance, folks.
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Old September 1, 2010, 07:33 AM   #3296
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Not a revolver but can anyone give me some pointers on a year for a 4506 with prefix TDN or VJL?
The info in SCSW on serial numbers for autos is a bit thin, but it looks like TDN would be 1988-89 and VJL would be around 1998, maybe 1999. That pretty much brackets the years that the 4506 was produced ('88 - '99)
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Old September 1, 2010, 08:40 AM   #3297
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Anyone have a manufacture year/month for a nearly new Model 22-4, serial #DAY85xx? My SCSW is too old to list it.

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Old September 1, 2010, 03:03 PM   #3298
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Anyone have a manufacture year/month for a nearly new Model 22-4, serial #DAY85xx? My SCSW is too old to list it.
I have the 3rd Edition, which I believe is the latest, and the list of SNs ends at CTA (except for some odds 'n' ends used for specific models), corresponding to October of 2004. I'd guess that DAY is 2005, but that's just a guess.
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Old September 1, 2010, 04:42 PM   #3299
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Hey guys. I have owned a model 29 for about 25 years and am looking for age as I pass on to other family members. It's a model 29-2 with the 8-3/8 barrel, pinned and recessed with the target hammer and trigger. Serial starts as N498xxx. Any help is greatly appreciated about this soon to be family heirloom.
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Old September 1, 2010, 06:41 PM   #3300
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knightsh: Your 29-2 dates from 1978. I have one exactly like it, just a few years older, N314xxx from 1975. They really are magnificent guns.
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