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Old March 11, 2010, 12:44 AM   #2701
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model 36, no dash, 138XXX

The 2nd edition puts the marking of the model number in 1957 at serial 125000 and notes a change at 295000 in 1962. I'd like to know for sure whether 138XXX is 50+ years old and was wondering if the 3rd edition or some other reference could help.
Serial numbers ended at 125000 in 1957 and started at 295000 in 1962 so yours falls between 1957 and 1962.

This is my only handgun and I just dug it out of an old footlocker. The serial number is k-477xx and they match on frame and cylinder. The frame also has the following id marks in three separate rows.
I have seen much talk of 5 screw frames, but, this one only has 4 that I can see.
K477XX = 1948.
5 screw = 4 screws on the side plate and 1 on the upper front of the trigger guard.
K-22's are very desirable so unless the corrosion is pretty bad it would still be worth at least $400.


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Old March 11, 2010, 07:04 PM   #2702
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Would someone be so kind as to check this one for me, and/or possibly direct me to where I might find more information on it? I've just inherited several older revolvers and I'll freely admit myself to be totally clueless as to what I actually have.
.38 Single Action, believe it to be a 2nd Model based on photos I've found online; SN 100XXX

Last edited by LaniW; March 11, 2010 at 07:06 PM. Reason: apparently I can't type for beans
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Old March 12, 2010, 01:02 AM   #2703
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.38 Single Action, believe it to be a 2nd Model based on photos I've found online; SN 100XXX
With a serial number of 100XXX it could only be a second model. 1st and 3rd models only went to the 2XXXX range.
SN's ran from 1 in 1877 to 108255 in 1891. Caliber is .38 S&W, not to be confused with .38 Special.

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Old March 12, 2010, 03:23 AM   #2704
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Thanks laytonj1

Your assistance is much appreciated, nice to know that I am a tiny bit older than the k22.
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Old March 12, 2010, 11:14 AM   #2705
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Thanks from me too, Laytonj1!

With a serial number of 100XXX it could only be a second model. 1st and 3rd models only went to the 2XXXX range.
SN's ran from 1 in 1877 to 108255 in 1891. Caliber is .38 S&W, not to be confused with .38 Special.
Thank you so much for your help. So given my serial number, it's probably safe to assume this gun's birthday was somewhere in the late 1880s. Cool!

I'm not planning to sell any of these guns since they've been passed down through the family for several generations, but would you think it would be worth my while to get a research letter from S&W on this particular gun or was it a common-as-dirt piece that I shouldn't go further on than basic info? Also, can you give me any remote idea what its value might be for insurance purposes? It appears to have been well used but is, at least to my totally untrained and ignorant eyes, in pretty decent condition for a gun of its age.
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Old March 12, 2010, 03:30 PM   #2706
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Since we already know the approximate date of manufacture the only other info the letter will get you is the date it was shipped, who it was shipped to and it's original configuration. Neat to have but is it worth $50 to you?
As for value, condition is everything. As of 2006, values ranged from ~$250 in good to $750 in "As New".

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Old March 12, 2010, 06:34 PM   #2707
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Thanks, Jim. I'll have to give that some thought; since it's a family gun it really might be worth having that info even at the cost of $50. And thanks very much for the valuation estimates!
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Old March 13, 2010, 12:17 AM   #2708
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I know how old my 2 J frames are.

How about a 10-7, 18DXXXX?
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Old March 13, 2010, 01:27 AM   #2709
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How about a 10-7, 18DXXXX?

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Old March 13, 2010, 02:34 AM   #2710
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Much appreciated.
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Old March 13, 2010, 03:30 PM   #2711
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Can I find a DOB on my 4" model 13-3 S/N ACR53XX

Thanks in advance!
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Old March 14, 2010, 01:31 AM   #2712
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Can I find a DOB on my 4" model 13-3 S/N ACR53XX

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Old March 14, 2010, 01:26 PM   #2713
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S&W 586.. 6 inch barrel

I just got a S&W 586.. 6 inch barrel. It was my grandfathers, who past away. He was a Louisiana State Trooper. Just trying to find out the date it was made, if i needed to send it in for the recall or whatever. It says MOD 586. AAN-****.. Then right next to the six round chamber it says 26928 with C9 stamped above it. Its looks as if it was never fired. He had other service pistols. This is my first revolver. I have all Semi autos. Thanks
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Old March 14, 2010, 07:49 PM   #2714
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Good Evening All, can someone please help with my Model 19-5, serial AJF5XXX, and should it be in a one piece hinged box rather than the two piece slip top. Thanks as always for this great service!
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Old March 15, 2010, 12:57 AM   #2715
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It says MOD 586. AAN-****
A "M" stamped above the model number indicates the gun was sent back for the recall.
Basically, some early L frames could have a problem with certain primers (Federal I believe) flowing back into the firing pin bushing and tying up the cylinder. The fix was to install a shorter firing pin and new smaller diameter bushing.
If you are not having any problems then you don't need to send it back.
Model 19-5, serial AJF5XXX, and should it be in a one piece hinged box rather than the two piece slip top
The 2 piece boxes ended ~1985 so yours "should" have come in the 1 piece box, which they started phasing in ~1983.

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Old March 15, 2010, 04:13 PM   #2716
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S&W K-Fram 38 special

I have a S&W K-frame 28 spl with serial number C 120011 the c is on the far end of the butt. Anyone know around what time this gun was made and the model.

Thanks for the help.

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Old March 15, 2010, 05:05 PM   #2717
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I have a S&W K-frame 28 spl with serial number C 120011 the c is on the far end of the butt. Anyone know around what time this gun was made and the model.
The SN places the gun in the 1948 (starting with C1) to 1951 (ending with C223998) time period. You can interpolate to get a somewhat better idea of year, but there's no way to pin it down from the information provided in SCSW.

The "C" series of SNs was used for the Models 10, 11, 12, 45, and Aircrewman and their pre-model number equivalents (which yours would be). Of those possibilities, the 11 and 45 were not chambered in .38 Special, so that leaves the pre-10, pre-12, and Aircrewman. It's most likely a pre-10, which was known as the .38 Military & Police at that time. The other two possibilities had alloy frames, which you can check with a magnet, and the Aircrewman had additional markings identifying it as such.
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Old March 16, 2010, 02:48 PM   #2718
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Manf. date wanted

I have a model 57 W/ 8 3/8" Barrell. What date was the last one of these made. My serial # is N885 XXX canyou tell me the date of manf. for this piece? Oh, and yes I do need to buy the catalog for future reference.

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Old March 17, 2010, 01:35 AM   #2719
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I have a model 57 W/ 8 3/8" Barrell. What date was the last one of these made. My serial # is N885 XXX canyou tell me the date of manf.
The N800000 SN's ran from 1980 to 1983.
1992 was the last year for the 4" and 8.375" barrels.

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Old March 17, 2010, 09:54 AM   #2720
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What a great site

New here, sounds like a bunch of helpful, nice people here.

I just picked up a S&W 5906, serial #VCH9xxx

I would appreciate if someone could look up the date for this one.

Thanks in advance.
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Old March 17, 2010, 01:26 PM   #2721
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Mod 57

Thank you,
Your response is very appreciated. This piece that I have is in extremely good condition. Kind of like finding a lost treasure! I have not owned it long. That's the challenge of this sour economy. Some people that have busted theiir tails most of their life are now out of work and have to part with many of their prized posessions. Such was the case ofthe fellow I purchased it from.
Thanks again!!!!
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Old March 17, 2010, 07:51 PM   #2722
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need help identifying

I have an S&W that I need help identifying..I'm pretty new to firearms in general, but fascinated by the collecting aspect... anyway.. I have a S&W .38 special, 4" barrel, under cylinder it's stamped "2 - 570", and on cylinder "arm" itself stamped "570", no model markings of any kind, original grips, round butt, serial number C 209258. On the barrel it says ".38 S&W special ctg". If anyone could help identify this and give me some idea of it's value I would appreciate it thanks! is offline  
Old March 18, 2010, 12:29 AM   #2723
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I just picked up a S&W 5906, serial #VCH9xxx
The Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson isn't very complete when it comes to later date semi autos. That said, the 5906 was made from 1989 to 1999. S&W started using the "V" prefix serial numbers on them starting 1994.

serial number C 209258. On the barrel it says ".38 S&W special ctg".
SN's ran from C1 in 1948 to C223998 in 1951 so yours is likely 1951.
It is a .38 Military and Police postwar (pre model 10).
S&W made a bazillion of them so prices range from a couple hundred (beat-up) to $500 or so like new.

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Old March 18, 2010, 06:40 AM   #2724
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The Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson isn't very complete when it comes to later date semi autos. That said, the 5906 was made from 1989 to 1999. S&W started using the "V" prefix serial numbers on them starting 1994.

Thank you very much.
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Old March 19, 2010, 02:01 PM   #2725
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Just looking at picking up a S&W 686-5 with serial numbers CEM41xx and am wanting to know the approximate manufacture date if possible. Many thanks!
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s&w 686

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