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Old June 9, 2008, 03:45 AM   #201
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Anybody give a rough idea of when it was manufactured??

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Old June 9, 2008, 09:54 AM   #202
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The rollmark on the left has been sanded down some, and the bluing looks a little too thick for factory. It's just an educated guess, not a certainty.
I have not found any documentation to back this up, but I believe that the finish on the frames of older blued Airweights is some kind of paint. If you inspect one closely, the frame will be more of a uniform black color than the blued barrel, crane, and cylinder, which have a purplish tint and a deeper reflective finish.
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Old June 9, 2008, 10:07 AM   #203
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kamerer - The revolver carries 6 rounds. The entire length of the gun is only 6" with a barrel length of about 1.25", end of barrel to cylinder is 2". Serial #617XXX.
Left side of the barrel says Smith & Wesson
Right side 32 S. & W. Long.
A bit more info would be nice...

1) Does it have a round butt (RB) or a square butt (SB)?


2) Is there a 2-digit model number inside the yoke? It should be either 30 or 31. (IIRC this serial number may precede model numbers.)

3) Does it have a screw: (a) at the top of the sideplate next to the hammer, (b) at the front of the trigger guard, or (c) on the front of the grip frame about where your ring finger would hold it?

4) Is the front sight a ramp or a rounded blade?

5) How long is the cylinder?
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Old June 9, 2008, 12:35 PM   #204
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Old June 9, 2008, 03:03 PM   #205
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If I was a betting man, I would say that it has been re-blued. Nice pistol nevertheless.
Yep, as I said before, that might be re-blued. No big deal. But on Creature's theme, I'll place this bet. Swing open the cylinder, shoot us a photo of the the loading end of the cylinder. The condition of the pawls on the ejector star should tell the truth. That's a detail that's hard to hide (should be in the white - it is fit after blueing).

But carguychris may be right - I wasn't focusing on the fact it's an airweight (Doh - says so in big letters on the barrel!). The alloy doesn't take a conventional bluing job and other methods were used. That could account for it. But I wouldn't think they'd mess up the factory stamp like that...

Surviiivor1 - That is a .32 Hand Ejector, aka "pre-model 30." In 1957 it was re-named to the model 30. The s/n source I have isn't very specific about date, but yours is from a few years before that - certain features give clues - the flat latch, ramped sight, stock shape, lack of model number in the yoke cut, etc. Indicate it's a J frame from about 53 to 56.

Seb1899 - your 41 is from 1982.

Last edited by kamerer; June 9, 2008 at 05:12 PM.
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Old June 9, 2008, 05:30 PM   #206
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Surviiivor1 - That is a .32 Hand Ejector, aka "pre-model 30." In 1957 it was re-named to the model 30... certain features give clues - the flat latch, ramped sight, stock shape, lack of model number in the yoke cut, etc. Indicate it's a J frame from about 53 to 56.
I hate to rain on your parade, but 53-56 production would indicate that it's an Improved I-frame.

For the uninitiated, the Improved I-frame has a slightly elongated cylinder window compared to the I-frame (1.515" vs. 1.5") and has a coil mainspring like a J-frame rather than a leaf mainspring like an I-frame. The spring change is the reason there is no strain screw on the lower front grip frame.

I have a very early production flat-latch J-frame Model 30 that looks almost exacly like that, just not quite as pretty.
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Old June 9, 2008, 08:20 PM   #207
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Model 10-5

Could I slip a Model 10-5 into the date produced conversation?

Serial # - D753XXX

Thanks in advance,

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Old June 9, 2008, 09:20 PM   #208
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Serial # - D753XXX
Anybody give a rough idea of when it was manufactured?? 804Jxx

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Old June 9, 2008, 10:51 PM   #209
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I hate to rain on your parade, but 53-56 production would indicate that it's an Improved I-frame.
Chris, when did the change-over happen, then? I can't find a source to state exactly, but I did read that I frames had traditional cylinder releases, then the J's got the flat latch. That's why I guessed J frame, since that gun had a flat latch. I know the Chief's Special came out in '56 and it was a J - oh, wait, that's when. The CS was the original J and others followed. The J came out specifically to get a .38 special in the frame window.

So maybe that gun is a '56 just before the model number was stamped, or does it have a model number stamped in it the OP overlooked? Or maybe the source (SCSW) about the flat-latch being J-frame only is wrong.
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Old June 10, 2008, 02:12 PM   #210
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Chris, when did the change-over happen, then? I can't find a source to state exactly, but I did read that I frames had traditional cylinder releases, then the J's got the flat latch. That's why I guessed J frame, since that gun had a flat latch. I know the Chief's Special came out in '56 and it was a J - oh, wait, that's when.
Actually, I think you've got your dates a little muddled...

I don't think the flat latch was J-frame-only. It was used on all varieties of J-frame and I-frame (incl. Improved I-frame) snubbies from 1950 to 1966. I've seen it on .32 Hand Ejectors and .38/32 Terriers in addition to Chief's Specials.

The switchover from the Improved I-frame to the J-frame was ordered in 1960, but I-frames continued to be produced until the existing inventory of frames was used up, which occured in 1961 or 1962 depending on the model. In typical S&W fashion, the exact date of the switchover is uncertain and not always well documented, although IIRC the last I-frame .32 was in the 712xxx serial number range. (Mine is 729xxx.)

Also, the Chief's Special came out in 1950. It was produced for about a year with the short grip frame and round trigger guard, the only J-frame to come that way.
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Old June 10, 2008, 04:07 PM   #211
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Thank you for all the information. I have found more #'s . . . it's amazing what you can see when you actually put on your reading glasses and use a magnifier and a flashlight. When I opened the cylinder I found the #33848 with what appears to be a 6 above it and a 0 below it.
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Old June 10, 2008, 06:44 PM   #212
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Old 32 and newish 357

I've been through all nine pages of this fascinating thread and have I believe come fairly close but I'll run it by you helpful folks anyway.
32 cal 5-shot top break SA/DA. Something that came down from my grandfather. Number under the butt looks like 264XXX. Must be 3" nickel plated (mostly gone). I make it around 1900+/- ?

Model 65-4, 4" 357. S/N BSN87XX. Mid 80's? I'm guessing probably a police or highway patrol gun surplused when they went to autos?

I'm no collector so I don't need the book. I bought the 357 when my lady appropriated the new 442 I bought for a night stand and camp gun. I use autos for carry and SHTF and an 870 Tac for my primary home defense.
I'm learning to love these Smiffs though, oh yeah.

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Old June 12, 2008, 11:15 AM   #213
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I've been through all nine pages of this fascinating thread and have I believe come fairly close but I'll run it by you helpful folks anyway.
32 cal 5-shot top break SA/DA. Something that came down from my grandfather. Number under the butt looks like 264XXX. Must be 3" nickel plated (mostly gone). I make it around 1900+/- ?
It's a .32 Double Action 4th Model, produced 1883-1909.
Model 65-4, 4" 357. S/N BSN87XX. Mid 80's?
Late 1994 to early 1995.
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Old June 12, 2008, 03:51 PM   #214
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Also, the Chief's Special came out in 1950. It was produced for about a year with the short grip frame and round trigger guard, the only J-frame to come that way.
Yes, the "Baby Chief" as they call it...

Yes, I had the '56 date wrong - I know that and was just thinking about a pre-29 when I wrote that (another conversation I was having at the same time), and had that date in my head. I see the SCSW was wrong about that flat latch info, which was a clue I was using. I now see the other I frames stayed "I" to about 60 or so, Old Fluff cleared that up.

Surviiivor1 - those numbers are assembly numbers, and don't mean anything. Your s/n's are the ones you've already identified.
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Old June 12, 2008, 04:16 PM   #215
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I see the SCSW was wrong about that flat latch info, which was a clue I was using.
Where in the SCSW does it say that?

Out of the glossary: "Thumb latch configuration used on I and J frames and Airweight K-frames from 1950 to 1966..." (emphasis mine)
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Old June 13, 2008, 04:23 PM   #216
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Would I be correct?

Based on a previous post would I be correct in placing a model 629 with serial BSH60XX somewhere in the 90s?

Any help would be appreciated!
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Old June 13, 2008, 05:54 PM   #217
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Based on a previous post would I be correct in placing a model 629 with serial BSH60XX somewhere in the 90s?
Yes, most likely 1994.

Remember, if you have the original blue plastic box with the white label, you can use the hint at the bottom of Page 1.
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Old June 13, 2008, 07:55 PM   #218
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Where in the SCSW does it say that?
Not in the glossary, but in the model-specific section. I don't have it handy to cite the page but can do later.
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Old June 13, 2008, 11:05 PM   #219
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One more for manufacture date, please?

Well....three more...Hope I am not misusing this great forum.

My three old J frames:

Model (Dash) S/N
60 (none) R262xxx
49 Nickel (none) J796xxx
38 (1) J05xxx

(1) I do not know if there was a dash or not. Previous owner had this 38 refinished (parkerized I believe) and the marks on the yoke and yoke cut out on the frame were erased.

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Old June 13, 2008, 11:58 PM   #220
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Model (Dash) S/N
60 (none) R262xxx
49 Nickel (none) J796xxx
38 (1) J05xxx
60 = 1979/80
49 = 1981
38 = 1969/70 and is a no dash.

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Old June 14, 2008, 12:17 AM   #221
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Man..that was fast!!

Thank you Jim.
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Old June 14, 2008, 09:29 AM   #222
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Help with serial number

Hello all,

I'm primarily a pistol shooter with a bias for 45ACP (have a bunch of them, but never enough!)

Been wanting to get a wheelgun and finally saw this cute little 38 special at the local shop. It is a beauty for concealed carry and evidently has been a 'safe-queen' for most of its life as there is almost no wear or evidence it's even been fired.

I believe it is a Model 37 Chiefs Airweight Special with the alloy frame, steel cylinder & barrel, square butt, and pinned 1 3/4" barrel and would like to know the approximate age.

Serial is 704JXX

Thanks in advance.
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Old June 14, 2008, 04:43 PM   #223
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Yet another request for this popular thread!
I really thank those who spend the time to answer the questions.

Model 66-2 ADK2XXX

Thanks very much

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Old June 14, 2008, 05:59 PM   #224
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Thanks a lot

Thanks a lot for the info on the BSH serial number. I hate to abuse this thread, but would anyone know approximately what year CDK97XX for a 629-5 would have been in? Would that be late 1990s?
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Old June 14, 2008, 06:38 PM   #225
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need help dating a model 36 I picked up today. The number on the butt is
4J67XX. Trying to find out all little about the gun, and date. New to the S&W.

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s&w 686

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