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Old March 19, 2024, 06:58 PM   #51
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My accumulation features more Colt's than anything else. I really need to do an inventory, I should say update my inventory list, there have been family additions.
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Old March 22, 2024, 07:33 AM   #52
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I also have three H&K P7s, of which this former Bundeswehr pistol that was used by the bodyguards is the rarest.

I also had two Korth Combats that were pretty identical but gave one to my son as a graduation gift.

I also had four Parabellum P.08s but only kept the best shooter.

I have three Walther PPs, one in .22 l.r., one in 7,65 Browning and one in 9mm Kurz.
The Colt 1911s in .45

Almost forgot the FN HP ...

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Old March 22, 2024, 07:42 AM   #53
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Interesting. I'm trying to understand the appeal of these gigantic 22 lr pistols. So they are for range fun purposes primarily?
They are target pistols and great tools to learn pistolcraft on a budget. When I had a serious falling plate addiction, I shot about 3,500 rounds of centerfire each month. To use a .22 is kind of an understudy.

In European ISSF matches you will not find many shooters that have not started out with a .22 l.r. and the elusive 10 ring can be scratched with a .22 l.r. as well as with a .45.
FWIW, one of the largest pistols I have owned was a Hammerli 120 free pistol, a single shot .22 l.r. that is used for the 50m matches.
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Old December 6, 2024, 04:55 PM   #54
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I have multiple 1911s and S&W revolvers.
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Old December 7, 2024, 10:02 AM   #55
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Have a couple of CZ75B pistols. I do like them a lot, but the main reason I have two is that I found a used one with a couple hundred rounds through it in like-new condition for sale at about half the price of a new one. Couldn't pass it up. They're not exactly identical--one is the CZ factory nickel and the other is the standard epoxy finish.

I have a couple of GP100s. One 4", one 6". The 4" was my first firearm and I bought it new. I can't remember why I bought the second one, but since it's used, my guess is that I was in a shop at some point and the price was too good to pass up.

I think that's a common theme. I used to spend a lot of time in gun shops and looking at gun advertisements and ran across deals too good to pass up from time to time.

The other reason I have multiples is that I like to have a backup for my self-defense pistols. It's nice to be able to train with a pistol that is identical to what you carry without having to take your carry gun out of service for cleaning after a training session.
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Old December 10, 2024, 09:14 AM   #56
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Since my answer, I've added another Walther Olympia, so now I have two of them. And another Hämmerli 208.
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Old December 10, 2024, 09:51 AM   #57
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Two Colt Pythons - one a 1957 and the other a 1960.

I bought them as future trading fodder for a Sig AMT .308 I've always wanted. I was thinking of combining them with an IZZY Fal I've got to make a trade.

However, over the years, the beautiful vintage Pythons have grown on me and the Sig AMT prices have continued to get even more out-of-reach. Also, my kid really likes the IZZY Fal. Oh well, things don't always turn out the way you planned.
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Old December 10, 2024, 10:12 AM   #58
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Nope. Nothing against it, just dont have a use for 2 of the exact same thing.
I don't believe in "range fodder" that is why I reload.

Last edited by Shadow9mm; December 10, 2024 at 10:17 AM.
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Old December 10, 2024, 10:49 PM   #59
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I have 3 Walther PPKs, a stainless .380, a stainless .32, and a black .32. I also have 2 KelTec P32s.
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Old December 11, 2024, 05:03 PM   #60
Bill DeShivs
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If one is good, 4 is better!
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Old December 13, 2024, 12:37 PM   #61
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When I was still in school in the 60s, I owned every handgun Ruger made in each barrel length. Also their 10/22s and 44 carbine. If I remember right the Blackhawks were about $80 after dicker down at LGS. Today you couldn’t haul Ruger models and variations in a semi. The have nothing in $80 range either. It was 37.50 back then for Std Auto and for the 10/22 when it came out $38.50. The Bean Counters have ruined Ruger, I’m no longer a customer and for years was one of their biggest cheer leaders.
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Old December 13, 2024, 11:22 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by Drm50 View Post
When I was still in school in the 60s, I owned every handgun Ruger made in each barrel length. Also their 10/22s and 44 carbine. If I remember right the Blackhawks were about $80 after dicker down at LGS. Today you couldn’t haul Ruger models and variations in a semi. The have nothing in $80 range either. It was 37.50 back then for Std Auto and for the 10/22 when it came out $38.50. The Bean Counters have ruined Ruger, I’m no longer a customer and for years was one of their biggest cheer leaders.

Adjusted for inflation, $38.50 in 1965 is worth $378.52 today. I was able to find a basic 10/22 for $320 online at Cabela’s and as cheap as $250 at Prepper Gun Shop. In short, it’s actually cheaper today once you adjust for inflation.
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Old December 14, 2024, 10:16 AM   #63
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2 Colt 1911s; a Commercial model from 1918 and a 70 Series Gold Cup
2 S&W K-frame .38 revolvers; a 4" target gun I inherited from my great uncle, and a 2" Model 12 Airweight from my Grandfather that he carried as a Special Agent with the FBI.
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Old December 14, 2024, 10:47 AM   #64
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I don't have any identical twins in handguns. I do have multiple 1911 pistols from different makers, in both .45 acp and 10mm. I have given serious thought to a 1911 in 9mm due to the availability and relative cost of ammo. I thought the scaled down 1911 pistols in .22 lr were novel, but couldn't justify the purchase with other .22 handguns in the safe.

Multiple Glocks, but none in same caliber or model.

For a period of time I had a 4"Ruger standard model .22 auto and a 5 inch round HB model as well. I foolishly traded the HB model on the logic that if I were going to carry the dang thing in the woods and it was that heavy, it needed a bigger hole in the barrel. I shot the HB really well, but the 4" standard model is still more accurate than I am.

Aside, I do have two pair of identical rifles. One pair because the price on number two was hard to pass up. The other was a gunsmith special, again priced right, and not running so I bought it for parts as it's brother is discontinued. I got lucky and a simple fix got the gunsmith rifle up to par too.
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Old December 17, 2024, 06:33 AM   #65
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I've got three 2020 Colt Pythons, all three with 4.25" barrels. Two of them are stainless steel, with the only difference being the S/N. The third one is a blue steel one.

I got the first SS one for myself. Then my wife decided she wanted one of her own. Then the blue ones came out. I have a thing for a 4" ish barrel.

I've got three Smith and Wesson EZ semi's. One 380, one 9mm, and one in 30 Super Carry.

And I've got two Smith and Wesson Combat Masterpieces. One in 38 and one in 22 LR. Model 15-2 and 18-2. The only difference is the size of the holes and the stocks.
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Old January 27, 2025, 09:03 PM   #66
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The only guns in my collection that would be considered true "twins" are two Sig Sauer P229s in .40 S&W. Even so, one of those has a short reset trigger while the other is bone stock. I have 4 Sig P210s, including a Swiss P210-6, a Swiss 50th Anniversary Edition, a German P210 Legend Target, and a P210A Target. I also have four Springfield Armory Hellcats including a regular Hellcat, a Hellcat OSP, a Hellcat Pro, and a Hellcat Pro Comp. My Walther PPQ Q5 and a Walther PPQ .22 LR a certainly "siblings", but definitely not twins. I also have various 1911s and AR-15, but I don't think they would be considered twins.
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Old January 28, 2025, 09:57 PM   #67
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I have 2 P7s. the closest I have to having more than one of a model
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Old January 29, 2025, 01:02 AM   #68
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Not identical twins but...

2 Shield Plus' (different calibers)

2 Glock 17s (different generations)

2 Super Blackhawks (one's a Bisley model the other is a plow handle grip)

I think that's it?
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