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Old December 9, 2011, 02:40 AM   #4776
Dave Anderson
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I recently adopted a mod 37 and wonder just how old it is. numbers on butt are 1J153xx.
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Old December 9, 2011, 04:42 PM   #4777
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serial # question

Any help appreciated, I just bought a S&W 940 with serial sbnu352x. I'm wondering what year it is and on the box it says centenial, is that a special model? Thank you in advance
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Old December 9, 2011, 05:27 PM   #4778
Dave Anderson
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I just bought a S&W 940 with serial sbnu352x.
The 940 was introduced after S&W began using a three letter-four digit serial number system, so the serial number shown has one too many letters.

At a guess, if the s/n is actually BNU352X it would date to around early 1993, although SCSW says there are gaps in the s/n ranges and numbers were on occasion used out of sequence.

Again at a guess, you mention it came in a box, if the box is made of cardboard it would date to pre-1996, as in 1996 S&W began shipping in plastic cases.

Most 940s were made in 9mm Parabellum and shipped with moon clips. There were also 300 made in .356TSW but these were all numbered in the APC s/n range.
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Old December 9, 2011, 05:32 PM   #4779
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serial ?

Thank you sir, it is bnuxxx but on the box it also says sbnuxxx
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Old December 10, 2011, 12:25 PM   #4780
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s&w mod 64

about 20 years ago i came across a pistol that was given to me. I know nothing about 38 specials, i have been trying to do some research and came across this sight.
the revolver has been collecting dust in the back of the safe and i was curious if yall could help me out. The pawn shop says this gun is worth 515.00 on the high end and as low as 100.00 on the low end.

for what i can gather it is a S&W 64 with number 41828 2 sg47 on the flip down part near the cylinder. on the butt of the gun the number D490XXX. can somebody help with maybe a year it was made and maybe what it is worth?

also on the barrel of the gun it has 38 s&w special ctg

thank you for you time in reading my post.

Last edited by qdurrett; December 10, 2011 at 12:32 PM.
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Old December 10, 2011, 01:41 PM   #4781
Dave Anderson
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for what i can gather it is a S&W 64 with number 41828 2 sg47 on the flip down part near the cylinder. on the butt of the gun the number D490XXX. can somebody help with maybe a year it was made and maybe what it is worth?

also on the barrel of the gun it has 38 s&w special ctg

The S&W model 64 is a stainless-steel version of the model 10, a fixed-sight service style revolver made on the K frame. It was introduced on Sept 1, 1970 at s/n D224001.

Originally it was made with either 4" light tapered barrel with square butt, or 2" barrel with round butt. Later a 3" barrel version and heavy-barrel 4" version were offered as well. In all its variations the model 64 was a very well made, high quality revolver.

Some were made in .357 Magnum for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol and marked model 64-1, this version was then renamed the model 65. Both the 64 and 65 were very popular police sidearms in the '70s and '80s.

S/N D490XXX would date to 1972-1973, most likely early 1973.

Can't say your pawn shop estimate is wrong but it sure is a wide range. You might do a search at the gunsamerica, gunbroker and gunsinternational sites where you'll see photos and prices. That way you can see what asking prices are for revolvers in condition similar to yours.
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Old December 11, 2011, 03:13 PM   #4782
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thank you

thank you for you time... there is a lot on gun broker going for 340 and up, but a lot with no bids...
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Old December 11, 2011, 09:21 PM   #4783
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Smith & Wesson Model 60

Looking for the year of manufacture for a Model 60 serial number J293XXX

Thanks guys.
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Old December 11, 2011, 09:57 PM   #4784
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629-1 S&W

I have a 629-1 S&W, serial #AFL2510 could you help me to find the dob. It has 8 3/8 barrel lenth,smooth trigger and target hammer .a Mag n port complete make over. thanks a million ed
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Old December 11, 2011, 10:29 PM   #4785
Dave Anderson
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Looking for the year of manufacture for a Model 60 serial number J293XXX
The s/n dates to 1975-1976 but the J-prefix wasn't used on the Model 60. Could it be a nickeled model 36?

I have a 629-1 S&W, serial #AFL2510
AFL prefix was most likely made around Nov. 1984 - January 1985
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Old December 11, 2011, 10:33 PM   #4786
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My mistake, I mistyped. The letter prefix is an "R" not a "J". Does that make any difference in the date?
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Old December 11, 2011, 11:00 PM   #4787
Dave Anderson
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My mistake, I mistyped. The letter prefix is an "R" not a "J". Does that make any difference in the date?
Yes, a few years. The number with R prefix dates to 1980 - 1981.
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Old December 11, 2011, 11:08 PM   #4788
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Thank you.
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Old December 12, 2011, 01:45 AM   #4789
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just bought a smith & wesson model 49. need to know when it was made...

Hey guys, I just bought a smith and wesson model 49 with the serial code 76340 B11. Any ideas as to how old this gun is?
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Old December 12, 2011, 02:20 AM   #4790
Dave Anderson
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Hey guys, I just bought a smith and wesson model 49 with the serial code 76340 B11. Any ideas as to how old this gun is?
Those numbers are most likely assembly numbers. The serial number is on the bottom of the grip frame. See laytonj1's post #4769 for an example.
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Old December 12, 2011, 04:22 PM   #4791
Jim Downey
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Dave (or anyone else) -

First, thanks for doing this. I think that it is a real service to the community.

Second, a non-gunnie friend contacted me. She's received her father's old .32, S&W #55870. I've shot these guns before, but can't say that I'm knowledgeable about them. Any info I can pass along to her would be most welcome.

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Old December 12, 2011, 06:17 PM   #4792
Dave Anderson
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She's received her father's old .32, S&W #55870. I've shot these guns before, but can't say that I'm knowledgeable about them. Any info I can pass along to her would be most welcome.

This one needs more information, preferably a couple of clear photos of both sides. At a minimum it would be necessary to know if it is single action; double action with exposed hammer; or double action with concealed hammer.

There were several top-break S&Ws in .32 S&W which could have had the s/n referenced; for example the model 1 1/2 single action, the .32 Double Action 4th model, and the .32 Safety Hammerless 1st Model.

The Hand Ejector with swing-out cylinder was also chambered in .32 caliber but for the .32 S&W Long cartridge.

First, thanks for doing this. I think that it is a real service to the community
laytonj1 is the person who really deserves thanks for this very informative thread. His first post was #3 back in January 2008 so he is coming up on four years of answering questions, and has answered thousands of requests. I and a couple of others chip in as time permits to help carry the load a bit, but it is really Jim Layton's diligence that makes this thread work.
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Old December 12, 2011, 08:38 PM   #4793
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can someone help me with the year and value of my sw revolvers

My father gave me both of them and told me they where my grandfathers. First i have a sw .357 magnum K 264509 I think it is stainless but might just be crome plated. I dont know much about these at all and i was told not to shoot it because the cylinder doesnt rotate fully to line up with barrel due to heavy shooting. Second i have a sw .22 long rifle ctg K 88284. This one i was told has been re blued and is safe to shoot. I have no plans to sell either one of these but I would like to know the value and the year. I want to hand these down to my son some day and wonder if the .357 is worth getting repaired or if it will cost more than the gun is worth? Thanks for any help Dave
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Old December 12, 2011, 10:52 PM   #4794
Dave Anderson
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First i have a sw .357 magnum K 264509 I think it is stainless but might just be crome plated.
A "K" s/n prefix indicates it is built on the medium K frame with adjustable rear sight. In .357 Magnum caliber it would be the Combat Magnum. In fact it would be one of the first 5,000 ever made. Roy Jinks in "History of Smith & Wesson" says the factory set aside numbers K260001 to K265000 for the first group made in 1955 and sold in '55 and '56.

S&W did not use stainless steel at that time. The Combat Magnum was made with either blue or nickel finish, with blue being much more common.

wonder if the .357 is worth getting repaired or if it will cost more than the gun is worth?
Depends on how much repair is needed. If it is just a matter of the cylinder not carrying up properly, or having rotational and/or fore-and-aft play, having it retuned is fairly straightforward. If it were mine I'd be getting in touch with S&W and work with them to see what needs to be done and what the cost would be. Certainly the Combat Magnum is a fine revolver and well worth the time and effort.

sw .22 long rifle ctg K 88284.
The s/n dates to 1950. It is most likely a K-22 Masterpiece (6") barrel, possibly a Combat Masterpiece (4" barrel). Re-bluing pretty much kills any collector interest but assuming it is in sound condition it is one of the finest .22 revolvers ever made and still in demand as a shooter.

Any value estimates I gave would be so full of qualifiers and over such a broad range as to be useless.
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Old December 13, 2011, 12:08 AM   #4795
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Hi, folks. Maybe someone here could save me a trip to the library in downtown Nashville? I can get this information, but I'm hoping some kind soul will help me out here thus depriving OPEC of their pound of flesh (gallons of gas.) I'm looking for a ballpark age on this SW revolver that recently came into my husband's possession? It was his father's gun, who took it off someone who drew on him back when he was a state trooper. This is the number stamped on the butt of the grip: 41xxx. There are no letters before the numbers or unusual spaces between them. It has a pearl (mother of pearl?) grip. There is some pitting, but I recognized the SW trademark. Otherwise the engravings are pretty difficult to decipher. Thanks in advance.

Edited to add: It is 4 inches from the face of the cylinder to the end of the barrel. -s3

Last edited by safety3rd; December 13, 2011 at 12:33 AM.
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Old December 13, 2011, 01:18 AM   #4796
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Model 36 Manufacture Date

Any help appreciated, Model 36, Serial # 361XXX. I'm wondering what year it is, thank you in advance.
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Old December 13, 2011, 05:39 PM   #4797
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Needing a date on an I-frame, 32 S&W long Regulation Police Target, serial number 5049XX

Any help is greatly appreciated
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Old December 13, 2011, 05:59 PM   #4798
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dupe post, stupid server.............
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Old December 13, 2011, 07:08 PM   #4799
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This is the number stamped on the butt of the grip: 41xxx.
S&W reused the same serial numbers thru many different model and over a large span of years.
To even get close we would have to first figure out what model of S&W it is.
Does the cylinder swing out to load/unload or does the whole barrel and cylinder assembly tilt down to load/unload?
What is the caliber? It should be stamped on the side of the barrel.
How many rounds does it hold?
We'll start from there.
A picture would really help.

Model 36, Serial # 361XXX
SN's ran from 295000 in 1962 to 786544 in 1969.
You'd be right around 1964.

32 S&W long Regulation Police Target, serial number 5049XX
Wish I could be of more help but all the book shows is 260000 in 1917 to 536000 in 1942.

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Old December 13, 2011, 07:11 PM   #4800
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laytonj1 is the person who really deserves thanks for this very informative thread
Thanks Dave, I appreciate the compliment. But, you and a few others have really helped out allot with this thread.

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s&w 686

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