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Old August 29, 2012, 03:43 AM   #5651
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I've got a Smith & Wesson .32 Revolver here, has "32 LONG CTG" on the right side of barrel, with the number 470666 on the underside of the grip and on the back of the cylinder, it also has 85727 printed on the inside of the cylinder.
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Old August 29, 2012, 10:18 AM   #5652
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This .32 I-frame belonged to my grandparents and is quite dear to me. The last patent date is Dec 28. 1914 and the serial # is 338xxx. Any help dating the revolver would be appreciated.
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Old August 29, 2012, 10:38 AM   #5653
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Serial numbers ran from J370001 in 1976 to J610000 in 1977.
If it's truely unfired and in 100% condition then about $600 or more depending on location and how bad a collector wants it.
Thank you very much. I bought this gun FTF and was afraid I had paid to much, but based on your estimate I got a great deal. Thanks again.
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Old August 29, 2012, 06:17 PM   #5654
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Smith & Wesson .32 Revolver here, has "32 LONG CTG" on the right side of barrel, with the number 470666 on the underside of the grip and on the back of the cylinder,
If it's a round butt then it's a .32 Hand Ejector 3rd Model.
Square butt would be a .32 Regulation Police.
Serial numbers for both ran from 263001 in 1917 to 536684 in 1942.

.32 I-frame belonged to my grandparents and is quite dear to me. The last patent date is Dec 28. 1914 and the serial # is 338xxx
It's a .32 Hand Ejector 3rd Model.
Serial numbers ran from 263001 in 1917 to 536684 in 1942.
338xxx would be early 1920's.

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Old August 29, 2012, 09:44 PM   #5655
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Thanks for the info.

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Old August 30, 2012, 10:25 PM   #5656
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SW Help?

I have a 32-20 CTG that was passed down to me from my Grandmother that I am having trouble dating. The last patent date on the barrel is Dec. 29th, 1914. The butt says 111029. Can someone please assist me with dating this? Thanks!!

Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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Old August 31, 2012, 05:21 PM   #5657
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I have a 32-20 CTG
It's a .32-20 Hand Ejector 4th Change.
Serial numbers ran from 65701 in 1915 to 144684 in 1940.
Best guess on your SN of 111xxx is late 1920's to early 1930's.

Do not use modern .32-20 ammo designated for rifles in this gun.

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Old September 2, 2012, 04:53 PM   #5658
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S&W Model 649-2 Manufacture date & questions

I just bought a very nice S&W 649-2 for my wife. She describes it as very "comfortable" what ever that means ? I'm reasonably certain it was manufactured between 1988 and 1990 but would like to narrow it down a bit. The Serial Number is BND13XX. Can anyone help me ?

I would like to purchase an Uncle Mike's Sidekick holster for it. However Uncle Mike's web site leaves a lot to be desired when selecting the right size product.
Any advice ?

I also was able to find some good information re: feeding it +P ammo thanks to this forum. Thanks guys !

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Old September 2, 2012, 05:15 PM   #5659
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The Serial Number is BND13XX
You're looking for a "J" frame size holster.

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Old September 4, 2012, 11:32 AM   #5660
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S&W .38 Special CTG

Hi, newbie here. Need some help finding out the year and value of this s&w.38 special ctg I have. Overall not bad condition. The serial # is S 876490. Any help would be apperciated!

Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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Old September 4, 2012, 09:39 PM   #5661
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Hi all,
I know it's a long shot (if you will excuse the pun).
I'm trying to find out the model name of my old 686 that I had in the UK before that B*****D Tony Blair had his handgun cull and had them all destroyed.

It was a Performance Center 6" 686 in SS. The only info I still have is its Serial No. which was BHN96##.
I bought it second hand from a friend of mine who spared no expense on his firearms.

The name "Carry Comp" rings a distant bell, but I can't be sure.

Thanks in advance for any info.

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Old September 6, 2012, 05:36 PM   #5662
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The serial # is S 876490
38 Military & Police (postwar).
Serial numbers ran from S811120 in 1945 to S999999 in 1948.
Yours looks to be about a $300 gun tops.

It was a Performance Center 6" 686 in SS. The only info I still have is its Serial No. which was BHN96##.
Serial dates to 1991/92.
S&W offered at least eight different six inch barreled 6 shot 686's thru the Performance Center. One of them was a "carry comp" as well as the "competitor", "target", "hunter", etc.

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Old September 7, 2012, 03:49 PM   #5663
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Information on a Smith and Wesson?

My ex moved out and left his gun hidden on a shelf in the closet. I have no clue about guns, so maybe I can get some help here telling me how old it is and what it may be worth. On the barrel it is stamped "AIRWEIGHT 38 SPECIAL CTG" It's got a short barrel - 2 inches or less. The model number inside is 3150 and the serial number stamped on the butt (and inside the chamber) is C237XXX. It looks like it's in pretty good condition, but then again... What do I know? Thank you!!
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Old September 7, 2012, 05:47 PM   #5664
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It's a .38 Military & Police Airweight. The serial number dates it to 1953.
These became known as the model 12 when S&W began assigning model numbers ~1957.
The Airweights (aluminum frame) also had aluminum cylinders (thing that holds the 6 rounds of ammo) until 1954 so there is a good chance yours has the aluminum cylinder. If that's the case then it should not be fired. The aluminum cylinders could crack from firing so they were replaced with steel cylinders. You can check the cylinder by placing a magnet on it. If it's steel the magnet will stick. If aluminum it will not.
Value depends on condition but ranges from around $300 in good (about 75% of original finish left) to $700 in excellent (no finish wear). If the cylinder is aluminum then it is worth an additional premium. These values are based on retail. If you sell it to a gun / pawn shop you'll get about half those values.

The 3150 number is just an assembly number.

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Old September 7, 2012, 06:53 PM   #5665
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I have a S&W that I bought at an estate sale a couple of years ago. It is nickel plate, on the side of the barrel it has "38 S&W Special Ctg," No model#, No S&W logo on the frame under the cylinder release, 4 screw sideplate and the serial # is on the butt of the frame. There is some rust and pitting but the first 3 #'s are 315. The strange thing is the 3 is smaller than the other #'s, but other than that does not look out of place (doesn't appear to be any overstrikes or any attempts to change the #'s).

Any info would be appreciated as the cylinder appears to be out of time and I would like to see about fixing it.


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Old September 8, 2012, 12:08 AM   #5666
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Serial dates to 1991/92.
S&W offered at least eight different six inch barreled 6 shot 686's thru the Performance Center. One of them was a "carry comp" as well as the "competitor", "target", "hunter", etc.
Thanks for that Jim, I really appreciate you taking the time.

Just as a matter of interest how do you tell different Performance Center models from each other when you buy them used?

Cheers and many thanks
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Old September 8, 2012, 12:31 AM   #5667
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Smith 642 serial number query

Hi all. First time to the forum. Hoping you can help. Recently bought a smith 642-1, serial # CRE4XXX. Hoping you might be able to tell me about manufacturing date or anything else about it.
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Old September 8, 2012, 07:57 PM   #5668
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No S&W logo on the frame under the cylinder release, 4 screw sideplate and the serial # is on the butt of the frame. There is some rust and pitting but the first 3 #'s are 315
So you're saying there is no S&W logo or there is one?
I need to know how many digits follow the 315. Include any letter prefixes if there are any, such as S or C. Look on the rear underside of the barrel and the back face of the cylinder to see if there are matching serial numbers. And, I assume it's a 6 shot, not 5?

smith 642-1, serial # CRE4XXX
CRE is post 2004. The SCSW only covers up to 2004 so you can call S&W customer service and they will give you the DOB over the phone for free.

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Old September 9, 2012, 02:31 AM   #5669
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Thanks laytonj1 for your response. There is no logo on either side of the frame. It is 6 shot, the serial number is 6 digits, 315xxx and no prefix or suffix The serial numbers on the underside of the barrel and the back of the cylinder do match (didn't even see them before).

Thanks again.

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Old September 10, 2012, 07:30 AM   #5670
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Thank you Jim. I appreciate the information. A friend of mine will clean it for me and I'll decide what to do with it. Thanks for the quick response!
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Old September 11, 2012, 03:13 PM   #5671
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sorry wrong spot to post
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Old September 11, 2012, 04:16 PM   #5672
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Indentification Help

Hello. I have two old S&W pistols. I am trying to find out any information I can about them. Any help is appreciated. They seem to be in working order but look very worn and I would not fire them. They are conversation pieces only but I would like to know more about them.

The first one has a regular trigger guard, 3 inch barrel and looks like .38 caliber. Serial #199265 on the bottom of the grip. On top of the barrel is "Smith and Wesson Springfield Mass" then a number of pat. dates with the last one being Jan 3 82.

The second gun has a small vertical stub under the barrel with a trigger incorporated, no trigger guard at all. 3 inch barrel, looks like .38 as well. Serial #1034684. Same Smith and Wesson on top of the barrel as the other one but ends with a pat. date of May 11 18XX. Due to corrosion the May is hard to read and could be Mar, and the XX numbers are impossible, although the first X could be a 4.

Both guns have a spring loaded release mechanism on top over the hammer to open the barrel. Both guns have matching serial numbers stamped underneath the latch. No other markings on either gun.

Again, any information would be apreciated even if it's a guess.

Thanks, Brien
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Old September 11, 2012, 07:42 PM   #5673
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There is no logo on either side of the frame. It is 6 shot, the serial number is 6 digits, 315xxx and no prefix or suffix The serial numbers on the underside of the barrel and the back of the cylinder do match
Assuming it is a S&W revolver (which would have a S&W logo on the side of the frame) then it would be a 38 Military & Police made around 1920.
There should be patent dates on top of the barrel and Smith & Wesson roll marked on the side of the barrel.

The first one has a regular trigger guard, 3 inch barrel and looks like .38 caliber. Serial #199265 on the bottom of the grip. On top of the barrel is "Smith and Wesson Springfield Mass" then a number of pat. dates with the last one being Jan 3 82.
Is it a single action (must pull the hammer back to cock it) or double action (can also squeeze the trigger back to cock it)?
If double action, does it have an exposed hammer or concealed hammer?

The second gun has a small vertical stub under the barrel with a trigger incorporated, no trigger guard at all. 3 inch barrel, looks like .38 as well. Serial #1034684.
Two problems, S&W never used a 7 number serial number and did not offer the gun you described in 38 caliber.

Pictures would really help...

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Old September 12, 2012, 03:57 PM   #5674
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Thanks Jim,

This is what I have found out so far;

#199265 is a .38 double action 3rd edition manufactured in 1890 or 91.

#103468 is a .38 single action 2nd edition (spur trigger) manufactured in 1888 or 89.

Yes, the 4 on the end was just a scratch that looked like a number.

I think the photos are attached.

Anything you can add to this info woud be great.


Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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Old September 12, 2012, 04:03 PM   #5675
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Better photo of the spur trigger model.

Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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s&w 686

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