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Old September 18, 2023, 10:20 AM   #1
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327 Federal Magnum ammo

Can't find 327 Federal ammo in any gun stores, nor on any of the online ammo sites. Anyone know whats going on?
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Old September 18, 2023, 11:20 AM   #2
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ammoseek shows quite a bit in stock, just not from the popular retailers.
Don't even try it. It's even worse than the internet would lead you to believe.
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Old September 18, 2023, 12:28 PM   #3
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Be Careful when looking for hard to find ammo .
Places that claim they have plenty in stock at low prices might not be who they say they are ... Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) .
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Old September 18, 2023, 01:01 PM   #4
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It's one of the calibers that many manufacturers have not run lots of in quite a while. Catching up on other, more popular calibers. The popularity seems to have increased some in the last few years as well. I'm assuming it is just a catch22 and, at some point it will come back.

My LGS tells me that .32Mag and 22WMR are seeing more sales of handguns and ammo of late.
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Old September 18, 2023, 09:21 PM   #5
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Sounds like a good caliber and excuse to get into reloading...45Colt and 32cal guns did it for me.
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Old September 18, 2023, 10:40 PM   #6
Aguila Blanca
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The blessing and the curse of .327 Federal Magnum is that revolvers chambered for that round can also fire FOUR other rounds, all of which are at least somewhat less powerful and, therefore, perceptibly less unpleasant to shoot. I winder how many people who own .327 FM handguns never shoot .327 Federal Magnum ammo through them.
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Old September 18, 2023, 11:10 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by claydoctor View Post
Can't find 327 Federal ammo in any gun stores, nor on any of the online ammo sites. Anyone know whats going on?
Federal has some available.

Midway has Underwood.

And so does Underwood.

And Buffalo Bore.
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Old September 19, 2023, 10:45 AM   #8
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Hard to find or ridiculously priced ammunition is slowly making a comeback. 17WSM a month ago was $60-$70/50 round box. Today $25.99 is the highest I found on Ammoseek, with some at close to $20.00 a box.
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Old September 19, 2023, 12:26 PM   #9
Mike Irwin
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Someone wake me up when .32-20 and .25-20 start hitting store shelves again...
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Old September 19, 2023, 05:40 PM   #10
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I have purchased from SGammo and MidwayUSA. I've always had good service from both of those vendors and they are showing to have .327 Federal in stock.
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Old September 19, 2023, 09:27 PM   #11
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Can't find 327 Federal ammo in any gun stores, nor on any of the online ammo sites.
I feel your pain.

There is some to be had if you want Federal Hydra-Shok and are willing to pay around $1.50 a round. Of all those sellers on ammoseek, I have only dealt with SGA and have been very happy with their service. They ship free when you spend $200 or more, which isn't hard to do. Be careful with others that may be lower price as their shipping charges can get crazy high.

Federal does show 3 types on their website, but none is available.

Underwood and Buffalo Bore are awesome but higher than the Federal.

Gunbroker usually has some but it typically goes for over the dollar a round price, even for a plinking type load and you'll have to add shipping too.

Reloading is very hard to do right now unless you have some brass, and unfortunately when I do find brass, it's selling for a dollar a round as well, even for once fired stuff. If I have to pay that much I'd rather buy loaded ammo and shoot it and then have the brass.

Right now I'm reloading and shooting a 32 H&R load in my 327 rifle and handgun. As mentioned you can also shoot 32 long and 32 short in the revolvers. I believe 32acp can be fired in revolvers too.

I ran across some 327 mag at a local gun show last fall and paid 40 per 50 for the Federal JSP load. Hopefully Federal will make a run on some of their 85 and 100 grain JSP loads soon and help us out.

Bottom line is it's out there in limited numbers and comes down to how much your willing to pay.
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Old September 19, 2023, 09:43 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Lurch37 View Post
Federal does show 3 types on their website, but none is available.
Federal shows 6 on their website and 2 are available.
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Old September 19, 2023, 09:58 PM   #13
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Federal shows 6 on their website and 2 are available.
You are correct, I apologize for my error.

In my defense the link you provided took me to a 30 super page and I didn't look very hard. My bad.

Now I'm off to do some shopping, thank you Sir!
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Old September 20, 2023, 12:09 PM   #14
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Outdoor Limited is showing a little in stock.
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Old September 20, 2023, 11:28 PM   #15
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I am one of those Aguila Blanca speaks of. I have two .327s and I have a few boxes of .327 mag ammo. But after shooting a few cylinders in the LCRX I swore off of doing that unless absolutely necessary. I keep the LCRX loaded with .32 H&R for edc. The .327 is a lot more pleasant to shoot out of the two pound Single Seven, but even then, not a whole lot of fun. Back when .32 S&W Long was $17 a box I used that for a range round in both of them. Gotta set up that reloading bench soon.
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Old September 21, 2023, 12:35 PM   #16
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I keep hoping Ruger will do another run of the combination .32-20/ .327 Vaqueros or Blackhawks.
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Old September 21, 2023, 03:22 PM   #17
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Along with a 94 Marlin!
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Old September 21, 2023, 08:44 PM   #18
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Am glad I stocked up prior to the pandemic- bought these @ $23/box with a $3 rebate, IIRC.
Haven’t shot any of it yet, so maybe my sons will inherit it along with my Single Seven & SP101.
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Old October 13, 2023, 01:39 AM   #19
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32 magnum works fine in 327.

IF you take up reloading, you can make ammo way cheaper at home.
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Old October 13, 2023, 08:42 PM   #20
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So does .32 S&W Long.
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Old October 13, 2023, 11:12 PM   #21
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While 32 long will work and shoot Ok, I found the 32 mag a lot more accurate in my 327 GP100. In my 32 mag SP101 the 32 long shoots way more accurate. The long jump in the 327 federal makes 32 long a lot less optimal but yes it will work and so will 32 ACP but accuracy will be poor and extraction problematic. But it is safe to fire 32 ACP in a 327 if that's all you can get.
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Old October 23, 2023, 03:38 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Aguila Blanca View Post
The blessing and the curse of .327 Federal Magnum is that revolvers chambered for that round can also fire FOUR other rounds, all of which are at least somewhat less powerful and, therefore, perceptibly less unpleasant to shoot. I winder how many people who own .327 FM handguns never shoot .327 Federal Magnum ammo through them.
I would say about 25% of my shooting with mine is with true .327 and not light loads. The other 75% is a mix between light .327 and .32 Mag and .32 S&W Long.

That's from a 4 inch Sp101, if I had a 2 inch snub, it would be almost entirely .32 Mag, which I would buy a .32 Mag if someone other than Charter made them.

If Ruger would make a .32 Mag in the aluminum LCR or Taurus in their Ultra-Light snub, I would strongly consider those over the .327's.

I do like the ability of more power, but if what people say is true in that .32 Mag revolvers can take a lot more than the 21K PSI, then I would be willing to shoot hot +P .32 Mag, but if doing that means it requires having a steel frame, then it's pretty much a .327 anyway so why not choose that?

The biggest problem with the industry and .327 is the ammo manufacturers are making the same mistake they did with the .41 Mag in that they are just pushing the loads to max power and while it's great and all the cartridges can do that, that doesn't mean that's the best or only application. A .327 load that is loaded to 30-35k PSI would be easier on the shooter whilst still being significantly more powerful than .32 H&R.

Hornady has an 80gr FTX Critical Defense load for both .32 H&R and .327 the specs being H&R getting 1150 from a 4" barrel, the .327 1475 from a 5" barrel. If Hornady would do a "Lite" version of the .327 and load it to around 1300 from that barrel, that would be a nice option for the consumer.
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Old October 23, 2023, 10:12 AM   #23
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I can push 85 grain XTPs into the 1300s no problem with blue dot in 32 mag from an older SP101. I can push 100 xtps to about 1250fps in the same Ruger without any problem. I find the 327 too ear splitting to be pleasant to shoot from my GP100. My 32 mag loads are warm and the cases don't last a long time but they are fun to use with hearing protection. A factory 327 load is basically like 30 carbine from a pistol.
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