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Old January 31, 2010, 06:24 PM   #2501
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Let me clarify

The Model 10-5 snubby above has the # 2D208xx on the bottom of the grip.
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Old January 31, 2010, 06:46 PM   #2502
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I'm putting my smith up for sale and would like to know what year it was made. #'s are 437127
First, take the serial number from the underside of the frames grip butt and include any letter prefixes.
Second, how about a discription of the gun.

The Model 10-5 snubby above has the # 2D208xx on the bottom of the grip.

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Old February 1, 2010, 12:06 AM   #2503
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smith wesson 32 cal need help on age of gun and cost

Wanted to see if you could find out when this gun was made and whats its worth 75% no rust s&w 32cal long revoler 4inch barrle 6 shot s. N. Numbers ap1135xx thanks for any info you can give
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Old February 1, 2010, 12:14 AM   #2504
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s. N. Numbers ap1135xx
That's not a S&W serial number. Take the serial number from the underside of the frames grip butt.

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Old February 1, 2010, 12:26 AM   #2505
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It has the s&m logo it is a model 732 32snwl these is all the numbers that was on the gun ap11351x it also has made hrinc.gardner
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Old February 1, 2010, 12:34 AM   #2506
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#'s are 437127 gun is a 4 inch barrel and a 38 special CTG,it's 90% engraved by Kurt Jager from Mainz Germany.
Sharp looking gun! It's a .38 Military and Police, Model of 1905, 4th Change.
The serial number 437127 dates it to the 1920's.


Last edited by laytonj1; February 1, 2010 at 12:49 AM.
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Old February 1, 2010, 12:43 AM   #2507
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It has the s&m logo it is a model 732 32snwl these is all the numbers that was on the gun ap11351x it also has made hrinc.gardner
Huh? I've never heard of a model 732. It's not listed in the book nor on S&W's website. Are you sure it's not an H&R 732?

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Old February 1, 2010, 01:23 AM   #2508
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thanks for help its my brothers gun i thank you are right and a h r what year do you think might be thanks jeff
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Old February 1, 2010, 07:34 AM   #2509
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Thanks Jim

Thanks Jim for that date on the 10-5 snubby. Despite owning semi automatic pistols and rifles as well as shotguns, that is what rides in the nightstand. Can't go wrong with the "orginal" point and click interface!
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Old February 1, 2010, 10:09 AM   #2510
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My father-in-law has a little Smith that belonged to his first wife, and he is wanting me to find out some information on it. When you open the cylinder it has a 66 on the yoke, I assume this is the model number. It is a very short barreled 38 with the shrouded hammer. Also on the inside of the frame there is the number 377xx. I don't know if that is the serial number or if it is another number I found on the outside. The number on the outside is 91J3xx. I would say the gun is in at least 90% condition and has not been abused, it has a blued finish with wood grips. What is a ballpark value on it? Thanks in advance for your help.
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Old February 1, 2010, 10:55 AM   #2511
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S&w mod 60 serial???

I everybody, i have a s&w mod 60 with serial no anc26xx, anyone can help me with the year of manufacture?? Thanks
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Old February 1, 2010, 01:33 PM   #2512
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My father-in-law has a little Smith that belonged to his first wife, and he is wanting me to find out some information on it. When you open the cylinder it has a 66 on the yoke, I assume this is the model number. It is a very short barreled 38 with the shrouded hammer. Also on the inside of the frame there is the number 377xx. I don't know if that is the serial number or if it is another number I found on the outside. The number on the outside is 91J3xx. I would say the gun is in at least 90% condition and has not been abused, it has a blued finish with wood grips. What is a ballpark value on it? Thanks in advance for your help.
JTPinTX: The Model 66 is a stainless .357 magnum, so that's not what your FIL has. The numbers inside the frame are so-called "assembly numbers" used to keep track of parts during manufacture - but the model number should also appear in there somewhere. The number on the outside, on the bottom of the grip frame, is the serial number and, from that and other information given, he would appear to have a Model 38 "Bodyguard Airweight" or Model 49 "Bodyguard". If it's the former, it should have "Airweight" engraved on the right side of the barrel, or you can test the frame with a magnet to see if it's alloy (i.e., Airweight) or steel.

The gun appears to date from the 1971-73 "wandering J" period, during which the "J" appeared in various places in the serial number. The only way to pin down a single year would be to call S&W. Approximate value would be in the $400 neighborhood for the M49, a couple hundred or so more for the M38.

I everybody, i have a s&w mod 60 with serial no anc26xx, anyone can help me with the year of manufacture??
OOXXX: There's a slight break in the serial number list in SCSW just where your "ANC" prefix falls, so 1986 -1987. If it happens to have adjustable sights, that would pin it down to a special run of Model 60s that was made in 1986, and if it happens to be a -2 variation, that would make it 1987, but otherwise it could be either year based on the information available.
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Old February 1, 2010, 03:23 PM   #2513
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Thanks Flyfish. I looked at the pistol yesterday, but couldn't find a model number anywhere on the outside. Last night after I came home and did some research I found that the model number should have been inside the yoke area, so I called my FIL and had him look this morning. At first he told me it looked like a 99, but then decided it might be a 66. His eyes are not that good, he had to go get a flashlight to look at it, so it is quite possible it could have been a 49 instead of 99. At any rate, it is not the alloy frame for sure, it is blued steel. I imagine the early 70's period is correct, I believe his first wife passed away in the late 80's.
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Old February 1, 2010, 04:14 PM   #2514
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Hi all, newb here but been around for many years, I'm trying to find out the age of my latest handgun, it's a S&W Mdl 66-1 recessed non-pined 4" barrel.
ser# 110K8xx
Thanks in advance for the help.

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Old February 1, 2010, 06:16 PM   #2515
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liketoshoot1: 1981
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Old February 1, 2010, 06:19 PM   #2516
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I'm trying to find out the age of my latest handgun, it's a S&W Mdl 66-1 recessed non-pined 4" barrel.
ser# 110K8xx
1981. You're sure about the non-pinned barrel? According to SCSW, both the recessed cylinders and the pinned barrel were dropped at the same time, with the introduction of the 66-2 in 1982. This wouldn't be the first time I've heard of a gun with features that don't quite match the "official" description, but it would be the first in my experience that's recessed but non-pinned.
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Old February 1, 2010, 08:11 PM   #2517
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Thanks Rad, when I saw it I did not think it was a -1 due to the barel not being pined, but when I swung out the cylinder I saw it was.
Thanks for the help, great place and folkes here!
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Old February 1, 2010, 09:08 PM   #2518
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ok many thanks, the gun not have adjustable sights or -2 variation, its only model 60. thaks for the information.
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Old February 2, 2010, 07:43 PM   #2519
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Old Smith & Wesson

I have an old Smith & Wesson 38 spl. that I would like some info on. I got this gun from a friend of my fathers who said it was his uncles. He said his uncle was an Navy academy graduate (Annapolis) and I think he said he was in the Spanish American war. He also told me he thought this was his side military sidearm.

This gun is double action only and the hammer is 1/2 gone. I'm not sure if this gun has been modified or if it is just broke.

Serial # is 236,7**

Any information I could get wold be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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Old February 2, 2010, 07:54 PM   #2520
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Serial # is 236,7**
.38 Military & Police Model of 1905, 3rd Change.
Serial numbers ran from 146900 in 1909 to 241703 in 1915.

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Old February 2, 2010, 08:20 PM   #2521
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I have an old Smith & Wesson 38 spl. that I would like some info on. I got this gun

Thanks Jim, Do you think the gun was modified or broken?
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Old February 2, 2010, 11:14 PM   #2522
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Could anyone help date my S&W Pre-Model 10? It's been passed down from my grandfather to my father and then to me, but dad doesn't remember when my grandfather bought it.

Nickel-plated S&W Pre-Model 10 .38 Special with the half-moon front sight and 4" barrel:

Top of barrel says "Smith & Wesson Springfield Mass U.S.A. Patented Feb.6.06. Sept.14.09 Dec.29.14". Right-side of barrel says "38 S. & W. Special CTG"

The butt serial number is 4726XX. The same number is on the barrel face, along with the letters "P", "V" and "S" around the barrel face. The same serial number is under the barrel, with the letter "V" about 1/2" in front of the serial number, and "P" about 1/2" after the serial number.

The crane has the number 14747 and the letter "S".

Anything you could tell me about it would be much appreciated.
Thanks a million,

Last edited by ScottRiqui; February 2, 2010 at 11:43 PM.
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Old February 2, 2010, 11:53 PM   #2523
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I've had a few brews so take this for what it's worth to you who ask.

Try googling you model. You'll get pages of info and a whole new world will be opened.
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Old February 3, 2010, 01:26 AM   #2524
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The butt serial number is 4726XX.
.38 Miltary & Police Model of 1905, 4th Change. Made in the 1920's.

Try googling your model. You'll get pages of info and a whole new world will be opened.
That's how some of them found this thread.

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Old February 3, 2010, 03:33 AM   #2525
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I realize that.
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s&w 686

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