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Old September 2, 2010, 10:07 PM   #51
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Probably some level of this.....

I had them anywhere from small nicks and dents, to caved in case mouths, which usually ended up like the pic. About 5-10% of my brass was not reloadable due to it.
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Old September 5, 2010, 08:04 AM   #52
hardhat harry
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OK, I see that, and that could be it, but I didn't have any get stuck between the mag follower and the slide. From your picture, I would suspect a magazine spring that is a bit too strong as this is not quite a stove pipe condition. It looks like the case is jammed between the magazine follower and the slide. A too strong spring in the magazine pushing the follower up with too much speed behind the ejecting cartridge and into the top of the slide could do this, messing up the timing. Just to sort of verify this, how old was the magazine, and was it kept in the fully loaded condition for any length of time...which will help reduce spring tension.

In my case, the spring may be just on the verge of being a bit too strong, and if kept fully loaded will reduce spring tension over time.

Where in PA? We moved away in 2001, Lancaster County. Traveled in our RV for 8 years and now residing in AR.
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Old September 5, 2010, 10:02 AM   #53
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Im a little NW of where you were, in Juniata County.

I got the same stoppage with both mags I had, which had different followers.

I also didnt always get the actual stoppage, but still recovered a good bit of brass with the same defects.
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Old September 5, 2010, 12:44 PM   #54
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Purchased my SIG P238 SE w/ rosewood grips and night sights last December and haven't had any issues with it using SIG OE mags, and OE Colt Mustang and Government mags.

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Old October 1, 2010, 10:18 AM   #55
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I just read that this gun will soon become available in MA but the only place i've seen it for "sale" (pre-order) is at FourSeasons and they show it with a price of $609 plus tax.
I prefer a 9mm pistol to the .380 so can anyone here recommend a 9mm that is similar in size to this (maybe even by SIG) that is available in MA?
The Khar PM9 is a gun I'd like to buy but at $750 is a bit too much for me.

Any recommendations?
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Old October 5, 2010, 05:29 AM   #56
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I just read that this gun will soon become available in MA but the only place i've seen it for "sale" (pre-order) is at FourSeasons and they show it with a price of $609 plus tax.
I prefer a 9mm pistol to the .380 so can anyone here recommend a 9mm that is similar in size to this (maybe even by SIG) that is available in MA?
The Khar PM9 is a gun I'd like to buy but at $750 is a bit too much for me.

Any recommendations?
Is the Kahr CW9 an option for you? Slightly bigger than the PM9, but a whole lot cheaper.
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Old October 25, 2010, 02:46 PM   #57
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Help with understanding the Sig 238 Single Action function

I can't quite figure out why the P238 is classed as a single action pistol.

A friend is thinking about buying one but said she's concerned about it being a Single Action pistol. I have no idea such a thing existed.

Not to sound stupid, but I honestly don't understand why it's called a SA pistol. Isn't it a first shot Single Action pistol with semi-auto Double Action follow up?

Every pistol I own is SA first (Manually load the first shot... pull slide,cocking the trigger, pull the trigger). 2nd shot auto feeds for a DA trigger (pull trigger, shoots and reloads the next round. They are defined as SA/DA.

A Single Action revolver requires cocking the hammer and then pulling the trigger for each successive shot. If it's a Single Action pistol, doesn't that indicate the shooter will have to rack the slide or cock the hammer before each shot?

Please don't shoot me down for not understanding the function of this pistol, I've never even seen one.
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Old October 25, 2010, 02:55 PM   #58
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The 1911 is also a single action pistol. Might want to do some quick searching to learn about how that pistol functions. The Sig P238 is a SA in the same vein. Carry it cocked 'n locked and after you snick off the safety and pull the trigger to fire, it cycles another round into the chamber and cocks the mechanism. Pull the trigger again and..... A DA uses the trigger pull to cock the mechanism and not the recoil cycling of a fired round.
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Old October 25, 2010, 02:59 PM   #59
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Makes sense now.

Thanks for the easy answer.

Next question.
My S&W 669 has a full length trigger pull on the first shot and a shorter stroke for all of the follow up shots. Can you tell me if the P238 stages the trigger the same way? I'm trying to get her some quick answers on the way it'll operate.

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Old October 25, 2010, 02:59 PM   #60
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My favorite carry format is da/sa with a good sight radius. Blowback operated pistols like my ppk or a p232 fill this gap excellently for me. However, were I to shoot my 1911 more often I would most definitely choose a p238 to accompany it. Consistency in training is important, so I think the 238 will sell to more than just a niche, but to many a 1911 fan looking for a good bug or mouse gun.
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Old October 25, 2010, 03:03 PM   #61
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I know someone who love .380 ammo. She has small hands and would love one of these. I like them too. Neat little things and SIg is good.
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Old October 25, 2010, 03:58 PM   #62
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fear of pocket carry s/a sig

this was my only hangup with my sig.since i like to carry this size pistol in my [pocket,then i found a pocket holster by rkba holsters.the way its make the safety can not drop down in your pocket.might won,t to check it
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Old October 25, 2010, 04:17 PM   #63
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My S&W 669 has a full length trigger pull on the first shot and a shorter stroke for all of the follow up shots. Can you tell me if the P238 stages the trigger the same way? I'm trying to get her some quick answers on the way it'll operate.
Single Action autos have a single, short trigger pull for every shot. The hammer is cocked manually (when the gun is loaded, or, if the hammer is lowered after loading, thumb-cocked before firing) for the first shot, then automatically recocks for subsequent shots. That's why it's SINGLE action; the trigger only drops the pre-cocked hammer.
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Old October 25, 2010, 04:31 PM   #64
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You all have been such a positive help here.
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Old November 13, 2010, 03:53 PM   #65
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Extractor malfunction

I just bought a P238 at a local gun show in Miami, Fl. Took it to the range this morning and fired 100 rounds. No problems, no jamms...great gun fun to fire and great for CCW .....I thought. After returning home I disassembled and cleaned the gun, when I reassembled the gun, per instructions I had to depress the extractor to allow the slide to get back in place, the extractor went in too far and now the gun is inoperable. I am going to return the gun for repairs, has anyone experienced this problem?
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Old November 13, 2010, 10:12 PM   #66
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I have, But it was on a colt mustang. It jammed the slide so bad it had to be returned for repair. Thats when I got the Interams PPK and have never looked back.
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Old November 13, 2010, 10:20 PM   #67
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My wife almost got one because it was rainbow colored fortunately myself and an employee at the gun store talked her out of it.
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Old November 14, 2010, 07:33 AM   #68
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Extractor malfunction
I just bought a P238 at a local gun show in Miami, Fl. Took it to the range this morning and fired 100 rounds. No problems, no jamms...great gun fun to fire and great for CCW .....I thought. After returning home I disassembled and cleaned the gun, when I reassembled the gun, per instructions I had to depress the extractor to allow the slide to get back in place, the extractor went in too far and now the gun is inoperable. I am going to return the gun for repairs, has anyone experienced this problem?
Do you mean the ejector? If so, check out this link; here's how you fix the ejector -
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Old November 18, 2010, 08:31 PM   #69
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I've had no trouble at all with my Sig P238. Lovely little gun. I like it almost as much as my old Mustang.
Been shooting a Diamondback 380 some lately. Very light little gun and still fairly comfortable to shoot. I like it and it isn't too expensive.
IMO if you get anything much larger than these minis in 380 you might as well go with a Kahr or Ruger 9mm .
I have tried the Walther 380 and it is the exact same size as my P22. Nice gun and pretty, but as big as a small 9mm.
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Old April 21, 2011, 05:52 PM   #70
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This gun works great! Got to the range with mine today and fired 100 rounds through it, on the 96th round it stove piped, but I think that had to do with the gun getting dirty do to the garbage ammo I was using. Great gun to bring to the range, just wish it held more ammo. I did see that sig came out with a new mag that has a pinky grip and holds 7 rounds, will let you all know how it works when I get one.
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Old April 21, 2011, 10:53 PM   #71
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I am not a fan of them. That said I am happy yours is working well. My wifes has been a promblem sence we got it, but she realy likes it so I hope to get it fixed because she is not interested in carrying any thing else.
Shot placement is everything! I would rather take a round of 50BMG to the foot than a 22short to the base of the skull.

all 26 of my guns are 45/70 govt, 357 mag, 22 or 12 ga... I believe in keeping it simple. Wish my wife did as well...
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Old April 23, 2011, 11:55 AM   #72
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I don't have a Sig P238, but I've shot one. It was the blued elite version. As a Colt Mustang knockoff I thought it was very nice though a lot more angular. With the extended magazine it handled nicely.

Sig has way better sights than the Colt.
Sig accuracy (of this pistol) out performed the Colt
Sig parts are available - Colt .380 parts are...well good luck.
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Old April 23, 2011, 12:22 PM   #73
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...well good luck.
Depending on what P238 you have, this may apply too.
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Old May 7, 2011, 02:44 AM   #74
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I love my Sig P238 SAS

I have recently purchased a Sig Sauer P238 SAS. I've ran a couple hundred rounds through it and never had a single jam. It has never felt lose or cheap. The safety is very snug and the is an obvious "click." Having shot all of the popular ccw 380's ( lcp, tcp, ppk, bodyguard, P238, and more not so populars) this was the right choice for me. The Taurus TCP had a horrible recoil and very useless grips (and I have small hands seeing as I am a woman) Ntm the lack of a safety. The River LCP has useless sights and also just felt too small and cheap in my hands. The Smith & Season bodyguard was better than the first two for accuracy. But the built in laser is impossible to turn on quickly and if I were to have a laser I would rather it was instinctively activated instead of being something you would have to fidget with in a time of need. I did like the Walther PPK/S. It was accurate, with a very manageable recoil. It has a good solid feel in your hand. Plus, seeing as I am a 110lb young woman it is very easy to chamber a round. Oh and the price is very reasonable. The down side to this pistol is its size. It is the largest of the 380's I've tried and hiding anything on my frame is hard. And it has a tendency to jam one to two times per 50 rounds (this is the same on both I ppls I tried an a p22).

So I decided on the most expensive Sig Sauer P238, the SAS. It has been "dehorned" or had all the corners rounded so it won't snag on clothes. It's small enogh that I can conceal it. The recoil is actually less than the larger ppk/s. The sights are very useable. It's accurate if you are accurate ( pistols don't aim themselves). The Sig just feels right, not cheap! To sum up my late night rant... Sig knows their stuff,and did it right with the P238.

Happy shooting,

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Old July 1, 2011, 02:50 PM   #75
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Hey HisSoldier

I am very interested in learning more about your steel manufactured [email protected]

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