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Old September 25, 2023, 01:04 PM   #51
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
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And, the wheel turns, which brings us back round to whether or not a small, calculatable via formula or manually measured, difference actually makes any practical difference.

Personally, it makes no difference to me what a gun does, fired in a ransom rest.

A) I don't have a Ransom rest, B) even if I did, its not something I can carry around and us, and C), its not ME SHOOTING the gun. I suppose it's somewhat useful as a standard to make relative comparisons between guns, or loads, but that doesn't mean what happens in the rest will happen in my hands, or whether or not I can even notice it is happening.

Particularly with small amounts of difference.

Argue all you want, the math says (with ALL factors taken into account) one is slightly less than the other, or its not, depending on how the numbers work out. (GIGO)

Whether it makes any difference to the person shooting, or what gets shot, is a different matter, I think.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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Old September 26, 2023, 04:56 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by 44 AMP View Post
Argue all you want, the math says (with ALL factors taken into account) one is slightly less than the other, or its not, depending on how the numbers work out. (GIGO)

Whether it makes any difference to the person shooting, or what gets shot, is a different matter, I think.
Agree. And even then, what one person might be able to feel, another does not. The timer might tell a story that is humanly imperceptible.
Good Shooting, MarkCO
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