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Old September 16, 2023, 09:15 PM   #1
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What is the best buckshot for double barrel shotguns?

Specifically the winchester model 24. The cheaper version of the 21. I bought some buckshot a while back. The hulls got stuck, it didn't with birdshot. Which leads me to believe it's a brass height issue. So I figure you guys would know better than anyone...what buckshot and slugs won't stick in a SxS shotgun?
I'm honestly thinking of just adding a second or third spring to the mechanism that pushes the shells out. That's not a threat.

And slugs are safe. Because some fricken NIMROD chopped the barrels down to 19 inches......
Yeah I just wanted a double barrel that was 19 inches lol
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Old September 17, 2023, 10:15 AM   #2
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I highly doubt brass length has anything to do with it. Have you tried a different brand or checked the chambers for damage?
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Old September 17, 2023, 02:32 PM   #3
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SxS 12ga

Are the shells the same length? ie 2 3/4; 3 inch, etc?

I just tried different 12ga loads in my SxS Charles Daly (Berretta) made in 1967 and experienced no noticeable difference.
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Old September 17, 2023, 02:57 PM   #4
Bill DeShivs
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Sounds like you used 3" shells in a 2-3/4" chamber.
Better check-that can be dangerous.
Bill DeShivs, Master Cutler
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Old September 17, 2023, 05:13 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Hawg View Post
I highly doubt brass length has anything to do with it. Have you tried a different brand or checked the chambers for damage?
Oh I know it won't cause the sticky chamber. I was just mentioning it before someone tells me the barrels are choked. I chopped it so it's cylinder bore. I've not tried a different brand of buckshot. But I've shot birdshot without an issue until about 23 rounds into a box
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Old September 17, 2023, 05:15 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Bill DeShivs View Post
Sounds like you used 3" shells in a 2-3/4" chamber.
Better check-that can be dangerous.
I wish it were that simple. I checked, they are 2 3/4
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Old September 17, 2023, 05:16 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by ammo.crafter View Post
Are the shells the same length? ie 2 3/4; 3 inch, etc?

I just tried different 12ga loads in my SxS Charles Daly (Berretta) made in 1967 and experienced no noticeable difference.
They were the same legnth, maybe I'll try another brand
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Old September 19, 2023, 01:56 PM   #8
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Your shotgun, you can do (and did) what you want with it. But gosh darn, you chopped a Model 24 ??? Take a ook on Gunbroker and note what one sells for in about any condition. One could sell the M24 to someone who appreciates it, buy a an import, new, unbutchered, and have money (maybe a good bit of money) left over.

Not just money.....a durable, blue collar USA made double is now a thing of the past. Lopping the chokes off renders it unuseable for most hunting. For home defense a better suited affordable pump like the Mossberg Maverick are widely available. A lot of Savage 311's got chopped for cowboy shooting and now suffer the same affliction.

OK, I'm a Fudd, but lopping a vintage double just brings tears to my eyes
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Old September 20, 2023, 09:54 AM   #9
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Buckshot can be finicky, especially 00 and 000 with no buffer and no wad.

Maybe if you tell us 1. What you are hunting and 2. What brand you have, you can get a better answer.
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Old September 26, 2023, 08:29 AM   #10
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I'd give the chambers a good cleaning with steel wool. Any shell should work without sticking. I think you have a shotgun issue, not an ammo issue.
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Old October 7, 2023, 12:07 AM   #11
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I have a Cimarron sxs clone of a colt 1878. They specifically advise to use high brass if you don’t want the shells to stick.
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Old October 8, 2023, 04:28 AM   #12
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.what buckshot and slugs won't stick in a SxS shotgun?
Never had any from Remington or Winchester give my any issues, in any mechanically sound modern shotgun.

And slugs are safe. Because some fricken NIMROD chopped the barrels down to 19 inches......
Slugs are safe in any choke because of the way they are made. Open choke and cylinder bores are recommended for best accuracy, (though that is not a hard and fast rule,) not for safety reasons.

If the barrels have been chopped, who knows what other things were done to the gun???

Birdshot loads range from light (3dr eq) to heavy (3 & 3/4dr eq) and then there are also 2 & 3/4" max loads like slugs and buckshot.

0 and 00 are the traditional size for deer, some folks like 000 but I never saw the need. #4 buck is popular some places for smaller game, and pest control, but I wouldn't choose it for deer.

Check local game laws, there are some odd places that have odd rules.

Do some patterning, (paper plate will do) to see if YOUR gun and your shells are good for the range you plan to use. Some guns will hold a tight enough pattern to be decently effective to 60yds or so, some won't and the range should be held to what the gun and ammo can humanely manage.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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Old October 11, 2023, 11:11 AM   #13
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Given proper shell construction? Tungsten shot is devastating. You asked best, not cheapest. @ ballpark 40% greater density than lead, the downside to Tungsten is it will also devastate your pocketbook.
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Old October 11, 2023, 05:02 PM   #14
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Shotgun chambers are conical (tapered cylinders). Base height isn't going to give you a problem from any decent manufacturer.

Sounds like rough chambers or bad lockup.
Don't even try it. It's even worse than the internet would lead you to believe.
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buckshot , double barrel , shotuns , slugs , sticky chamber

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