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Old April 23, 2009, 09:54 PM   #1376
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tracyballard: Your 10-5 was made in 1971 or 1972, the serial number range for those years was D330001 to D420000. The D serial range range from 1968 to 1977, followed by the 1Dxxxxxx range.
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Old April 25, 2009, 05:32 PM   #1377
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Ok, I just inheited what I think is a model 10. Serial no. 4626xx, four screw, half moon front sight, 6-shot, mushoom head ejector and "made in USA" on frame. Right side of barrel says .38 S&W Special CTG and top of barel has patent dates for Feb 6 06, Sept 14 09, and Dec 29 14. I was told that the finish was once nickel, and the factoy stocks have since been changed to pearl.
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Old April 25, 2009, 11:07 PM   #1378
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Hedley: You have a S&W .38 Miltary & Police Model of 1905 4th change. This is the direct predecessor to the model 10, made from 1915 to 1942. Serial numbers in the 500,000 range shipped in 1927, so I would estimate your gun as dating to the early 1920s.
Real mother of pearl grips will add value, fake ones will detract. If most of the finish is worn off it it won't have a lot of value to a collector, nickel was a factory option and in good condition would add value.
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Old April 26, 2009, 05:05 PM   #1379
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Thankyou for the info. The revolver was my great grandfather's, and my father had it refinished in the 70's, and was completely aware of the diminished collector value. The finish looks to be a brushed nickel.
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Old April 26, 2009, 06:22 PM   #1380
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Smith & Wesson 32 long colt

i have a S&W hand ejector model of 1903 5th model change i think. it is a 32 long colt caliber. serial # 218075
i am trying to get some info on it as well as where i can get some ammo. it is out or production

Last edited by cwcollins; April 26, 2009 at 09:51 PM. Reason: spelling error
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Old April 26, 2009, 09:28 PM   #1381
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Here you go Radagast. The stock panels sure look like real mother of pearl to me. Any idea as to what finish was applied to this gun?

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Old April 27, 2009, 04:50 AM   #1382
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Thanks for the pic Hedley. The grips aren't S&W grips, they lack the god S&W medallions, but may still add a little to the value.
I'm guessing the finish is either nickel or hard chrome, which does kill the value to a collector, but it's still a shooter.
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Old April 27, 2009, 04:59 AM   #1383
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cwcollins: AFAIK S&W never chambered guns in the .32 colt round, the .32 Hand Ejectors were chambered in .32 S&W Long. Serial number 218075 places it as a.32 Hand Ejector Model of 1903 Fifth Change, manufactured between 1910 & 1917 in the serial number range 102501 to 263000. These guns were built on the I frame which was a little smaller than today's J frame Chief's Special.

The .32 S&W long is still manufactured, the gun will also chamber .32 S&W (sometimes referred to as .32 S&W short). Old Western Scrounger lists it:
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Old April 27, 2009, 10:06 AM   #1384
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thanks for the info. i have a box of 32 long colt that my father was sold several years ago. i was afraid to use it in this pistol until i checked it out.

thanks again
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Old April 28, 2009, 12:02 AM   #1385
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Could I get help with build years on these two please?

Top is a nickel .38 special 15-4 serial # 20K85xx

Bottom is a stainless .357 magnum 686 serial # ACK30xx

Thanks to anyone that can help.

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Old April 28, 2009, 07:12 AM   #1386
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miker415: Your 15-4 was made in 1977, serial range for that year was 10K0001-24K9999.

Your 686 should date from between January 1983 (serial number ABL4000) & October 1983 (serial number ADE6700). There is a recall in effect for all 686 no dash and 686-1 guns, if your gun has been through the recall it should have an M stamped after the model number.
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Old April 28, 2009, 07:19 AM   #1387
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cwcollins: the .32 S&W long had the same cartridge length as the .32 long colt, but the long colt case is slightly narrower and tapered.
You could probably fire them safely through your gun, although the cases would likely split or swell to match the chambers.
I personally wouldn't do it. It's an old gun, find the right ammo and keep safe.
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Old April 28, 2009, 08:45 AM   #1388
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Thank you for the information Radagast. I have been aware of the recall for some time on the 686 but have never done anything about it. I think the mod has something to do with the pin not striking deep enough with certain ammo. I have had the gun do this. Odd thing is I have had the 15-4 do it also, in fact just two times ago at the range. I pulled through that round again and it fired. I guess I should have both guns checked. Can any gunsmith do the recall on the 686 or does it have to go to Smith & Wesson?

BTW, both of these guns are awesome. I bought the 686 used in 1986 or 1987 for $275. It came with upgraded sights, a worked trigger, a Bianchi beltless holster, the original wood grips, and the Pachmayr grips. I bought the 15 used for $250 in 1988. It came with a black police style holster, two speed loaders, and a matching speed loader case. The guy I bought it from got it from a retired L.A. police officer.

Both guns shoot very smooth and accurate. Unfortunately, both are a little too large to carry concealed. I'm thinking of picking up a 9 or 380 to carry with the CCW permit.
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Old April 28, 2009, 01:19 PM   #1389
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Hi. I just purchased my first handgun, S & W 686 with 4" barrel. The store clerk said that it was new, but I have my doubts about that. To my untrained eye, it looked to be in very good shape and the price was $599. I can pick it up in 3 days to comply with the mandatory waiting period. I sent Smith and Wesson an email through customer service a few days ago to request any info on this weapon, but have not heard back from them. The serial number is CHZ9xxx. Can anyone give me an idea when the date of manufacture is? The reason my suspicions are up is because, I told the clerk I would be willing to pay a bit more for a NIB revolver. She replied that the 686 was getting scarce and may be hard to find. The gunpowder residue on the cylinder was from test firing at the factory?? She put the handgun in a smith and wesson box with the manuals, but I have a feeling it was someone else's trade-in or such. Still $600 did not seem like a bad deal, so I agreed to the purchase. However, if it is more that 5 or 6 years old, I may just have them order a new one anyway.

The S & W folks did get back to me just a few minutes ago. They say it was manufactured in 2005 at Springfield, MA.

Last edited by danfree; April 28, 2009 at 04:26 PM. Reason: Update
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Old April 29, 2009, 10:46 AM   #1390
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Can someone look up a S&W 686, SN# AAF7670

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Old April 30, 2009, 04:42 AM   #1391
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keithk: October 1982. Open the cylinder, if there isn't an M stamped after the model number then it is subject to a recall for modification. S&W will pay the shipping. With soft primers and magnum loads it's possible for the primer to flow back around the firing pin and lock up the gun. The modification replaces the firing pin and pushing to prevent this from occurring.
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Old April 30, 2009, 10:47 AM   #1392
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Open the cylinder, if there isn't an M stamped after the model number then it is subject to a recall for modification. S&W will pay the shipping. With soft primers and magnum loads it's possible for the primer to flow back around the firing pin and lock up the gun. The modification replaces the firing pin and pushing to prevent this from occurring.
You should call S&W before sending it in because I've heard that they recently stopped "M"-stamping recalled guns, so your gun may have been fixed even if there's no "M" stamp.
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Old April 30, 2009, 11:25 PM   #1393
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S&W Model 29

I'm trying to find the approximate manufacture dat and approximate value of a Model 29, blued, 8 3/8" barrel. It ust says Model 29, not 29-1, 29-2, etc.

The number on the butt end of the grip is AED88XXX, There are also other numbers 4X057 and 4758 on different areas...

I would estimate the bluing to be a good 98%. No visible wear and tear anywhere.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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Old May 1, 2009, 07:45 AM   #1394
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sculpin1: AED88xx should be from between January 1983 & October 1983, which would make the gun a 29-3. There should only be four digits after the three letters, not the five you have indicated.

The 29 no dash was produced from 1957 to 1962, the 8 & 3/8 inch barrel was introduced in 1958, the serial number range for that period was S179000 to S220000.

At a guess I would say you have a 29-3 that was mis-stamped.
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Old May 1, 2009, 11:53 AM   #1395
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Thank you very much for that info!

You are right, (sorry) I double tapped the "8"!

It was purchased (new) in the late 70's to early 80's time frame, so 1983ish sounds right.

Thanks again!


Last edited by sculpin1; May 2, 2009 at 12:59 AM. Reason: ...removed an errant question.
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Old May 1, 2009, 06:08 PM   #1396
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Anything special about a low serial number?

A friend showed me his Dad's 38 special. The serial number is J331xx. He wanted to know if there was anything special about having what appears to be a low J series serial number. Anybody know if this means much?

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Old May 2, 2009, 07:20 AM   #1397
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Bengel, J33155 dates from 1969 or 1970. It's not particularly rare, the J frames were introduced at serial number 1 in 1950 and continued until serial number 786544 in 1969, when the serial range started again at J1. unless it has target sights and or a three inch barrel it is not going to bring s premium from a collector.
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Old May 2, 2009, 08:41 AM   #1398
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Thank You...


Thank you for your help.
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Old May 3, 2009, 05:18 PM   #1399
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Can anyone give me a date on my pistol?

My grampa gave me a pistol and I just want to know what it is and a date?
k777-xxx any help?
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Old May 4, 2009, 09:51 AM   #1400
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ToyotaMike: 1967.
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s&w 686

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