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Old June 17, 2011, 10:01 PM   #4301
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S & W Lemon Squeezer

I'm a newbie so forgive me if I have posted incorrectly.

I was interested in the year of manufacture of my

32 (short) cal Smith & Wesson Lemon Squeezer,
manufactured Springfield, lMass

serial num on butt: 2041xx

thank you for any informaiton
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Old June 18, 2011, 10:18 PM   #4302
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“38 S&W Special U.S. Service CTG’s” on the top of the barrel it has “Smith and Wesson Springfield Mass. USA Pat’d April 9.89 march 27.94 May21.95 July19.96 Dec22.96 Oct 4.98 Oct8.01 Dec 17.01” On the bottom of the handle it is stamped 316xx.
.38 Military & Police 2nd Model (Model of 1902). Serial numbers ran from 20976 in 1902 to 33803 in 1903.

A gunsmith should be able to find/make a new screw for it.
Chiefs Special 546XXX with a stamped 'R' and what looks like an arrow pointing to a 'J'.
I'm not sure I follow, is the J part of the serial number or is it in a different location?
Serial numbers ran from 295000 in 1962 to 786544 in 1969.
If the J is a prefix to the serial number then it would fall around 1977.
If the "R" and "J" are in some other location then they were likely stamped by a previous owner/agency/etc.

32 (short) cal Smith & Wesson Lemon Squeezer,
manufactured Springfield, lMass

serial num on butt: 2041xx
.32 Safety Hammerless 3rd Model. Serial numbers ran from 170000 in 1909 to 242981 in 1937. The book does not narrow the date down any closer.

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Old June 18, 2011, 11:25 PM   #4303
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"32 Safety Hammerless 3rd Model. Serial numbers ran from 170000 in 1909 to 242981 in 1937. The book does not narrow the date down any closer."


thank you very much Jim, I was guessng somewhere around 1920ish. The gun belonged to my great grandmother who was born in 1872. She died in 1953. I tried to shoot the gun when i was a child but was not strong enough to "squeeze". I inherited the gun some years ago and got it out yesterday to shoot it, thinking for some reason it was a .22. imagine my surprise! anyway, gun last used by my grandmother to shoot a snake in the early 1980s - in good but well used condition.

thanks again
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Old June 19, 2011, 10:22 PM   #4304
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So is it more than likely a 1903 production year? How much could it be worth? Here are some pictures of the gun and holster. It looks like my grandpa couldn't afford the correct size holster.

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Old June 19, 2011, 10:28 PM   #4305
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m0re of the holster fit.

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Old June 20, 2011, 05:59 PM   #4306
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Information on a revolver SW model 3 (I think)

I believe this gun is a smith and wesson model 3 frontier double action...this is only my best guess...please see the pictures attached.

Im A NEWBEE here, so please forgive me if im in wrong place. I think I have a Smith and Wesson model 3 double action gun. My mother who passed away had it in a bag in a box that said, " This was my fathers Gun. He got it when I was 6 years old." Since my mother was born in 1933, I assume it was purchased in 1939 either new or used. Im coming to the conclussion it was definitly used from the dates on it, but I could be wrong.

The serial number on the handle shows 5488 and the same number shows on the inside of the gun under the latch. The handles seem to be made of hard rubber. Ive found similiar guns on line, but cant seem to find an exact match, which is driving me nuts. IT seems to work with the trigger button or the pull back trigger to fire, thus I assume it double action. The guns ive found online are either shorter on the barrel or have a different looking finger area. There are 2 lines on top of the barrel that read as best as I can see....

line #1 Smith & Wesson Spingfield MASS U.S.A PAt'D Jan 17 & 24 65
The 2nd line I have trouble seeing at end, but I think it says,
Line #2... July 11 65 Aug 24 69 July 25 71 Dec 2 70 May 11 & 25 1880

I would appreciate any infomation you could give me on this gun. Date made, Type of gun, etc. Ty in advance.


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Old June 20, 2011, 06:03 PM   #4307
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So is it more than likely a 1903 production year? How much could it be worth?
Yeah, possible, likely.
2006 values range from $250 in good to $650 in excellent. Prices have gone up since.

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Old June 20, 2011, 06:17 PM   #4308
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Information on a revolver SW model 3 (I think)
From the pictures it appears to be a .38 Double Action 2nd Model. It's hard to make out the serial number but it falls within that models range.
Serial numbers ran from 4001 in 1880 to 119000 in 1884.

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Old June 20, 2011, 10:17 PM   #4309
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Smith and Wesson identification

I have a Smith and Wesson revolver with a 4 inch barrel. I'm having trouble finding out what model it is and would like to know the round-a-bout year it was made. It says ?8-2 serial #K757xxx. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me out. Thanks
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Old June 21, 2011, 12:46 AM   #4310
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response to Jim

JIm , Can you let me know how you come to the conclussion that it is a .38?
I seem to find tons of pics that are super close, but none exact. Drivign me a little nutty.

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Old June 21, 2011, 12:05 PM   #4311
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Approximate Value S&W Centennial Model

I'm trying to get an approximate value on a S&W Centennial Model (pre-model 40) in 38 SPL. Manufactured between 1952 and 1957. It has 4 screws on the side plate which I'm told means it was manufactured prior to 1956. The serial number is 1688, so it's probably an early model of the 30160 Centennials made. It has the original safety lever lock down pin. The revolver is in good condition with no pitting and very little wear showing. The only wear being a little bluing wear on the end of the barrell.

Does anyone have a ball park figure as to what this revolver is worth. I'm curious because if it is worth much more that the $175 I paid for it I won't be making any changes to it.

Thanks for any help I might get, Skip
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Old June 21, 2011, 04:51 PM   #4312
Dave Anderson
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I have a Smith and Wesson revolver with a 4 inch barrel. I'm having trouble finding out what model it is and would like to know the round-a-bout year it was made. It says ?8-2 serial #K757xxx. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me out. Thanks
The s/n indicates 1967 production. It would help to know the caliber and model number. If it is caliber .22 LR it would be the model 18.
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Old June 21, 2011, 06:42 PM   #4313
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I'm curious because if it is worth much more that the $175 I paid for it
4 screw with little wear, it's worth at least double to maybe triple that.
Can you let me know how you come to the conclussion that it is a .38?
Well, because at first glance I thought it was a 5 shot and too big for a .32.....
However.... after enlarging and looking much closer at the 1st picture I can see it's a 6 shot and therefore a large frame.
So, there's two possibilities.
1.) It's a .44 Double Action First Model chambered in .44 Russian. SN's ran from 1 in 1881 to 54668 in 1913. For your 4 digit SN the Cylinder length will be 1 and 7/16.

2.) It's a .44 Double Action Frontier chambered in 44-40 Winchester. SN's ran from 1 in 1886 to 15340 in 1913. Cylinder length will be 1 and 9/16 to accommodate the longer cartridge.


Last edited by laytonj1; June 21, 2011 at 07:43 PM.
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Old June 21, 2011, 10:39 PM   #4314
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.44 double action first model Russian or frontier champered 44-40

as quoted by JIM.

"So, there's two possibilities.
1.) It's a .44 Double Action First Model chambered in .44 Russian. SN's ran from 1 in 1881 to 54668 in 1913. For your 4 digit SN the Cylinder length will be 1 and 7/16.

2.) It's a .44 Double Action Frontier chambered in 44-40 Winchester. SN's ran from 1 in 1886 to 15340 in 1913. Cylinder length will be 1 and 9/16 to accommodate the longer cartridge."

Thanks for the Help JIM. Is there anything I can give you to deterimine which of these 2 it is? I notice the site point is different then normal too. I posted a few more pics too. The barrel is 6 inches in length. I also tried to show a pic of the serial number which was inside the gun, which matched the outside handle of gun, but I dont think it was very clear. In person, it shows 5488. I also measured the Cyliner length and I believe it to be 1 and 9/16. One mark past 1.5 inches. Hope Im correct.

Thanks again for the support.

Does this gun have any significant value? Should I have it cleaned up?


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Old June 22, 2011, 08:49 AM   #4315
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Smith & Wesson .38 S&W 5 shot Revolver

I inherited a Smith and Wesson .38 S&W 5 shot nickel plated revolver with a four inch barrel. It has the following markings:
1.Top of barrel: Smith & Wesson Springfield Mass USA
Patented Feb 6 '06 Sept 14 09 Dec 29 '14
2. Left side of barrel: Smith & Wesson
3. Right side of barrel: REGULATION POLICE
4. Left side of frame under cylinder release: Smith and Wesson Trademark
5. Number on frame under cylinder support (cylinder open): 37610
6. Number on frame on butt toward the trigger guard 20359
If anyone can give me the manufacture date on this revolver, I would sure appreciate it.
Many thanks
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Old June 22, 2011, 02:10 PM   #4316
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One mark past 1.5 inches. Hope Im correct.
That would be 1 and 9/16 which would make it the Frontier model.
Value as of 2006 was $285 in "poor" to $7000 in "as new".
Yours looks to be closer to "poor".

One thought, this info is based on a picture of a very rough looking gun compared to a picture and brief discription in a book. So, I hope I'm correct..
I inherited a Smith and Wesson .38 S&W 5 shot nickel plated revolver with a four inch barrel. It has the following markings:
3. Right side of barrel: REGULATION POLICE
6. Number on frame on butt toward the trigger guard 20359
That would be the serial number. They ran from 1 in 1917 to 54474 in 1940 (book doesn't narrow down any further).
Note the chambering is .38 S&W, not to be confused with the more common .38 Special.

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Old June 22, 2011, 08:32 PM   #4317
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Frontier model

Just want to Thank Jim for help in identifing my .44 frontier. Any suggestions on best way to restore the gun properly? I also have a very worn side arm hoster it belongs to.

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Old June 23, 2011, 12:13 PM   #4318
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From cbhayes

Jim, Thank you so much for your help in finding the manufacture date on my Smith & Wesson .38 S&W.
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Old June 23, 2011, 08:32 PM   #4319
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question on a 19-5 birth date

just picked up a 19-5, 4 inch serial number AJT 10XX gonna try to find some oem grips but want some in the era of the guns birth date im no rush got it for 320 bucks so i can spend a few bucks on grips and not feel bad guns in great shape gotta love those little old ladys over herd her in the gun shop trying to sell it and just asked her what she wanted soon as i saw it i new it was mine thanks

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Old June 23, 2011, 09:47 PM   #4320
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Smith 686-6+

Got a new shooter today

Smith model 686-6 plus (gotta love that 7th shot!)
Serial# CHB04XX
Thanks in advance.
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Old June 23, 2011, 11:24 PM   #4321
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Model 15-2

Can anyone tell me the year of mfg of a S&W Model 15-2 with serial number K8217XX?

Thanks for any help.
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Old June 24, 2011, 01:13 PM   #4322
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Hello, I'm looking for some serial# help to. I have inherited a S&W 38/44 Heavy Duty Serial # 38XXX

Its a 5 inch barrel, with Nickel Finish
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Old June 24, 2011, 04:16 PM   #4323
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Sorry for being such a nubie but I know very little about Smith's. I'm looking at a .38 lemon squeezer that I need to know some info on. It has 2530xx for a serial number. I am trying to find out a general idea as to the date of manufacture/shipping date, production numbers, desirability and value ranges. Basically, I need opinions and information.

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Old June 24, 2011, 10:06 PM   #4324
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19-5, 4 inch serial number AJT 10XX
Standard grips would be either target stocks or service magnas.

Smith model 686-6 plus (gotta love that 7th shot!)
Serial# CHB04XX

S&W Model 15-2 with serial number K8217XX
1968. SN's ran from K779163 to K848781 that year.

S&W 38/44 Heavy Duty Serial # 38XXX
SN's ran from 36000 in 1931 to 38375 in 1932 to 41200 in 1933.

.38 lemon squeezer that I need to know some info on. It has 2530xx for a serial number.
.38 Safety Hammerless 5th Model.
SN's for the 5th Model ran from 220000 in 1907 to 261493 in 1940. Book does not narrow it down any further. Shipping date would require a letter from S&W (currently $50).
First Model started at SN 1 with last of the 5th Models ending at SN 261493.
Value depends on condition and can range from ~$250 in good to $500+ in excellent (2006 values).

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Old June 25, 2011, 10:06 PM   #4325
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Greetings! My apologies for jumping on the "Me Too" bandwagon but I'm really curious..just got my first ever wheel guns (I had a talk with my 1911 and let her know we might need to spend a little time apart...).

Model 66-1 2 1/2" - 77K8XXX
(also has a bunch of marks on the frame under the grips: 3, X, C7437 on one side and: C10, C7, S, B22, 75294 on the other. Any idea what they mean?)

Model 66 no-dash 4" - 4k93XXX
(C17,C3,C4,C6,4, x2625 on one side and: Y, U, a Z inside a circle on the other under grips)

Side note: the 66's action is incredibly smooth and it feels like it has received a very good trigger job.

Any help with the age and number's meanings would be greatly appreciated. I have to wait until Tuesday to shoot them as my wife wants to try them out as well

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s&w 686

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