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Old October 1, 2010, 09:33 PM   #3426
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old smith & wesson revolver


I'm not sure if I'm posting these questions in the right place. Please let me know if I didn't. I would like to know the age of my gun and model. I inherited it from my grandmother. I do know it was given to her by my grandfather shortly before my aunt who is 53 was born. It is a 5 shot s & w with a 3 inch barrell. the serial number is 6085XX I would like to buy the proper speed loader.
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Old October 1, 2010, 09:35 PM   #3427
trigger happy
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nickel plated model 36 (3 inch barrel) .38 Special, serial number 99J7xx
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Old October 1, 2010, 10:39 PM   #3428
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cathrysist: A bit more info would be helpful. What cartridge is the gun made for (should be marked somewhere)? Does the cylinder swing out for reloading, or does the gun hinge below and in front of the cylinder?

trigger happy: Your gun is from the 1971-72 time frame, when the "J" appeared in different locations within the serial number, hence the term "wandering J" period.
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Old October 2, 2010, 07:13 PM   #3429
trigger happy
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thank you Flyfish nice bit of trivia I was completely unaware of until now
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Old October 3, 2010, 08:57 AM   #3430
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With a serial number that high & a five shot cylinder it should be either a S&W Model 36 Chiefs Special (steel frame) Model 37 Chiefs Special Airweight (aluminum frame) or a Model 38 Bodyguard Airweight (Aluminum frame, shrouded hammer) manufactured between 1962 & 1969.
Caliber should be .38 S&W Special with .38SPL CTG marked on the barrel.
The Model number should be marked on the inside of the frame, under the cylinder yoke.
These were and are built on S&W's small J frame. You will want the HKS 36A.
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Old October 4, 2010, 01:50 AM   #3431
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I have a model 28-2 w/serial S245xxx. It still has factory grips, with checkering so sharp it almost hurts. It has some wear around muzzle. It looks a bit older, but who knows? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Ed.
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Old October 4, 2010, 11:07 AM   #3432
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Ed -

Your 28-2 dates from 1965-65. As you probably know, it was intended to be a more utilitarian version of the Model 27, so didn't have such a high-polish finish and also lacked the serrations on the rib. The -2 variation came out in 1961, when the trigger guard screw (the so-called "4th screw") was eliminated, and stayed in production until the -3, which dropped the pinned barrel and cylinder counterbore ("P&S"), was introduced in 1982. The Model 28 was discontinued in 1986.
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Old October 4, 2010, 08:30 PM   #3433
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Thanks, Flyfish! I wonder then if refinishing the worn areas is worth it.....I'll play with it first.
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Old October 5, 2010, 01:24 PM   #3434
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Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me date this gun

I think it is a Model 10,

The serial number is 1388xx (its only 6 digits, that's the number on the bottom of the grip frame. there is no letter preceding it.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

I also have an M1917 that I want to get a date on, but I don't have the serial number with me, I'll try to post it later.

Thanks again
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Old October 5, 2010, 02:15 PM   #3435
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Spork - Technically, it's not a Model 10 because that designation wasn't used until 1957 and your gun is much older than that. You have a .38 Military & Police Model of 1905 - 2nd Change, manufactured in the 1906 (SN 73251) to 1909 (SN 146899) time period. This model eventually morphed into the Model 10, so can be thought of as a "pre-10" even though there were a couple of other variations that came in-between.
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Old October 5, 2010, 02:31 PM   #3436
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Thanks a bunch for the help. That's good to know, I guess then that it's made around 1908 (if in fact the serial numbers scale linearly to the date).

As for ammo, is regular 38 special ammo I get at the range going to be fine to use, or does that usually tend to be +P (That's high pressure, right?), or should i NOT use +P ammo in this gun?
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Old October 5, 2010, 03:20 PM   #3437
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Yes, you can approximate the actual year by interpolating, but linearity isn't necessarily the case, so it's only an approximation.

Your gun wasn't made for +p ammo, and you shouldn't use it in a revolver of this vintage. Any factory +p ammo should be clearly labeled as such, both on the box and via the headstamp. The SAAMI spec for regular .38 Special is 17,000 psi, for +p 20,000 psi. You'll hear people who claim that .38 Special ammo was originally loaded to higher pressures than it is currently, and that may be the case, but there's really no need to use it in a gun that (I assume) is only doing range duty anyway.
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Old October 7, 2010, 08:28 AM   #3438
Dave Swaffield
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I need a year of manufacture on my new (to me) 2" model 10 round butt. It has the 'deep' bluing we are all so fond of.
Serial #: C547652
Thanks for any/all help.
Semper fi,

Dave Swaffield
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Old October 7, 2010, 09:27 AM   #3439
Cajun Dago
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38s handed down to me..trying to search history

serial # 4113xx... I am looking for age of gun .. what shell to use(what gun is rated for)barrel marked with [38s.& w.special ctg]..this is a 6 shot.. The box of shells that we have are 38s3p..super police 200 gr.lubaloy. they are very old n dont know if i should use them.. price on box of 50 is $4.07 lol. thx for any info

Last edited by Cajun Dago; October 7, 2010 at 09:47 AM.
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Old October 7, 2010, 10:14 AM   #3440
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Dave: Your Model 10 dates from 1961 (starting SN C474149) to 1962 (ending SN C622699).

Cajun Dago: Based on the serial number and the chambering, you gun must be a .38 Military and Police Model of 1905 - 4th Change, more commonly called the .38 M&P or sometimes the "Pre-Model 10" because this is the basic design that became the Model 10 when S&W started using model numbers around 1957. Your gun dates from the 1915 (starting SN 241704) to 1942 (ending SN 1000000) period, and unfortunately SCSW provides no more detailed information on serial numbers corresponding to specific years. You can interpolate using that information and get an approximate year of production.

The gun is chambered for .38 Special ammunition and is safe to use with .38 Special +p, although if it were my gun I'd stick to the regular pressure loading, particularly if you're not using it as a CCW.

With regard to the old ammo, I suspect it's safe to fire but hesitate to give a firm recommendation without actually seeing it. There are many collectors of old ammunition, and I'd be inclined to take it into a well-stocked gun shop and see what it's worth. You might be able to trade it for a box or more of nice new .38 Special ammo.
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Old October 7, 2010, 10:25 AM   #3441
trigger happy
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S&W model 648 (no dash) 6 inch barrel .22 magnum stainless steel revolver serial number BHJ92xx
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Old October 7, 2010, 11:22 AM   #3442
Dave Swaffield
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THANK YOU very much for the info. Both my sons (U. S. Marines) got married this year; when those bills are caught up I will buy the S&W book.
Semper fi,

Dave Swaffield
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Old October 7, 2010, 11:22 AM   #3443
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BHJ prefix would be 1991.
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Old October 7, 2010, 04:09 PM   #3444
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Would like to know Mfg. date and approx. value of S&W 357, mod. 66-6, ser. #CHE5XXX. Pistol has a 3" ported bbl. with adjustasble rear sight and high viz front. The finish is nickel. Was also wondering if ported bbl. is factory?
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Old October 7, 2010, 04:38 PM   #3445
Cajun Dago
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thanks alot as I am fisherman to no end.. I'm not a big expert on guns..just the basics. so i dont know how to compile the info to estimate the it might be 1920-30's.. the shell i thot the same as a collecter may want them 4 their showcase. box n shells r in great shape..dont know ccw???
i will use the regular38s ammo,but at least i know i can go with the heavier load if i needed to...thx any anything else will b appreciated. If any collectoers are intrested i can post pics of the ammo.
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Old October 7, 2010, 06:08 PM   #3446
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Would like to know Mfg. date and approx. value of S&W 357, mod. 66-6, ser. #CHE5XXX. Pistol has a 3" ported bbl. with adjustasble rear sight and high viz front. The finish is nickel. Was also wondering if ported bbl. is factory?
Your SN dates to 2004.
The 66 is made from stainless steel so the finish is natural stainless (or polished stainless), not nickel.

The SCSW list two 66-6's that were offered with 3" barrels. One was from the S&W Performance Center. Called the F-Comp, it had a full lug barrel and a large port at the top of the barrel and forward of the front sight. It would likely have the Performance Center marking on it somewhere. It was offered around 2003/4. It shows the front sight as being dovetailed.

The other was a run for Davidson's. They had a 3.25" barrel and v-notch rear sight and green hi-viz front sight. It was offered in 2004. Nothing mentioned about porting though.

A picture would help.

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Old October 7, 2010, 06:13 PM   #3447
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shortwave: The CHE prefix was used in early 2004. The Model 66-6 was introduced in 2002 when S&W initiated the internal lock. It was the last Model 66, which was dropped in 2005. Note that the Model 66 was stainless (not nickel). I can't say for sure about the porting on yours, but SCSW notes that the M66 was commonly offered with Mag-Na-Porting starting around 1997.

Cajun Dago: Assuming that they made the same number of .38 M&Ps each year during the 1915-42 time period (which they almost certainly didn't), your gun would date to 1921. That's only an estimate and I'm afraid it's about the best we can do with the available info. CCW = concealed carry weapon. What I meant was that if you're only using it as a range gun there's really no point in regularly shooting +p ammo through such an old revolver. Once in a while, no problem.
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Old October 7, 2010, 06:14 PM   #3448
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Hey, Jim - you beat me to it. Welcome back. You in Alabama now?

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Old October 7, 2010, 07:56 PM   #3449
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Welcome back. You in Alabama now?
Yep, I'm back in bama (in my best southern drawl).

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Old October 7, 2010, 09:18 PM   #3450
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Thanks fella's for the response.

Correction's on my post.
Revolver is polished stainless.
Has a 3.25" barrel thats magna ported with a v-notch rear sight and green high viz front sight.
Also has black rubber, round butt combat grips.

Sorry for the bad info
Sounds like the Davidson run you mentioned Jim.
Whats a Davidson run

I know a pics would be helpful but don't know how to post pics.
Is it possible to give an approx. value?
Gun is in excellent shape and looks to have very little wear.

Again, Thanks for your help.
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s&w 686

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