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Old August 6, 2010, 12:48 PM   #3226
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S&W Model 1?

Hello gentlemen,

I have inherited a S&W handgun. From looking at pictures online I think it might be a model 1, 3rd issue. The only markings I can find are the serial number on the grip of 856XX. Then along the top of the barrel it says "Smith & Wesson Springfield Mass. Pat. Apr 3.55 July 5.59 & Nov 21.65"

Am I right about the model? Any idea of the year for that serial number?


Last edited by musingmom; August 6, 2010 at 01:56 PM.
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Old August 6, 2010, 04:08 PM   #3227
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the serial number is JRD6XXX
The SCSW only covers up to 2004. You can get the DOB free over the phone from S&W customer service.

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I have inherited a S&W handgun. From looking at pictures online I think it might be a model 1, 3rd issue. The only markings I can find are the serial number on the grip of 856XX. Then along the top of the barrel it says "Smith & Wesson Springfield Mass. Pat. Apr 3.55 July 5.59 & Nov 21.65"
The serial number is consistant with a model one but the patent dates are not. Also it would be a 22 caliber.

That serial number and patent dates are consistent with a model ONE-and-a-Half first issue which were made from 1865 to 1868 and caliber would be 32.

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Old August 7, 2010, 01:05 AM   #3228
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Serial Number

My wife's family has a S&W 38 Special with a butt serial number is S71488.
I think it goes back to the late 1930s(?)
Any help out there?
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Old August 7, 2010, 07:55 AM   #3229
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You have an interesting and somewhat rare gun, Art. The "S" serial number prefix was used for post-war N-frames, the largest revolver frame that S&W made for many years, and only two models of .38 Special were built on the N-frame. Your gun dates from 1948, and is either a .38/44 Heavy Duty or .38/44 Outdoorsman, both the so-called "Transitional" model that was built for a few years after the war when S&W was returning to civilian production.

The Heavy Duty had a fixed rear sight, i.e. milled into the topstrap over the cylinder, and the Outdoorsman had an adjustable rear sight, so you should be able to determine easily which you have. The Heavy Duty eventually (in 1957, when S&W began the model numbering system) became the Model 20 and the Outdoorsman became the Model 23. Both were discontinued in 1966.

The .38/44 was named that because back in the 30s when the gun was introduced S&W was interested in developing a more powerful .38 caliber cartridge, so built a .38 caliber revolver on the beefier .44 Special frame. There was a more powerful .38 Special loading that went along with it, now discontinued, which eventually led to the development of the .357 Magnum.

Only about 2,500 Heavy Duty Transitionals and 2,300 Outdoorsman Transitionals were ever made, so if the gun is in reasonable shape it could be quite valuable, easily upwards of $1,000.
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Old August 7, 2010, 11:59 PM   #3230
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Serial Number

Flyfish, Thanks for the information.

They finally got the cylinder open. It had the S71488 number plus these two: T71488 and 12924 on the back side of the cylinder. Is there any significance to those numbers?
Again thanks for the info.

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Old August 8, 2010, 08:57 AM   #3231
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Art, any other numbers besides the number stamped on the butt are known as "assembly numbers" and are used to keep track of fitted parts during the manufacturing process. They have no significance.

What do you mean by "they finally got the cylinder open"? Is there a problem (rusting, e.g.) with the gun such that opening the cylinder was difficult? That would be a real shame with a gun like this.

BTW, since my original response I noticed that there were also some K-frame .38 Special Transitional Models that used the "S" prefix, but according to the Standard Catalog, those guns had SNs higher than S811120, or possibly S769000. Either way, your SN predates those, so based on everything I've learned to date I believe my original assessment is correct.

Does it have the fixed or adjustable sights? Any way you could post a pic or two?
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Old August 8, 2010, 10:52 AM   #3232
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Serial Number

No rusting problems, they're just not gun users and mechanically inept to boot.

Here are the photos that they took.

Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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Old August 8, 2010, 11:17 AM   #3233
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Certainly looks consistent with it being a .38-44 Outdoorsman Transitional, and it's in pretty good shape from what I can see - a bit of finish wear in the usual places, and I think some of the white areas in the photos may just be glare (?). If it were my gun, I'd take it someplace reputable to get an appraisal and spend the 50 bucks to get a factory letter from S&W. That's definitely worth a bit of money. Nice, very nice.

ETA: One last thing, if you want . . . carefully remove the grips and look to see if the serial number is stamped on the inside of the right one (i.e., the one that would be in the palm of a right-handed shooter). The original grips - and the raised-diamond Magnas shown in the photos are at least the correct design for the gun - should have the SN stamped there, probably minus the "S".
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Old August 10, 2010, 08:09 PM   #3234
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Serial number

Thanks for all the great info.

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Old August 10, 2010, 09:17 PM   #3235
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I just bought a clean S&W 64-3 with a serial number of 418XX. I would much appreciate any help on a date or other info.,,
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Old August 10, 2010, 11:10 PM   #3236
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S&W Model 49 Bodyguard - Serial number

Serial number is ACM7XXX

I would really appreciate knowing more about the year manufactured and any model/revision information

thanks much !
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Old August 11, 2010, 12:07 AM   #3237
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I just bought a clean S&W 64-3 with a serial number of 418XX.
That's likely an assembly number. Take the serial number from the underside of the frames grip butt.
It will either have a "D" in it or a three letter prefix. If your grips cover the bottom of the grip butt you'll have to remove them to see it.

Serial number is ACM7XXX

I would really appreciate knowing more about the year manufactured and any model/revision information
That SN dates it to 1983.
It would be a 49 no dash (no revisions). The first revision (49-1) was in 1988.

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Old August 11, 2010, 04:00 PM   #3238
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Looking in the correct place, now, that serial number is AJPXXX. Mid-late 1980's?
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Old August 11, 2010, 04:57 PM   #3239
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that serial number is AJPXXX. Mid-late 1980's?
Yep, looks like 1986.

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Old August 11, 2010, 06:31 PM   #3240
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Thanks Jim! 1986 was the last year my police department carried 64's. I got hired in 1987, during the switchover. I bought it for sentimental reasons and now I'm even happier with it.
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Old August 14, 2010, 02:14 PM   #3241
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Just picked up a 686, no dash....SN# AFFXXXX.....any clue on date of birth or value? I'd probably rate it 90-95%.
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Old August 14, 2010, 05:33 PM   #3242
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Just picked up a 686, no dash....SN# AFFXXXX.....any clue on date of birth or value? I'd probably rate it 90-95%.
You didn't mention barrel length but a common 6" would be around the $500 range in this area.

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Old August 14, 2010, 08:06 PM   #3243
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Serial Number

I just put my money down on a very lightly used M&P 40c
Serial # DSY0672. Can you tell me when it was made?

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Old August 14, 2010, 09:26 PM   #3244
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You didn't mention barrel length but a common 6" would be around the $500 range in this area.

Jim was the 4 inch barrel..FYI
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Old August 15, 2010, 12:09 AM   #3245
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Hi - I just got myself a M-19 Combat magnum 6- inch barrel target hammer and trigger. Serial number 48k5xxx. Great revolver.

Great post -
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Old August 15, 2010, 03:42 PM   #3246
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Trying to figure out my inherited S&W 44 spl

I inherited a S&W revolver chambered in a .44 S&W Special recently and am hoping for some help to figure out just what I have here.

I suspect it is a New Century, but I believe there are 3 different models of the New Century. It has 6 1/2" barrel, walnut grips, no model number and a serial number of 143xx. There is an ejector shroud. It may have triple lock - I'm not sure how to tell. There are 3 clicks made when pulling back the hammer. S&W logo is on right below the hammer. "44 S&W SPECIAL CTG" is on right side of barrel. On top of the barrel are 6 patent dates, preceded by "SMITH & WESSON SPRINGFIELD MASS. U.S.A. PAT'D..." then goes on with dates of 1894, 1895, 1896, 1901, 1901 and 1906. It has adjustable rear sight (horizontal and vertical screw adjustments). I am about to spring for the $50 S&W letter but I'm not really looking to sell this- just to figure out what it is.

I shot this a lot as a kid and it's still in great shape.

Any help?
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Old August 16, 2010, 09:46 AM   #3247
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Grandpa Si - All of the information you've provided is consistent with the gun being a .44 Hand Ejector 1st Model, also known as the New Century and/or Triple Lock. The third lock is at the front of the yoke cutout - you can find a photo of it here at the Smith & Wesson Forum. Depending on condition, your gun could be worth some serious money. I know you said you don't have any plans to sell it, but you may want to have it appraised for insurance purposes.

3rdDragoon - (Assuming you were looking for a production date for your M19): 1978/79
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Old August 16, 2010, 05:33 PM   #3248
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age of s &w

Can any one tell me when this snuby nickle plated smith & wesson was manf?
the serial # is 29489 but on the square butt it has c 26876. thanks
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Old August 16, 2010, 06:01 PM   #3249
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Can any one tell me when this snuby nickle plated smith & wesson was manf? the serial # is 29489 but on the square butt it has c 26876.
A little more info, particularly the calilber it's chambered for, would help to pin it down, but it's most likely a .38 Military & Police, the pre-Model 10, and that serial number (the serial number on S&Ws is, with rare exceptions, always on the butt) places it in the 1948 time frame. The gun should be chambered for .38 Special if so.

That said, with a "C" sn prefix, it could also be a .38/200 Military & Police (pre-Model 11) if chambered for the .38 S&W cartridge (NOT .38 S&W Special), but that's unlikely because those guns were not manufactured with snubby length barrels and were not nickel plated. The other possibilities include the pre-Model 12 Airweight, but those weren't introduced until 1952, so that's unlikely, and (if chambered in .22 rimfire) the .22 M&P (pre-Model 45), but those didn't have short barrels either and I don't think they were nickel plated - and they're uncommon.
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Old August 16, 2010, 06:22 PM   #3250
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Smith & wesson

Hey Thanks , it is a 38 s&w special
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s&w 686

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