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Old May 31, 2010, 11:39 AM   #3026
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Old May 31, 2010, 07:29 PM   #3027
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i'm currently holding a smith and wesson revolver for a friend. need to know what it actually is, and possibly what it's worth so i can make him and offer and join the ranks


wooden grips, stainless frame/barrel/revolver

left barrel: smith & wesson
right barrel: 38 S.&w. SPECIAL CTG.
right frame: MADE IN U.S.A., MARCAS REGISTRADAS, SMITH & WESSON, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. and the s/w trade mark

stamped MOD. 64 inside

serno: 467xx

nothing on the bottom of the grip
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Old May 31, 2010, 10:04 PM   #3028
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BPC 18**. Date please and thanks for your help?
I have a 357 with serial number AUE0000. I am not using zeros in place of correct numbers. That is actually the serial number. Do I have the first edition or what should I make of it? Any help would be great.
That's sort of an interesting gun to own, and I guess could be worth a couple more bucks to the right collector, but the "0000" doesn't have any particular significance. The AUE prefix would make it about 1986-87.

4literranger485: That's not a correct serial number for a Model 64. The gun should either have a number containing the letter "D" somewhere, or if of more recent manufacture should have three letters followed by four numbers. Is there really nothing on the bottom of the grip? That would be highly unusual and possibly illegal. You might have to remove the grips to see the bottom of the grip frame. Can you post pics?
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Old May 31, 2010, 10:14 PM   #3029
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apparently i had a bit of a brain fart. the wooden grips were covering up the bottom of the frame.

under the grips is the number:

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Old June 1, 2010, 08:21 AM   #3030
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Ah, that's better . . . 1972-73.
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Old June 1, 2010, 06:51 PM   #3031
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any idea of value? It appears to have been fired quite a bit. but the finish is ok, its got scratches, marrs, etc. of something that old i'd imagine. but it is in tact and not rusty/corroded

it's also a "pencil" barrel model if that helps!

thanks again for all of your help! i know i'm not giving much to work with.
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Old June 2, 2010, 08:16 PM   #3032
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i've got an S&W .357 magnum with the serial #1312. can anyone help me find the make and year, or even the value? i've been told it's from 1938
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Old June 3, 2010, 11:17 AM   #3033
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S&W age

I picked up a S&W Model 36 2 in barrel pinned
number J697xxx

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Old June 3, 2010, 11:36 AM   #3034
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4literranger485: Sorry to take so long getting back to you - I've been out of town on a short business trip. There are a lot of Model 64s around, so values are not as high as for many other models. Depending on condition and where you're located, I'd say somewhere in the $350 - $400 range. The pinned barrel makes it a bit more desirable to some (like me!), but I don't believe there's any premium for the early tapered barrel models (production was changed to heavy barrel only in 1973, pinned barrels deleted in 1982).

HollowpointKid: That's not a valid S&W serial number. Please look at my response to 4literranger485 a few posts back. If you post the SN from the butt, we'll get you the info you're looking for.

Jonathank1982: 1979-1980
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Old June 3, 2010, 12:00 PM   #3035
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Old June 3, 2010, 03:06 PM   #3036
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thanks fish! you've been a big help. Time to see if i can take this off my buddies hands!
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Old June 4, 2010, 11:33 AM   #3037
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S&W 52-2 details?

Hi from sunny Spain!

I have found you forum by searching information about my newest gun.
Thank you for having me here!

I have bought a S&W 52-2 master
Serial A-488xxx

Could you tell me some details about it, like what bearth year, special details to take into account.
I have read the general history about the 52 model, but would like to nail down a bit closer for my gun.

Thank you all!
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Old June 4, 2010, 11:45 AM   #3038
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Buenos dias, Ron, and welcome. My wife and I spent a couple glorious weeks in Andalusia a few years back - great country, and we can't wait to return. The US has recently allowed importation of Jamon Iberico, which I'd love to eat more of, but it retails for nearly $200/lb (about 450 g) over here!

Your Model 52 dates from 1978-79; I have one from 1983. As you probably know, it's a highly specialized target gun intended to fire only flush-seated .38 Special wadcutters. The 52-2 is much more desirable than the 52-1 because it has the improved extractor. They have a reputation for outstanding accuracy, but also for not being an easy gun to master. The Model 52 was discontinued in 1993, and while they're not exactly rare they're not one of those guns that you see every day.

What does a Model 52 sell for in Spain? Over here they're generally a bit under $1000 or so, depending on condition
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Old June 4, 2010, 11:57 AM   #3039
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Hola FlyFish !

Thanks for that info!
Yes, I am aware of what you could say are the "special limitations" of this .38-WC gun, but I read so much about the accuracy that I really searched it down until finding someone who accepted selling it.

Paid 1000 euro, so that makes $1250 now.
That IS a lot of Jamon de Bellota (here in Spain) ;-) but I really think it is worth it.

Adiós !
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Old June 4, 2010, 04:27 PM   #3040
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S&W 5 shot 38 S&W

I came across an old smith 38 S&W with a 4 inch nickel 5 shot. Serial number 15671

any idea what model and date it is.

Thanks in advance.

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Old June 5, 2010, 02:49 PM   #3041
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686 Serial number query

I have the option to buy an excellent S&W 686 .357 with 4in barrel. The serial # is ACK2xxx. When was it made? What else can anyone tell me about it? What is a reasonable offer? Thanks!!!
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Old June 5, 2010, 04:33 PM   #3042
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Tyson - from the information given, I believe there are at least three possibilities. Can you post a photo or two? If not . . . is there a safety lever that runs along the backstrap? If no safety, then is there a trigger guard. If yes, is the back of it rounded (convex) or more-or-less straight (slightly concave)?

Daniel501 - ACK prefix would date the gun to 1983, and it should be a "no dash." That's well prior to the introduction of MIM parts, which makes the gun more desirable to some. Price will vary depending on condition, but used 686s seem to run in the $500s when in good shape.
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Old June 5, 2010, 08:11 PM   #3043
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Another one for ya


First post and I have to ask if you could help me out too. I have inherited a Smith and Wesson Highway Patrolman Revolver and would like to know how old it is. It does have the .357 CTG mark, I am assuming this only refers to the fact that it was designed as a .357 Magnum? It is in excellent shape, no real marks or wear anywhere on it. The wood handle has lost some of the shine but other than that excellent shape. Also, does not have a transfer bar so must be a little older in my thinking, just want to make sure.

Serial # N237xxx

Thank you in advance for your help
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Old June 6, 2010, 02:48 PM   #3044
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S&W Model 38

I just bought this the other day and would appreciate any help with what year it was made and if it can shoot +p ammo. It has model 38 airweight .38 spl ctg written on it.
serial 421JXX

Thanks and sorry for the crappy pics cellphones the only digital camera i have.
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Old June 6, 2010, 04:08 PM   #3045
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movingforward: Your Highway Patrolman (Model 28) dates from 1974-77, and you are correct that the ".357 CTG" simply means that it is chambered for the .357 Magnum cartridge (like all .357s, it will also shoot .38 Special). S&W does not use a transfer bar in its revolvers - your revolver is equipped with a hammer block, which was developed in 1944 and is standard on all S&W revolvers made since that time. It works something like a transfer bar in reverse, preventing the hammer and firing pin from contacting the cartridge unless the trigger is held to the rear.

Centaurus: Your Model 38 dates from the 1971-1972 "wandering J" period when the "J" in the SN of 38s and a few other models appeared in different places with little apparent rhyme or reason. The first Model 38 rated for +P was the 38-3 in 1997, so you don't want to be using it in yours.
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Old June 6, 2010, 06:15 PM   #3046
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Recently bought a Smith and Wesson 38 special at an auction and was wondering if someone could help me with dating it. 522XXX then a star. Barrel reads 38 S&W Special CTG. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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Old June 7, 2010, 11:41 PM   #3047
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522XXX then a star. Barrel reads 38 S&W Special CTG
After also seeing the pic of it in another thread, you have a 38 Military & Police 4th Change. The SN dates it to around late 1920's. The star indicates it went back to the factory for refinish and/or rework awhile back.

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Old June 7, 2010, 11:56 PM   #3048
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Thank you Fly Fish

Thank you Fly Fish,

It helps to know the history of your handguns. Now to find the value of such a creature? Would anyone here have a round-a-bout figure? I obvisously know that it will be a general idea but would like to know. I just found out that this particular handgun was not my dad's as originally thought so I just might end up selling it. I have a Colt Python that is his that he used as his duty weapon many a years ago.

Thanks again,
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Old June 8, 2010, 12:05 AM   #3049
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Now to find the value of such a creature?
Model 28's here in AZ. sale fast at $500 in excellent condition. Some places may be a little less. Others, like California, would go for more.

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Old June 8, 2010, 10:02 AM   #3050
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Again thanks

Thanks Laytonj1,

You guys must be loving my home state with all the controversy going on there. That is why I love Arizona, they just do what they want and to **ll well everyone else. In some ways glad I am not there, only because of the heat and in other ways, I miss it.

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s&w 686

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