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Old February 23, 2010, 12:55 PM   #2626
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Serial # request

I would appreciate a serial number lookup, please. AZH2116. I just bought a 686(no dash) in stainless, 4" barrel, round butt, no security lock.

May be off topic, but I have a question on the revision numbers as well. I read somewhere that the production run of the 686 series was from 1980 to 1999. If it's a plain 686, would it be produced in the first few years of production, then the dash one is the next few years, etc.? How many revisions were there and what were the changes to each one?

Thanks in advance,
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Old February 23, 2010, 01:10 PM   #2627
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Craig -

AZH prefix would correspond to 1988.

Your understanding of the "dash" system of design/engineering changes is basically correct. The "no dash" 686 was introduced in 1980. Revisions, their intro dates, and an [abbreviated] description of the changes:

-1 (1986) radius stud package, floating hand
-2 (1987) change hammer nose, bushing
-3 (1988) new yoke retention system
-4 (1993) change rear sight, drill and tap for scope, change extractor
-5 (1997) cylinder stop integral with frame, MIM hammer and trigger, internal changes
-6 (2001) introduce the dreaded ILS
-7 (2002) Performance Center model

The 686 is in current production, and I suspect they're selling tons of them. I have two, along with a pair of 586s, and they're great guns in every way.

With regard to the -2 change: that was in response to reports of cylinder lockup with some loads apparently caused by primer cup flowback into the firing pin bushing area. S&W issued a recall for the "no dash" and -1 models of the 586 and 686 so the firing pin and bushing could be changed to the new (-2) design. Guns that have been modified will be stamped with an "M" in the model number area. If your "no dash" doesn't have that, then it has the old design and I believe S&W will still make the change at no cost to you. If you're using it as a range gun (which is what I do with mine, a couple of which haven't been modified) then I probably wouldn't bother. If it's an SD gun, then you probably should call S&W and have it taken care of.
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Old February 23, 2010, 01:30 PM   #2628
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Thanks for the quick and concise response Mr. FlyFish! Let me pick your brain some more.

I checked in the crane area and it does have an "M" and a "2" there, so, I guess it makes it essentially a 686-2. Would the mods then have included the -1 parts?

Also if it was made in 1988 and the -1 was cut in to production in 1986, why would S&W still make no dash versions for two years? Only asking if you know, I'm not asking if you understand S&W manufacturing wierdness.

Thanks again,
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Old February 23, 2010, 02:52 PM   #2629
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Is it actually stamped "686-2", i.e., on a single line and looking like it was stamped at the same time? That's the way it should be if it's actually a -2, and based on the SN/production date that's what it should be rather than a "no dash". The whole point of the -2 was to fix the earlier problems with the -1 and earlier guns, so I can't imagine they'd label a gun as the -2 but use the old -1 parts.

The "M" is a bit curious because the -2 definitely did not need to be modified. S&W is famous for extraneous stampings in the frame cutout, some of which are "assembly numbers" used to keep track of fitted parts during the manufacturing process, but I wouldn't think they'd use an "M" for that purpose. Given the apparent confusion, and the seeming importance of the recall issue for the early 586/686 guns, I think a call to S&W customer support would answer a lot of questions for you as they should have records indicating what, if anything, was done to that particular gun.
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Old February 23, 2010, 05:52 PM   #2630
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First let me say I appreciate someone going to the trouble of looking these up and giving feedback. Very nice service from all participating. I have three:

Mod 17-4 SN 25K53XX

Mod 57 SN N8851XX there is no number after the Mod 57

Mod 66-3 SNBFH37XX
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Old February 23, 2010, 06:09 PM   #2631
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Mod 17-4 SN 25K53XX

Mod 57 SN N8851XX there is no number after the Mod 57

Mod 66-3 SNBFH37XX
Mod 17-4 SN 25K53XX = 1978
Mod 57 SN N8851XX there is no number after the Mod 57 = N800000 range ran from 1980 to 83 so yours would likely be closer to 1983.
Mod 66-3 SN BFH37XX = late 1989/ early 90.

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Old February 23, 2010, 06:25 PM   #2632
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Thanks much Jim. Very helpful to know.
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Old February 24, 2010, 01:17 AM   #2633
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Mod 27

Hello! Hoping to find out when this gun was made.

Mod 27 SN S1992XX (Blue 4" barrel)

Thanks in advance!
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Old February 24, 2010, 01:27 AM   #2634
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Mod 27 SN S1992XX
Serial numbers ran from S194500 in 1959 to S206999 in 1960.

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Old February 24, 2010, 10:45 AM   #2635
Delta 556
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Just got a basket case S&W. Its gonna need a yoke and possible a sideplate. Can anybody give me the date of manufacture and any other info? Ita a 4" K-38. SN#K 306XXX. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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Old February 24, 2010, 11:13 AM   #2636
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Need an approx. date of birth for a Model 60 SN 330xxx.

Thanks in advance...
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Old February 24, 2010, 11:51 AM   #2637
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Can anybody give me the date of manufacture and any other info? Ita a 4" K-38. SN#K 306XXX.
1957. If it doesn't have a model number you must have one of the last that was made without it (model numbering started in 1957). As you probably know, the 4" barrel - and it should have the ramped rather than Patridge front sight - makes it a K-38 Combat (vs. Target) Masterpiece, a pre-Model 15.

Need an approx. date of birth for a Model 60 SN 330xxx.
According to SCSW, Model 60 SNs started around 401754. Is there possibly an "R" in front of the numerals?
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Old February 24, 2010, 12:06 PM   #2638
Delta 556
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Thanks for the info. It also has an H stamped on the frame under the yoke and the chambers are numbered.Does this make a difference? Thanks again.
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Old February 24, 2010, 12:17 PM   #2639
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Delta 556 -

I don't think either is unusual or of any particular significance in older S&W revolvers.
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Old February 24, 2010, 05:33 PM   #2640
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Thanks! (Mod 27 Question)

Thanks laytonj1 for the info and the really fast reply!
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Old February 25, 2010, 12:12 PM   #2641
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Picture of frame area

<<<Is it actually stamped "686-2", i.e., on a single line and looking like it was stamped at the same time? That's the way it should be if it's actually a -2, and based on the SN/production date that's what it should be rather than a "no dash". The whole point of the -2 was to fix the earlier problems with the -1 and earlier guns, so I can't imagine they'd label a gun as the -2 but use the old -1 parts.

The "M" is a bit curious because the -2 definitely did not need to be modified. S&W is famous for extraneous stampings in the frame cutout, some of which are "assembly numbers" used to keep track of fitted parts during the manufacturing process, but I wouldn't think they'd use an "M" for that purpose. Given the apparent confusion, and the seeming importance of the recall issue for the early 586/686 guns, I think a call to S&W customer support would answer a lot of questions for you as they should have records indicating what, if anything, was done to that particular gun.>>>


Here's a closeup of the area. Looks to me like it is a 686 with no room to stamp a -2 on the end so they marked it atop of the 686. Looks like an "M" follows the 2. I welcome your thoughts.


Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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Old February 25, 2010, 12:20 PM   #2642
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Need an approx. date of birth for a Model 10-5 SN D730xxx.

Thanks in advance...
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Old February 25, 2010, 12:44 PM   #2643
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Craig -

This is very curious. As I alluded to earlier, I have never seen the "dash" variation indicated other than on the same line, in the same font, with the correct spacing, and appearing as though it had all been stamped at the same time. If there's insufficient room in the frame cutout, the "Mod" part is usually on a different "line" immediately above the numerals. None of that is the case here, and I don't think that "2" is intended to indicate that the gun is a -2 model - at least I've never seen the dash variation marked that way. The "M" on the other hand appears identical to the M stamped on my guns to indicate that they had the firing pin/bushing modification made. The confusion comes because, according to SCSW, the SN should indicate 1988 production, at which time it should have been a -2, which didn't need the modification.

SNs have been used out of their correct order at times, and that may be the case here, so you may have a "no dash" with a SN out of normal range that was subsequently modified in response to the recall. Jim (laytonj1), if you're reading this perhaps you could venture an opinion - you know tons more about this stuff than I do.

Given the confusion, and the fact that this model was the subject of a very rare recall, I'm sure that S&W Customer Service would be willing and able to tell you exactly what the story is if you give them the SN. If you do call them and find out, please post back here and let us know what the answer is.
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Old February 25, 2010, 12:48 PM   #2644
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Need an approx. date of birth for a Model 10-5 SN D730xxx.
spacecoast -

1974 to 1975. The SN range for those years was from D659002 to D750000, so probably 1975.
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Old February 25, 2010, 01:51 PM   #2645
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Flyfish -

Thanks, much obliged. '75 was a great year, especially for Reds fans.
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Old February 25, 2010, 02:21 PM   #2646
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The CS-1 stamped on the frame identifies it as product code 104229. It was part of a special order made for the U.S. Customs Service in 1988. Besides the CS-1 stamp, they had a 4" barrel, pinned black front sight, round butt and dull grey bead blast finish. There was also a 3" version, product code 104228.
The "2M" stamp means the gun had the bushing recall done before it was shipped.
These guns also sale for a premium.


Last edited by laytonj1; February 25, 2010 at 02:45 PM. Reason: more info
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Old February 25, 2010, 02:44 PM   #2647
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Jim and Flyfish,
Thanks very much!
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Old February 26, 2010, 09:41 PM   #2648
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I would like to be able to date a model 469 9mm. Serial number TBB7785
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Old February 26, 2010, 10:49 PM   #2649
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Serial number TBB7785

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Old February 27, 2010, 10:55 AM   #2650
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Thanks Jim
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s&w 686

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