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Old April 18, 2014, 07:11 PM   #6551
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Up-Dated Post

I was currently given my mothers Smith & Wesson .32 Long CTG Police Model. I was hoping someone could help me with a few questions I have.

1. Would it be okay to fire a few rounds through this piece, and if so is there any particular ammo I should look for, or stay away from?

2. The handle grip seems to be cracked on the bottom, is there anywhere or anyone that can replace or fix it?

3. What would be the best procedure to clean/restore this revolver?

4. Manufacture date of this revolver?

Bottom handle model number: 230607
Under barrel model number: 230607
Inside hand ejector hinge: 10 67
Under hand ejector hinge: 10 67

Thank you in advance....
I would like to thank Sevens for helping me with the research of my firearm here is a pic to help narrow the year it was manufactured.

What would you estimate the value of the piece at?
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Old April 19, 2014, 04:12 PM   #6552
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I am not good at doing values. In the picture, a couple things come to mind.

First... it sure looks pretty good!
But the picture makes you ask... "hey, I wanna see MORE pictures, higher resolution, many angles, so I can look for all the little minor details that eat away at price/value, etc."

Secondly... those are not original grips. They may have some value all on their own, but as the revolver itself goes -- it's a hit to "value" or collectibility when it's missing original equipment.

Also, I have no idea what your comfort level in guns and collectibility is, but a "value" is a wide, WIDE scale. It runs from the lowest of the low... if you take it to a pawn shop to sell it... to the highest of the high-- if you found a gentleman who is looking to replace a gun he lost that was his Grandfather's and he will pay whatever it takes to get as close as he can.

And at the end of the day, putting values on guns is not at all something I do well, especially OLD guns.

So I wish you luck, but I will say that if it looks like it's in REALLY nice shape, you should really consider spending the $50 and getting a Roy Jinks letter. The history will be interesting and the letter will HELP the "value" of the revolver, whatever that "value" happens to be.

And other folks active here on these forums can do far better to throw numbers at you... but none of them would do great job without more, more, more pictures, of larger and better quality.

Make a whole new thread in the Revolver area of the site, not just in this topic, and you'll gather other interested people who may help.
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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Old April 19, 2014, 09:51 PM   #6553
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Thanks for the help Sevens, you have really helped me determine what I have. I would like to find some original grips if at all possible... The search is on!!!
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Old April 20, 2014, 09:24 AM   #6554
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S&W .32

I inherited a mystery pistol a while back. I have looked around on the big 'ol WWW, and I think it is a S&W D/A 4th Model. It has a Serial # of 693XX. Can you please help put an approximate date with this gun. The gun isn't in great shape, I would say a 4 out of 10, but to have an antique like this is cool.
It's funny, I thought it was an old cap gun when I received it. It has the "feel" of an old toy cap gun.

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Last edited by Canardman; April 20, 2014 at 11:30 AM.
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Old April 20, 2014, 08:29 PM   #6555
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I believe you have identified it correctly, but I must always add that these old ones are well out of my comfort zone so I hope that's correct. The serial number range is correct for a .32 Double Action 4th Model.

The book says there were roughly 239,600 of these made over a 26 year period between 1883 (sn: 43406) and 1909 (sn: 282999). Not knowing exactly how Smith & Wesson produced these and on what schedule, we could only assume by the numbers that it "averaged" 9,215 units yearly... yours may have been made in the 3rd year of production, so 1884 or 1885 is as good a guess as I could make.

The picture is confusing me so far as the grips are concerned; they are supposed to be hard black rubber grips and yours appear almost pewter. Perhaps they were (gasp!) painted silver?

I wouldn't worry all too much over the grips or the overall shape of this cool and historic piece, the book I have (very outdated, actually) shows that even -NEW- examples of this gun aren't incredibly valuable. Which is hard to imagine for Smith & Wesson craftsmanship that is THIS old.

Neat revolver!
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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Old April 20, 2014, 10:02 PM   #6556
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Thank you for the info! I was really hoping it was a 19th century gun. As far as the grips, they look very suspicious to me. They are a pewter and appear to have been hand made. Almost like they made a cast of the old grips and poured these. The aligning holes are not what I would expect from the factory.
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Old April 22, 2014, 01:27 PM   #6557
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Model 317.



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Old April 22, 2014, 01:43 PM   #6558
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Sorry, I have only the 2nd Edition of the SCSW. 3rd Edition is what's "current" now. If they come out with a 4th Edition, I'm planning to buy it. Your revolver is newer than 2000. But maybe this thread bump will get a better answer for you.
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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Old April 22, 2014, 02:11 PM   #6559
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Thanks. Since it doesn't have a lock, I was curious whether it is pre-lock or post-lock .
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Old April 22, 2014, 02:14 PM   #6560
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I think there have been only a very select few models (very few!) that have been produced since the ILS that specifically didn't have an ILS. I would guess that yours is just pre-lock, but I can't be sure.
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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Old April 23, 2014, 12:00 AM   #6561
Pistola Pedro
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Anyone want to help me?

I have a model 41
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Old April 23, 2014, 01:41 AM   #6562
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pre model 27

hey guys i just picked up a real beauty and was wondering if anyone could help me find out the value of it

smith & wesson .357 magnum pre model 27 w/3.5 inch barrel
serial #124xxx according to s&w customer service it is from late 1954
appears to be in almost new condition the blueing is perfect and has not been refinished. the bore is also in great shape it looks like it has never been fired.
it has the original numbered grips on it with no wear.
i do not have the box or the papers on it.
any help finding a value would be greatly appreviated.
thank you.
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Old April 23, 2014, 04:14 AM   #6563
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I have a model 41
1979 or 1980 says the big book.
smith & wesson .357 magnum pre model 27 w/3.5 inch barrel
serial #124xxx according to s&w customer service it is from late 1954
any help finding a value would be greatly appreviated.
You should open a thread in the revolver area of the site with a brand new topic. Expect to be told many times over that you need to include pictures.

Sounds like a very nice revolver.
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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Old April 23, 2014, 05:40 AM   #6564
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Thanks sevens I will do that.
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Old April 25, 2014, 06:15 PM   #6565
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32 caliber smith and wesson

I need help identifying this gun. It appreciate it. The number says 286I45. The top has an engraving that says empire states arms co. The side engraving says for 32 smith and Wesson cartridges .
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Old April 26, 2014, 10:25 PM   #6566
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The number says 286I45. The top has an engraving that says empire states arms co. The side engraving says for 32 smith and Wesson cartridges .
You have a gun made by Empire State Arms Co. (you can google them) chambered for the .32 S&W cartridge.

Since it doesn't have a lock, I was curious whether it is pre-lock or post-lock
The only "post lock" production models I am aware of are the 442-1 and 642-1.

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Old May 2, 2014, 08:25 PM   #6567
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I-Frame Terrier 38S&W

I just picked up an old Smith Wesson Terrier in 38S&W. It's a Five Screw model pre-32. Serial number is 662**. What does the big book say about the year it was manufactured?
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Old May 3, 2014, 04:46 AM   #6568
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These older ones are tough for me, so I hope I don't screw it up!

It says SN 54474 to 122678 is the postwar serial range for these and production ran from 1948 to 1974. The "improved" I-frame arrived in 1953 and the upper sideplate screw was eliminated in 1955.

Yours being a 5-screw, I suppose that means that your gun was born between 1948 and 1955.
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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Old May 11, 2014, 07:50 PM   #6569
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SW Serial number

I'm trying to find a DOB on a Smith and Wesson 38 Special K177551. Anyone got an idea. Have surfed the net can't find it. Very little on Smith and Wesson.
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Old May 11, 2014, 10:35 PM   #6570
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With that serial number, my book suggests it's a 1953 production revolver. Smith & Wesson didn't use model numbers until 1957 and the book suggests it may be a pre-Model 14 or pre-Model 15.

Does it have adjustable sights?
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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Old May 12, 2014, 01:23 PM   #6571
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Model 19-4.
S/N 69k3321

I'm guessing early 80's or so?
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Old May 12, 2014, 02:41 PM   #6572
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An excellent guess, as the appendix shows:
57L0001 thru 91K6800 being produced in 1980.
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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Old May 12, 2014, 08:33 PM   #6573
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Thanks Sevens...'Preciate it.
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Old May 13, 2014, 09:25 PM   #6574
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Serial # DOB request

Could someone please tell me the DOB on these 2 S&W revolvers?

1. Model 60 .38 special serial #ANS84**
2. Model 19-4 .357 Mag serial #E1931**

Thank you.
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Old May 13, 2014, 10:11 PM   #6575
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Looked at another one today.

5 screw K-frame, 5" barrel, six shots, fixed sights,, 38 special, mushroom ejector rod tip, smooth no medallion (probably refinished) service grips. Smith & Wesson on the left side of the barrel, and I THINK patent dates on right side and top of barrel. No marks at all on the frame, either side, except for serial number on butt. No 275xxx (no prefix)

Any ideas? I'm thinking 1905, 4th change, but I'm no expert, expecially on these older ones.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
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Last edited by CajunBass; May 13, 2014 at 10:33 PM.
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s&w 686

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