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Old June 30, 2012, 06:06 AM   #5451
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Can someone please give the DOB of a S&W 617-4 with Serial CDT64XX
late 1999
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Old June 30, 2012, 03:13 PM   #5452
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Thanks FlyFish. I appreciate the info.
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Old July 2, 2012, 05:38 PM   #5453
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One more guys, if you please...

Guys, I just picked up a Smith & Wesson Model 629-1, 4" bbl, with a serial number of ACU04XX

Fella I got it from mentioned he thought it was among the first of the stainless steel N-frames.

Any of you who could tell me anything about this revolver, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Old July 3, 2012, 08:31 AM   #5454
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Guys, I just picked up a Smith & Wesson Model 629-1, 4" bbl, with a serial number of ACU04XX

Fella I got it from mentioned he thought it was among the first of the stainless steel N-frames.
The Model 629 was introduced in 1979, and I believe it was the first stainless N-frame. The ACU serial number prefix indicates your gun was produced in 1983.
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Old July 3, 2012, 11:25 AM   #5455
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Thanks, Flyfish. Appreciate your help.

You rock!

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Old July 3, 2012, 11:41 PM   #5456
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S&W 640- 1

just picked up a used 640 and was wondering if someone knew how old it is?
serial # CAW2053xx thanks hope i did that right
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Old July 4, 2012, 01:41 AM   #5457
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Cant determine what this model is

just wanted to see which model number this is and what the ballpark the value can be . I paid 400 dollars for it..and now am wondering if too much?
It has the 4 line inscription on right side. also .22 long rifle ctc" on the side of the barrel.
serial number on butt plate.. 604**
also has the letter K before the numbers..but is about half inch before numbers
I was told its a .22 on a .38 frame and a low serial number and was semi valuable..
has about 5 to 10 percent wear. bluing fading where tip of barrel rubs on holster, also on the cylinder leading edge, where meets holster, when putting it away.
No safety, tapered barrel where barrel meets the frame and also has the adjustable sites, wood handles with checkering and single raised diamond each side with recessed screw...and was also wondering..Can I shoot .22 magnums in it? or just regular Long Rifle .22 ?
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Old July 4, 2012, 08:12 AM   #5458
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serial # CAW2053xx thanks hope i did that right
I'm assuming that you added the "xx" to the serial number, rather than replacing the last two digits of the SN with the "xx." Modern S&W serial numbers are of the form "3 letters plus 4 numbers" - I'm unaware of any that are 3+6. Assuming all that to be the case, your 640 would date from 1996, the last year of manufacture before it was replaced by the 640-1, introduced the same year in .357 caliber rather than .38 (as was the 640).

It has the 4 line inscription on right side. also .22 long rifle ctc" on the side of the barrel.
serial number on butt plate.. 604**
also has the letter K before the numbers..but is about half inch before numbers
I'm pretty sure you have a K-22 Masterpiece (which later became the Model 17) from 1948. If so, the gun should have a 6" barrel and a front sight that is squared off in the back (vs. ramped). It if has a 4" barrel and ramped front sight that would make it a K-22 Combat Masterpiece (pre-Model 18), but those weren't introduced until 1949. The "K" is part of the serial number, though in my experience at least, the separation you describe is somewhat unusual.

Older S&Ws are always valuable, but condition is important and based on your description you have a very nice, but not really collectible, revolver with what sounds like the original "diamond Magna" grips. I think you did fine on the price. (And I'd happily buy the gun from you at a tidy profit, as 1948 is my birth year and I've been looking for an S&W revolver from that year for a while.)

S&W doesn't really have a ".38 frame" per se. Your gun is built on the K-frame, the medium-size frame that is used for a number of different cartridges, including the .38 Special.

The .22 Magnum rimfire is a different cartridge and will not fire, shouldn't even chamber, in your gun. You can shoot any of the cartridges that are similar to the .22 LR, such as the .22 short, .22 CB Long, etc., in the gun, but there's no particular reason to as those are typically more expensive than the ubiquitous .22 LR.
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Last edited by FlyFish; July 4, 2012 at 08:18 AM.
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Old July 4, 2012, 12:39 PM   #5459
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s&w 38 spc

Hi, I have a S&W 38 spcl. The seriel number is J173xxx. Can anyone give me the approx manufacture date. Thanks in advance. Keith
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Old July 4, 2012, 01:02 PM   #5460
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Thanks Flyfish !
It has the 6 inch flat topped ribbed ? barrel and a sloping front site.
the K on the bottom of grip area and then a space of about 4 missing numerals and then 604**
so what can I for sure tell my uncle, how bad he screwed up letting it go for so cheap?
K-22 Masterpiece..maybe 1948 ?
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Old July 4, 2012, 02:07 PM   #5461
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thanks flyfish!
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Old July 4, 2012, 04:49 PM   #5462
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The seriel number is J173xxx
Serial numbers ran from J100000 in 1973 to J250000 in 1974.

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Old July 4, 2012, 06:25 PM   #5463
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Hi guys

just picked up a used 686-6 with a AJV5XXX serial number

can someone tell me the DOB and other info on it, thanks!
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Old July 4, 2012, 07:15 PM   #5464
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686-6 with a AJV5XXX serial number
???? 686-6 did not start until 2001 but AJV prefix is 1985/86.
If it is in fact a -6 it will have the key lock and frame mounted firing pin.

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Old July 4, 2012, 11:40 PM   #5465
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thanks, that's odd because the model is 686-6 SKU 164224 but the serial # is AJV......the firing pin is not on frame mount (i think)
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Old July 5, 2012, 12:32 PM   #5466
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thanks, that's odd because the model is 686-6 SKU 164224 but the serial # is AJV...
Are you getting the model number off the gun or off the box? The SKU doesn't appear on the gun, so presumably that's coming off the box. That SKU identifies a product that was manufactured from 2004 to 2006, and as Jim said the AJV serial number prefix would indicate 1985/86, which would make it a 686 "no dash" or possibly a -1.

Putting all that together, I'm guessing that you've got a no dash or -1 in a -6 box. Swing the cylinder out and look at the part of the frame that's exposed. In addition to some other numbers, the model number will be stamped there. If it's stamped 686-6 then I'm really at a loss. S&W has been known to build guns on older frames that they happened to have in stock that were already stamped with an earlier model number, but it seems impossible that could be the case here.
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Old July 6, 2012, 12:39 AM   #5467
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Can someten help me? Got a S&W model 10-5 serial # C931xxx, i want to know the manufacture date, hope someone colud help me, thanks guys
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Old July 6, 2012, 06:20 AM   #5468
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Got a S&W model 10-5 serial # C931xxx
1966 -1967. The range was C810533 to C999999 and it was the last time that S&W used a single "C" prefix on serial numbers (not counting the 3-letter prefix in use currently).
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Old July 7, 2012, 10:44 AM   #5469
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Thanks for the help so far

I have a S&W model 1950 Target .45 with serial number N2845**. It is in mint condition looks like new. All original been in a safe for 36yrs or so. Any idea on value today?
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Old July 7, 2012, 05:14 PM   #5470
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Hi, just stumbled upon this thread while trying to find the age of an S&W model 10.
Serial is: D9177xx

Thanks in advance!
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Old July 7, 2012, 09:06 PM   #5471
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Hi, just stumbled upon this thread while trying to find the age of an S&W model 10.
Serial is: D9177xx
Serial numbers ran from D870001 in 1976 to D999999 in 1977.
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Old July 7, 2012, 10:35 PM   #5472
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need help

I was given my grandfathers navy issue revolver when he passed away and im finally trying to gets some info on it but i havent haf much luck. The number on the bottom is 780xx and the side of the barrel reads 38 s & w special us service ctgs. I approximate it to be from the 1950 ish based on my grandfathers age. If anyone knows anything please let me no my grandfather was a very private person i am hoping this will let me get to no more about him. Thanks
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Old July 8, 2012, 10:28 AM   #5473
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The number on the bottom is 780xx and the side of the barrel reads 38 s & w special us service ctgs.
Just the serial number isn't much information to go on. It would be helpful to know the number of chambers in the cylinder, type of sights (i.e., fixed vs. adjustable), barrel length, etc. Best of all would be if you could post clear photos of both sides of the gun.

It could be a .38 Special Military & Police, but that serial number would place it in the ca. 1906 time period, which is obviously a long way away from the 1950s. Be sure you have the right number of digits and, if there's a letter(s) in front of the numbers, even if separated from them a bit, that is part of the serial number as well.
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Old July 8, 2012, 10:52 AM   #5474
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It is a 6 chamber and the sights are fixed, not adjustable. There is no letter in front of the numbers on the bottom,780xx. We think the barrel length is 4 inches measured from the end of th e frame. It has a rounded butt and it has 5 screws.
Hopefully that gives u more info. Thanks for your help. Ill try to get some pics.

Last edited by rottiatver; July 8, 2012 at 11:13 AM.
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Old July 8, 2012, 11:39 AM   #5475
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That's all consistent with it being a .38 Military & Police Model of 1905 - 1st Change, manufactured from 1906 to 1909 in the serial number range 73251 to 146899. Please post photos if you can.
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s&w 686

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