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Old December 14, 2011, 07:12 PM   #4801
Jim Downey
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It's an old I frame, like this one but in much rougher shape:

Her images to me weren't very good, but it was enough for me to ID it, and she affirmed that the above is the same model. So, #55870, combined with that, enough info to give me a guesstimate as to what year it was made? Otherwise, I just told her sometime between the wars.

Thanks again - to you, to laytonj1, and to everyone else who has helped over the years.
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Old December 14, 2011, 08:08 PM   #4802
Dave Anderson
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It's an old I frame, like this one but in much rougher shape:

Her images to me weren't very good, but it was enough for me to ID it, and she affirmed that the above is the same model. So, #55870, combined with that, enough info to give me a guesstimate as to what year it was made? Otherwise, I just told her sometime between the wars.

The photo reference was very helpful. Based on the information provided it would be a.32 Hand Ejector Model of 1903-2nd Change. The s/n range for this model was 51127 - 95500, made from 1906 - 1909.

From what you say about condition, value would not be very high. The current Fjestad Blue Book suggests values in the range of $150 - $200 with 10% to 30% remaining original finish, assuming no broken parts or significant rusting/pitting.
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Old December 14, 2011, 09:19 PM   #4803
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Dave..was wondering S&W 39-2 A129xxx was wondering what year and such..thnx
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Old December 14, 2011, 09:36 PM   #4804
Dave Anderson
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.was wondering S&W 39-2 A129xxx was wondering what year and such..thnx
The s/n falls into the 1970 - 1971 range. It can be narrowed down further to 1971, since the 39-2 engineering change (improved extractor) was introduced in 1971.

I guess it could be argued this semiauto doesn't belong in the revolver forum, but S&W revolver fans/collectors can generally find room in their gun safe for S&W autopistols as well!
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Old December 15, 2011, 11:40 AM   #4805
Jim Downey
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Excellent - thanks, Dave!
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Old December 15, 2011, 08:36 PM   #4806
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another S&W serial number search, general info.

My great aunt called today about an old revolver. Nickle plated w/ pearl grips (one is broken at top) serial number 574XXX. It has 4 Pat. dates as follows:
10/8/01, 12/17/01, 9/14/02, 9/14/ 12 (?) , 12/9/14. Can anyone help with dating and maybe model?
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Old December 15, 2011, 08:50 PM   #4807
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Can anyone help with dating and maybe model?
S&W reused the same serial numbers on their different models during the years. So, I'm gonna need more info.
I assume it's a modern swing-out cylinder revolver.
What is the caliber? It should be stamped on the side of the barrel.
How many rounds does it hold?

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Old December 15, 2011, 09:05 PM   #4808
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additional info

It says .38 Smith and Wesson Special CTG, it is a 6 shot revolver no model no. or any other info. I know her husband was in law enforcement of some type many years ago. When he died he was 95, so MANY years ago. I figure it was an old service weapon. 6" BBL. Serial Number B574XXX (Just talked to my aunt)

Last edited by ddavidr; December 15, 2011 at 09:37 PM. Reason: additional info
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Old December 15, 2011, 09:14 PM   #4809
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It says .38 Smith and Wesson Special, it is a 6 shot
That and the SN make it a .38 Military & Police made around 1930.

It went on to become the model 10 when S&W began assigning model numbers ~1957.

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Old December 16, 2011, 12:05 AM   #4810
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S&W 66-1

Hey guys,

I've got a model 66-1 with a 2.5" bbl, serial #25K6xxx and was wondering when it was made. Also, it's in great condition but I've always heard (unofficially) that it's not a good idea to fire a steady diet of factory .357 Magnum loads through it, and that it was designed more for standard .38 Special loads with occasional factory Magnum rounds.

Year ago I used to own many S&W models, but my health has declined over the years and I have only managed to retain the favorite of my former collection, the model 66. I love these older S&W's with recessed cylinders, pinned bbl and large S&W logo on the removable side plate. No goofy lock or other selling gimmicks. Just a good old-fashioned revolver

As for when it was made, I've pulled the grips and checked all over and can see what appear to be random letters/numbers as well as the serial number, but no build date. Could someone tell me when it was made and the ratio of ammunition I should observe with this model?

Thank you greatly
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Old December 16, 2011, 04:21 PM   #4811
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date of manufacturing

could you give me a date on my 38 model 10? n/serial 9676x. no model in the yoke just the number 426xx

Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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Old December 16, 2011, 04:44 PM   #4812
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I just inherited

a S&W 38spl revolver that was my grandfather's. He died in 1931, so I know it was manufactured before then. The latest patent date on the top of the barrel is 1898. It is a K-frame with a 4-digit number "8763" stamped, in the frame web, where I would expect to see the model number. This number is different from the 4-digit serial number that is stamped on the butt, the rear of the cylinder and even hand engraved on the inside of one of the factory plastic grips.
I think this weapon started life as a nickle plated one, as traces exist, but the finish is long gone. Before my grandfather received it, it must have had a hard life. the checkering on the factory plastic grips is worn off on the rear sides. It has evidently been fired enough that the index "star" on the rear of the cylinder is worn to the point the cylinder will not rotate far enough to lock if the trigger is pulled slowly.
As the story I vaigely remember goes, during my Grandfather's term (in the 1920s) as mayor of my home town, one of the police officers gave this confiscated pistol to my grandfather. No way to know if the story is true as all the "players" in the chain of custody of this gun, up to me, have all passed on.
I have sent an email to S&W, but as yet have had no response.
I guess my question is; Is "8783" a valid model # and if not will the 4-digit serial # alone yield any info on this pistol?

Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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Old December 16, 2011, 11:14 PM   #4813
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model 66-1 with a 2.5" bbl, serial #25K6xxx
SN's ran from 25K0001 in 1978 to 56K9999 that year.
I've heard both sides as far as using 357 loads go. The one thing agreed on is to avoid the fast, light bullet 357 loadings (125gr. bullets).
That said, shooting full power 357's will wear any gun down faster than shooting 38 special rounds.

38 model 10? n/serial 9676x
Is that the whole serial number, just 9676X? Take the serial number from the underside of the frames grip butt and include any letter prefixes. Depending on what grips are on it you may have to remove them to see it.
I assume it's a 6 shot?

It is a K-frame with a 4-digit number "8763" stamped, in the frame web, where I would expect to see the model number. This number is different from the 4-digit serial number that is stamped on the butt,
The serial number is the one on the butt. I need that one to date it.

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Old December 17, 2011, 03:59 AM   #4814
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Thank you kindly, laytonj1. Much appreciated my friend
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Old December 17, 2011, 08:28 AM   #4815
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yes just the 5 digits, i cant see more ..theyre in the butt under the oversized grip, its a 6 shots, 38 caliber, round the attachment you can see a photo

Last edited by Glenn E. Meyer; November 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM.
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Old December 17, 2011, 12:09 PM   #4816
Dave Anderson
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yes just the 5 digits, i cant see more ..theyre in the butt under the oversized grip, its a 6 shots, 38 caliber, round the attachment you can see a photo
About all that can be said with absolute certainty based on the photo, is it was made between 1955 (when the upper side plate screw was dropped) and 1982 (when the pinned barrel feature was dropped).

Also the serial number would have a prefix, likely a "C" or "D".

To get a closer estimate of date you'll have to provide the serial number, and to see the serial number the grips will have to come off.

could you give me a date on my 38 model 10? n/serial 9676x. no model in the yoke just the number 426xx
If there's no model number it's not a model 10. The numbering system began in mid-1957.
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Old December 17, 2011, 08:25 PM   #4817
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It is a K-frame with a 4-digit number "8783" stamped, in the frame web, where I would expect to see the model number. This number is different from the 4-digit serial number that is stamped on the butt,

The serial number is the one on the butt. I need that one to date it.


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Old December 17, 2011, 08:41 PM   #4818
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And answered.

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Old December 17, 2011, 08:52 PM   #4819
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Thanks Jim!!!
Wow a turn of the century(1900) relic!!!
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Old December 18, 2011, 12:49 PM   #4820
pistol named Bertha
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s&w model 10-6 .38 special

Any help on the date with this revolver I'm thinking of purchasing. Its blued with a 3 inch tapered barrel. The numbers on it ar C595xxx and 79062. It has 4 screws on the frame. It has aftermarket rubber grips covering a stamp on the back of the frame that says RFPD and a 3 digit number that has been scratched out. Any idea on the value on It?

Last edited by pistol named Bertha; December 18, 2011 at 01:25 PM.
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Old December 18, 2011, 01:41 PM   #4821
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The numbers on it ar C595xxx
Serial numbers ran from C474149 in 1961 to C622699 in 1962.
As described and assuming minimal wear, value would be around $300 to $350 tops.

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Old December 18, 2011, 01:55 PM   #4822
pistol named Bertha
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Its supposed to be from a police officer. I dunno it has some wear on it. I'm assuming the value would be more if it had stock grips? Thanks by the way!
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Old December 18, 2011, 02:29 PM   #4823
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I'm assuming the value would be more if it had stock grips?
Yes, the original grips would help. Scratched out numbers on the frame do not help either.
Not to mention, S&W made a few million model 10's so they are very common, including the older ones.

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Old December 18, 2011, 09:01 PM   #4824
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Smith & Wesson Model 10

I would be interested in knowing the manufacture date of a model 10 S.N. D834xxx

Thank you for your help
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Old December 18, 2011, 10:18 PM   #4825
Dave Anderson
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manufacture date of a model 10 S.N. D834xxx
1975 - 1976, most likely 1976. Last number in 1976 was D870000
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s&w 686

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