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Old November 7, 2010, 08:57 PM   #3551
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4in 66 (no dash)

I have a 4in mdl 66 no dash square butt that I picked up for $300 about 10yrs ago. I hoped that someone could help me put a date on it.

The sn is 9K242xx.

Thanks for all your help.

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Old November 7, 2010, 09:14 PM   #3552
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The sn is 9K242xx.
9K10001 to 9K99999 = 1976.

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Old November 7, 2010, 09:58 PM   #3553
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Thanks for the info! I was actually kinda hoping for that year.

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Old November 8, 2010, 01:20 AM   #3554
Paul Bivins
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38 snub nose S 947942 looking for information whether I have a rarity or not. And I would like to know the value, I'ts somewhere between 95% to 97%. It has a little rust pits on the cyl. It has the long cocking firing hammer, I understand it was carried by an uncle during WW!! who was in the Navy. At the moment it has Pearl Handles. It was a gift to me.
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Old November 8, 2010, 09:49 AM   #3555
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Assuming 6-shot and .38 Special caliber, it's a .38 Military and Police (pre Model 10) that was made shortly after the war - the serial number range was S811338 in 1945 to S999999 in 1948. I'm not sure it qualifies as a "rarity," but SCSW does indicate that 2" barrels in this model add a 25% premium to the value.
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Old November 8, 2010, 10:30 AM   #3556
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Model 40

A friend of mine is wanting to sell a S&W Model 40 SN 6XXX. Can someone please date this for me and possibly give me a value. The gun is approximate90% condition. It was used by LE so the only real wear is from a holster on the barrel end and it has obviously been shot but is otherwise in great condition for its apparent age. Thanks in advance.

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Old November 8, 2010, 11:35 AM   #3557
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First, be sure you've got the right serial number - take it from the butt of the grip frame. With a short number and no letter prefix, it's possible to get it confused with "assembly numbers" that also appear on the gun.

Assuming that your friend's Model 40 does has a 4-digit SN starting with 6, it would be from the 1952 (SN 1) to 1971 (SN 30160) period. Interpolating would give a date of 1956-57, which is only an estimate, so the gun would appear to be from right around when S&W started assigning model numbers to its revolvers (1957). If it does have the model number stamped in the yoke cutout then it's from then or a bit later. The Model 40 was originally called the Centennial because it was introduced on S&W's 100th birthday as a company.

Because of the grip safety, which is an unusual feature as part of the hand ejector design and was not retained when the same basic gun was re-introduced some years later, Model 40s are somewhat more valuable than similar J-frames. In the condition you describe, I'd estimate it's somewhere in the $500 range, perhaps a bit more.
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Old November 8, 2010, 12:37 PM   #3558
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The 4 digit number was from the bottom of the grip as well as from the cylinder and bottom of the barrel. There is no model number on the gun, I just derived the model number from other searches and guns that are for sale on other sites. I don't necessarily trust the prices on auctions since there is no way to know what they will actually sell for. Thanks for the help..
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Old November 8, 2010, 12:58 PM   #3559
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Ah, OK. So that would make it a Centennial (pre-40), most likely from just before the model numbering system was implemented. Very nice - I suspect your friend will be able to sell it easily.
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Old November 9, 2010, 12:21 AM   #3560
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I have what I think is a Model 640 S/N CDZ4XXX.

It is a 2 1/8" Stainless Steel .357 Magnum Enclosed Hammer 5-shot revolver. What I am looking for is approximate age and value.

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Old November 9, 2010, 08:49 AM   #3561
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HTSI - CDZ sn prefix would make it 2000. In good condition, value is probably around $400 - $450.
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Old November 9, 2010, 12:27 PM   #3562
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Recently my wife bought me this S&W 32. S/N 1866xx, 3-1/2" blue Safety Hammerless.

What is a approximate manufacture year and rough guess value? I really need to get that letter from S&W when I get the funds for that.

Thanks much,
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Old November 9, 2010, 01:02 PM   #3563
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Mike - You've got a .32 Safety Hammerless 3rd Model, manufactured from 1909 (SN 170000) to 1937 (SN 242981). You can interpolate to get close to the actual year, but there's no more definitive info in SCSW. You might be able to get a year by calling S&W, but otherwise it'll cost $50 for the factory letter.

With regard to value, the gun appears to be in amazingly good shape, although it's always difficult to tell from a photo. If it's not a reblue, it's probably worth several hundred dollars or more.
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Old November 9, 2010, 03:38 PM   #3564
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Cool, thank you much for that info. Here are more pictures. The bluing looks original. It matches the bluing on my 586-2 which I bought new.

Note the scratch & holster wear.

Side plate is really jet black. Strange lighting effect with the camera.

Wear on the butt from the hands I presume.

The bore & cylinder is shiny as a new gun would be inside. The action is drum tight like my 586 is. I don't think it was shot much. The gun was listed at $400 and I got them to knock off 10% so it was $360 plus tax to total $380 out the door. Surprisingly it was my wife's idea to buy it for me I am retired so I tend to pass on more expensive purchases.

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Old November 9, 2010, 04:43 PM   #3565
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Yeah, I agree the bluing looks original. Wow - what a great deal. Although I'm really at the edge of my knowledge with a gun like this, from the photos I'd say it's in excellent to excellent+ condition, which SCSW values at $475 and $600, respectively, and prices have climbed considerably in the five or so years since the book was published.
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Old November 9, 2010, 05:14 PM   #3566
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I just aquired a S&W Model 19-2, in prety decent condition, I was wondering if anyone could help me with year of manufacture S/N K589***. Thanks!
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Old November 9, 2010, 05:26 PM   #3567
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I was wondering if anyone could help me with year of manufacture S/N K589***.
1964 - the range that year was K555000 to K605877.
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Old November 9, 2010, 05:34 PM   #3568
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nice, thanks a ton mate!
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Old November 9, 2010, 07:48 PM   #3569
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Dang, I was figuring in excess of $400 when I was searching while at the store as the wife was asking is it worth it? Talk about stress as I did not want to walk away from that gun. Now it sounds like it was a darn good deal, whew

Thank you much for the research today

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Old November 10, 2010, 03:00 AM   #3570
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Model 640


Thanks for the info.
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Old November 10, 2010, 02:24 PM   #3571
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How about a model 36 serial J1372XX?
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Old November 10, 2010, 03:58 PM   #3572
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How about a model 36 serial J1372XX?
1973 - 1974. The range was J100000 to J250000 over those two years, so 1973 would be more likely.
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Old November 10, 2010, 09:05 PM   #3573
The Book
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Thanks for the info on my Dads 38. Really nice bunch on here
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Old November 11, 2010, 08:16 AM   #3574
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.38 with serial #833214


I have a .38 S&W Ctg. six shot with a 4" barrel. The serial number on the butt and face of the cylinder is 833214. There are no letters preceeding the number.

The gun is missing the front site and a screw on the side. Any ideas on where I cound such parts. I have searched most of the major online parts suppliers.

On the butt of the frame it almost looks like the frame was drilled for a butt swivel, butt the hole was filled (professionally) and finished. And on the frame there is a crossed drilled hole that lines up with the "filled" hole.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Old November 11, 2010, 09:21 AM   #3575
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Greg -

Based on your description and the serial number, you have a .38 Military & Police Model of 1905 - 4th Change, usually simply called a .38 M&P. It was manufactured during the war years, between 1940 and 1945. This is the gun that evolved into the Model 10 in 1957 when S&W started assigning model numbers, and so it's sometimes called a "pre-10" even though, strictly speaking, it's the post-war M&Ps that are properly called pre-10s.

The drilled hole in the butt indicates that a lanyard loop was attached at one time. The crosswise hole in the same location is most likely where a small pin, called the stock pin, was fitted to help position and secure the stocks (grips).

These guns were made in large numbers, and many parts are still available. The pin and screw shouldn't be a problem (Numrich lists them); the front sight may take a bit more searching but, if you can't find one, a replacement could be made and fitted by a competent gunsmith without excessive cost. You might want to try calling S&W Customer Service and seeing what advice they might have.
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s&w 686

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