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Old July 23, 2023, 05:24 PM   #51
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Unless you have data to back it up, your comment about quality is meaningless.
And that is why I used the word "irrational".
Lol I don’t know. I’ve owned over a quarter million worth of 1911’s over the past 15-20 years and own dozens now. While I only buy high end stuff, there was a time I owned some Kimbers and I’ve seen and handled many more. I know what they are.

What the hell is “irrational” about not liking a ton of MIM along with dumb names and goofy designs and colors for Dan Wesson money? What “data” do you require?

While it’s not saying much, I will say the Kimber 1911’s are a heck of a lot better than some of their small pistol designs, which have been nothing sort of horrible.

Last edited by bac1023; July 23, 2023 at 05:33 PM.
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Old July 23, 2023, 05:30 PM   #52
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A low end Baer vs a high end will change things like single side to ambi, 2.5” to 1.5” accuracy guarantee, higher quality surface prep for premium bluing, and adjustable sights. There are other things too….my point is there is just more and the parts used are top shelf.
The 1.5” guarantee is a $300 option available on carbon steel Baers. It has nothing to do with the base price.
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Old July 23, 2023, 05:45 PM   #53
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For the Hemi@$3429:

Special features include:
Double serrated slide • Slide fitted to frame • Baer Fiber optic front sight with green insert
• Hex head grip screws • Flat mainspring housing checkered at 20 lpi • Special tactical package with ambi safety, VZ black recon grips • Complete hard chrome finish on all major components • Dupont S coating on slide stop, ambi safety, mag catch and mag catch lock, hammer, trigger, barrel, plumger tube, hammer pin, sear pin, recoil plug, hex head grip screws • (2) 8-round premium magazines
For the Concept I @$2450:
Baer's line of Concept pistols pushes the envelope for the perfect combination of ahead-of-the-art design, true custom craftsmanship, unparalleled performance, and the best value in the firearms industry. All Concept© pistols come with a crisp 4 lb. pull and all are guaranteed to deliver 3" groups at 50 yards.

The Baer Concept I© is a full size custom 1911 with features that include:
Baer steel NM frame, NM slide and NM barrel with Baer stainless bushing • Slide fitted to frame • Double serrated slide • LBC adjustable deluxe low mount rear sight with hidden rear leaf • Baer dovetail front sight • Baer beavertail grip safety w/pad • Baer checkered slide stop • Tuned Baer extractor • Baer extended ejector • Baer deluxe hammer and sear • Lowered and flared ejection port • Polished feed ramp and throated barrel • Baer flat serrated mainspring housing • Beveled magazine well
• Baer extended ambi safety • Baer fitted speed trigger with action job • Baer Premium Checkered grips • Blued finish • Tuned for total reliability • (2) 8-round premium magazines
It would be hard for me to say the Hemi is worth the premium to me, but both are great pistols. I’m sorry I missed some features as Baer has changed thing up a bit since I looked at them much.

My point was $2450 to $3429 is relatively small price change with a true feature upgrade,


Base: $650 LINK

Deluxe: $3278LINK This does have a 1” @25yd guarantee.

Prices are real prices at
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Old July 23, 2023, 07:48 PM   #54
Aguila Blanca
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Originally Posted by Nathan
My point was $2450 to $3429 is relatively small price change with a true feature upgrade,
I don't consider a 40% increase to be a "small price change."

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Old July 23, 2023, 10:37 PM   #55
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With regards to the original posters questions and a quick look on Buds Guns:

Kimbers run $700 to $1600

Rugers run $600 to $1000

Fusions run $600 to $1100

Colts run $1000 to $1400 but only a couple on Buds

Colts run $900 to $1800 on Grab a Gun with a few more.

If your only wanting to spend $600 to $700 then a Colt is probably out. If your willing to spend $900 then a Colt is a possibility.
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Old July 24, 2023, 11:51 AM   #56
Jim Watson
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I got to fondle a friend's Bul Commander yesterday.
Very nice, good appearance, smooth operation, Cooper Qualified. (That is sights you can see, a trigger you can control, and an absence of sharp edges.)
Now if the doctor cuts me loose for ordinary activities like IDPA, I will get to shoot it.
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Old July 24, 2023, 01:54 PM   #57
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The SA Garrison is a good value for the price. Of the 2 Turkish 1911 I bought I would only recommend the Tisas. The Girsan I had was not so great, the slide stop broke at 4000 rounds. I learned a lot about different springs and extractor adjustment with the Girsan, but sold it. The Garrison I replaced it with is much better (and $300 more).
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Old July 24, 2023, 02:30 PM   #58
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I bought a Garrison recently, on sale, just under $700, out the door, including tax. Very tight and nicely finished piece.
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Old July 24, 2023, 06:32 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by NHSHOOTER View Post
Just yesterday I was at my daughters and shot her hubby's new 1911 45, really enjoyed shooting it and it was quite accurate. Now I want 1, what brand should I get, I am fond of Kimber and Ruger, probably cant afford a colt, any input would be great, also looking for a good choice for cc..
If you can't afford a Colt, the Kimber isn't an option. Springfield Armory makes a nice one for around $650.
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Last edited by 101combatvet; July 24, 2023 at 09:24 PM.
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Old July 24, 2023, 08:39 PM   #60
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Depending on your budget, Springfield has proved to be a well-made alternative to the much costlier Colt or Kimber. Although, Springfield was much less expensive than they have become. My buddy has one, and can't say enough good about it. He bought the very basic, blued MILSPEC with "US" on the wood grip for $450.00 years ago.
I fell in love with the 1911 and its history while I served with the Marines as a Navy Corpsman. We used to have field strip competitions with them. Strip down and back together. Amazing how quick one can get! Mr. Browning was a weapon Einstein!
Good luck to you. PS...Just my personal opinion, but if you can, stay clear of the Tisas. You always get what you pay for...almost always anyway.
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Old July 25, 2023, 07:48 AM   #61
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Tisas are the new RIAs.

Plus, they run hiccup-free, whereas the more recently-made RIAs are reportedly hit-n-miss coming out of the box.
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Old July 25, 2023, 10:26 AM   #62
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Some folks here should actually look up prices before commenting about price.

What I've noticed is a generational change in 1911 buyers. The older crowd seemed more serious about actually carrying, so manufacturers offered the 4" barrel alloy frame "Commander" style. Now I see much more interest in the very low cost imports - usually a very basic pistol lacking refinements learned over the last 50 years.

My takeaway is that the 1911 has become more of a toy to a new generation of shooters because there are simply too many better pistol designs competing for our $. Although I do realize that there are new shooters living in States with goofy restrictions that make 1911s more attractive.

I personally wouldn't buy another 1911 unless I wanted a BBQ gun.
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Old July 25, 2023, 07:22 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by totaldla
My takeaway is that the 1911 has become more of a toy to a new generation of shooters because there are simply too many better pistol designs competing for our $.


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Old July 26, 2023, 02:26 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by totaldla View Post
Some folks here should actually look up prices before commenting about price.

What I've noticed is a generational change in 1911 buyers. The older crowd seemed more serious about actually carrying, so manufacturers offered the 4" barrel alloy frame "Commander" style. Now I see much more interest in the very low cost imports - usually a very basic pistol lacking refinements learned over the last 50 years.

My takeaway is that the 1911 has become more of a toy to a new generation of shooters because there are simply too many better pistol designs competing for our $. Although I do realize that there are new shooters living in States with goofy restrictions that make 1911s more attractive.

I personally wouldn't buy another 1911 unless I wanted a BBQ gun.
I'm not sure if I've found any better designs than a 1911 but I do find other designs that work as well as some of my 1911s and I've had some 1911s that were simply horrid.

I've reached that age when I've learned I should listen to what my body says; take the car rather than walk, do it tomorrow rather than today, carry the Walther CCP M2+ 380 instead of the 1911 Government model.

That doesn't mean the Walther CCP M2+ 380 is a better design; it's different and at that specific time is a better choice for me physically. Tomorrow I may be back carrying the 1911.

But when looking a some very very similar "Newer" vs "Older" options in most cases I've found I prefer the older. On days when my body says I shouldn't carry the 1911 Government model I don't switch to my Shield 45. On days when I consider carrying my Shield 9mm I find I more often choose my old 59 or 469 rather than the newer design.

No, I can't say I've found any really "better" designs out there simply different options that sometimes meet special needs.

And that also holds true when it comes to areas like holsters. There again I have not found "New" equals "Better". My old Kramer Thomas Perfectionist gets to go WalkAbout and my Sparks Summer Special 2 is in the Box of Shame. My older Strong and Roy's Original pancake holsters get to go WalkAbout while the Simply Rugged Sourdough is in the Box of Shame.
To be vintage it's gotta be older than me!
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Old July 26, 2023, 09:21 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by 44caliberkid View Post
I bought a Garrison recently, on sale, just under $700, out the door, including tax. Very tight and nicely finished piece.
So did I from Brownells. It was $667. I wasn’t impressed with it. The Range Officers were much better. I’m glad you’re happy with yours.
My suggestion to the OP is to save-up his coins and buy a Dan Wesson….either a Pointman or Valor.

Originally Posted by JustJake View Post
Tisas are the new RIAs.

Plus, they run hiccup-free, whereas the more recently-made RIAs are reportedly hit-n-miss coming out of the box.
I bought the Tisas 1911 Duty last year for $484. It has a nasty habit of double firing. Tisas USA customer service makes you jump through a bunch of hoops just to get a RMA. One of those hoops is having to submit a scan of your drivers license.

Last edited by lll Otto lll; July 26, 2023 at 09:34 PM.
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Old July 26, 2023, 11:43 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by totaldla View Post
My takeaway is that the 1911 has become more of a toy to a new generation of shooters because there are simply too many better pistol designs competing for our $. Although I do realize that there are new shooters living in States with goofy restrictions that make 1911s more attractive.
What, in your opinion, is better than a 1911?
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Old July 27, 2023, 12:43 AM   #67
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What, in your opinion, is better than a 1911?
The 1911A1!!!
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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Old July 27, 2023, 10:58 AM   #68
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What, in your opinion, is better than a 1911?
The 1911A1!!!
I was going to say 2 1911s??
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Old July 27, 2023, 11:52 AM   #69
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In my experience, Glocks aren't "Glock reliable", so there's that.
Maybe if I rolled around in the mud on the range floor, I'd have a greater appreciation.

Agree that Tisas is the new Norinco, for low-priced base guns, as the former appear to have excellent bones.

A gun with features chosen by someone other than you is not a custom, no matter how well-made it is, and I can't abide production guns with poorly executed features like gappy beavertails, or daylight showing through sight dovetails, as I'm from the era of those being gunsmith fitted.

I'll buy a G.I.-style gun and fit the safeties myself, rather than accept production-line levels of fit and function, but not everyone wants a project in every gun.
Runs off at the mouth about anything 1911 related on this site and half the time is flat out wrong.
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Old July 27, 2023, 03:25 PM   #70
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Just finished reading two reviews of Tisas 1911's , the first , a commander , 45 acp , with alloy frame , bob-tail grip ( for concealed carry) and 3 dot sights ... shot 5 different brands ammo , 185 WC to 230 RN with 200 gr JHP , avg trigger pull 3.3 lbs , good groups and 5 star rating ... Every round , WC - HP - RN all fed , fired and ejected ...shoting was 100%.
avg. accuracy 2.5 " @ 25 yards

The other review was a full size , stainless steel in 38 Super ... the shooting results were similsr to the 45 Commander as was trigger pull and accuracy .
The reviewer gave it a big thumbs up and did not return the pistol ... he sent them a check for it !
When a reviewer BUYS the gun instead of return after testing ... that means he realy Likes it ... and he Liked it !

I might have to look at this new kid on the block ...the prices are Right !
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Old July 27, 2023, 08:30 PM   #71
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If you can't afford a Colt, the Kimber isn't an option. Springfield Armory makes a nice one for around $650.
And a much better one for about $1500
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Old July 28, 2023, 09:38 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Nodak1858 View Post
I was going to say 2 1911s??
May I make that three?
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Old August 13, 2023, 08:33 AM   #73
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Since June 6, 2023, I have bought 5 Tisas 1911’s. I only had one that I had to do some adjusting on. It was a special made one for Bud’s. I was going to sell it but after Tisas gave me a fitted barrel and I installed a new Thumb safety, I have decided to keep it.

The others were a MilSpec 45, a Tanker Commander, a Stingray 9mm carry model and a MAC 1911 JSOC 45 ACP made by Tisas. After I bought the first two, I sold my SA “Mil Spec” since it was no where as good as the Tisas guns.

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Old August 13, 2023, 11:53 AM   #74
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Tisa'a from Bud's

So what's all the excitement over old slabsides? I broke down and bought the cheapest 1911 I could find prolly around 2019 I would guess. Pre covid I paid around 300 bucks.
When it arrived at my transfer dealer the guys in the shop wanted to have a look, esp. when I mentioned the price was very low.
Nary a discouraging word was heard from the peanut gallery, one guy in particular raved about the trigger, it's quite good.
It's since had a few hundred rounds through it. Had a couple of FTF's in the first few mags, been 100% since.
My only complaint? The extractor needs a little tuning, darn thing throws brass all over the county. When shooting bullseye my G19 darn near puts them in a neat little pile.
I am a fan of cheap. The Tisa's is excellent. I would not recommend it as a first handgun, I think there are better choices. I would not recommend any 1911 pattern as a first or only handgun.
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Old August 13, 2023, 02:41 PM   #75
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Where the 1911A1's empties end up is more than just the extractor, its also the ejector and the slide velocity produced by the ammo you are shooting.

Shoot a target load, the brass goes one place (provided the load is consistent), shoot ball ammo, it goes in a different spot. Shoot hot loads and the brass goes another place. That is simply the way that gun works.

Shoot a light load and cases will probably be in a nice little pile near your feet (or land on the brim of your hat, )
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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