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Old March 15, 2019, 10:47 AM   #17
Aguila Blanca
Join Date: September 25, 2008
Location: CONUS
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Originally Posted by USNRet93
Works both ways..ANY judge ought to leave his or her 'personal agenda' at home.
There has been 'personal agendas' among judges for as long as there have been judges.
Just because their 'agenda' agrees with yours doesn't make it 'proper'..
In theory, I agree that it can work both ways. In practice, however, it has been my observation in the course of my 75 years on this orbital spitball we call Earth that -- in general -- it is primarily liberal judges who are prone to folding, bending, twisting and mutilating the law to fit their agendas. Conservative judges, in my experience and observation, are much more likely to forego their personal agendas and apply the law as it is written.

As an example, there have been SCOTUS decisions authored by Justice Antonin Scalia in which he wrote that he didn't particularly like the result the law compelled him to find, but that he had to go by what the law said rather than by what he wished it had said.
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