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Old May 12, 2013, 04:43 PM   #46
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Since you do not seem to want to produce the law...
I'd rather ask someone who knows the laws inside and out than spend a lot of time searching for something online, especially if I'm wrong and such a law doesn't exist; I did a quick search and didn't find anything regarding transitioning from concealed to open carry while in public. It can take a lot of time searching for something if it isn't there.

I'm not sure why I'm getting so much flak for this; I've stated many times that I may be wrong and that this was merely my understanding of the law.

I've only lived in Washington state for a year now. One thing I've gathered so far is that in many places (mostly on the western side of the state) the public and the police are often not very receptive to open carry of any kind, despite it being legal. My boss has a close friend who recently witnessed a local SWAT team take down a man in a supermarket who accidentally exposed his handgun while shopping. I have friends who open carry in the Seattle area who are stopped constantly by police.

Maybe my understanding of the law is merely an anecdotal advisement on what will often get you harassed by local law enforcement, and not what the actual law is.
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