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Old August 11, 2014, 10:29 PM   #23
Mr X
Join Date: November 7, 2008
Location: WI
Posts: 34
Won't deny that being a catch 22.

I will confess my ignorance that I do not know the exact mechanism by which a mental health employee of the VA makes an attestation that can lead to an adjudication or NICS report that temporarily or permanently would revoke rkba. Based on all the other things that need a formal written attestation or declaration it would seem to have to be greater than the "chart" or "note" said person may write or results of a PTSD scene designed for sensitivity and not specificity.

I don't know how transparent the NICS reporting mechanisms are for criminal judgments, much less mental health ones. Maybe our legal colleagues have more experience with that. Still appreciate your thoughts on this process.
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