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Old March 17, 2013, 12:17 PM   #22
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Join Date: December 20, 2012
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Many folks like the cheap aspect of owning a pump shotgun - they are much less expensive than a quality handgun, many think the "racking"sound is some form of intimidation.

However, since you already have a pistol, ask yourself how proficient you are with it? I have a G17 as one of my HD pistols - combined with the 33 round G18 mag, I have greater firepower than my 12 pump.
Many like to add all sorts of gadgets to their pump guns - lights, scopes and a host of other "tactical" accessories. These add a lot of additional, typically near the muzzle, making the gun very awkward to easily handle as it has now become very muzzle heavy.

Perhaps before you buy, you should find friends with these shotguns, or find a range that rents them and try some various HD loads.

Shotguns are nice, formidable and affordable, but they are not "THE"answer to HD - each person has to assess their own scenario
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