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Old May 3, 2011, 11:59 PM   #20
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Join Date: January 7, 2008
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Looks like I got a bit off topic... as far as "Tasks" I want my rifle to be capable of...

Getting me out of a bad situation!

Thats about it. Something that can have the power to penetrate, the accuracy to hit, the availability of a decent amount of ammo and quick mag changes, and the ability for the gun to sit and wait and hardly ever get used or cleaned, or paid any attention too.

Another reason I like the folding stock AK-47 is that it would be easier for a passenger to pick up and start point shooting than something with a full stock if things are really ugly...
I guess thats all I can give for "tasks" I mean... room clearing and vehicle maneuverability, concealability, round count, penetration and stopping power. The only task I wouldent try to put on MY vehicle rifle is long range shooting. You could easily have an AR with an ACOG which could reach out and touch someone... and in a world is over Mad Max, we need to go on the offensive and assault the bad guys situation, I could see that being a huge advantage. But for real world defense. The AK-47 with an underfolding stock will complete the Task.
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