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Old April 18, 2013, 06:30 AM   #14
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Join Date: April 21, 2008
Location: new zealand
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That was a great post Kimio.

Very sad how right you are on every point, society is getting more and more morally bankrupt, and the PC brigade that says you can do what you what as it's your life is whats driving that.

I don't know what its like in the US, but in New Zealand criminals have so much Human rights that they are generally more looked after than their victims and after getting a slap with a wet bus ticket are sent on their way again with a stern warning not to be bad again.
There is just no sense of personal responsibility or respect for others and thats what id the root of most if not all problems.

The worst part of all is the same PC brigade think that instead of being hard on criminals that trying to remove guns is the better way to reduce crime.
And they aren't willing to listen to logic as feelings over rule logic and if all else fails "you need to think of the children".

Its great to see you Americans stand up for what you believe in, as if this were in New Zealand, I think the laws would've been passed straight away.

Lets hope that there is enough public support to either show logically that banning guns will do nothing, otherwise enough support to overwhelm the anti's.
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