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Old February 2, 2014, 08:21 AM   #47
Double Naught Spy
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Wow, Jason, you have said a bunch of things that are flat out wrong, but this was my favorite because it shows your use of logic in argument construction.

Some people are of the opinion that sights are useful at defensive ranges. I am not of that opinion and like i have said in my close combat experience sights were not useful. If you don't care for that opinion that's fine. You are free to have your opinion as well. I'm of the opinion that lasers on a defensive weapon are a crutch for the ill-prepared and a liability.
First you say that sights are not useful for SD and then claim that they are a crutch for the ill-prepared and are a liability. So what you are saying is that for those people who need them, crutches are useless? Most people do not possess the apparent supreme skills of not ever needing sights that you have. Most people don't go to the range more than once a year, if at all. Most people are not prepared for an attack when it happens. So those people would need to use their sights and the sights would be useful to them for the purpose of hitting their target.

So how can you argue that sights are useless and then point out that sights are helpful to those who need them?

I do like the argument of categorizing something in an emotionally-charged negative manner to make your argument, in this case, calling sights a 'crutch' as if the person who must need them is crippled or feeble. After all, nobody would want to admit to needing a "crutch" if they are not crippled or feeble, right? However, a crutch is just a tool to help overcome a situational parameter. Needing to use your gun is a crutch to self defense. That means that you are in a situation where you have to rely on it to get the job done for you because you think you can't do it without it.


As to the OP, asking individuals if they used their sights in a stressful situation is a mixed bag for getting accurate answers. Under such stress, people often do NOT remember a lot of what goes on, especially specific details. This is commonly associated with the adrenaline dump, target fixation issues that correspond with factors such as auditory exclusion and tunnel vision. Some details are remember above others and some not remembered at all.

In this video, for example, the officer who did the shooting retreats and falls down. He gave the statement that he had no memory of falling down (watch video and see page 3).

So if folks claim that they didn't use their sights, it is going to be tough to determine (without video confirmation) whether they actually didn't use their sights or if it is simply not a memory that occurred from the situation. People people may not have. Others, as noted, certainly used them via flash sight picture or indexing which are both still sighting methods that are not simply muscle memory.
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