Thread: Best Safe <$500
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Old May 17, 2013, 02:21 AM   #7
Join Date: May 11, 2013
Posts: 99
Especially in an apartment consider several things. One is weight - even the lightweight ones from Lowes or HD are HEAVY like a refrigerator!

Secondly - consider how you are going to move it into the apartment without everyone in the complex knowing you've got a safe full of guns. See if you can get a refrigerator box or something and try to do at night.

Don't put it on an outside wall, they will just bust through the wall and roll it off. Did that at a friends frame house - took out a 4 by 8 foot chunk of the house, siding 2X4's drywall and all, including the safe that was bolted to the 2x's! It gets better - then they loaded it into his pickup truck and stole that too! He's pretty sure it was a neighbor, but of course no proof.

Don't get the electronic locks - google it - kids can open many if not all by simply bumping some of them just right, a pro certainly can.

Consider also with the lighter safes it takes someone with a cut off saw or a circular saw with a metal blade maybe 10 minutes to cut the side open or the door off.
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