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Old November 2, 2013, 11:34 PM   #18
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Join Date: August 15, 2013
Location: NC
Posts: 237
When I read posts about the issues people are experiencing with the SR45 or any other firearm I think people in general are more apt to post about problems they are having opposed to smooth sailing. I believe it is mainly to find out what others have done to fix the issue. This makes it seem as if the firearms they are posting about are experiencing major problems out of the factory but in reality I am only seeing a limited side of the equation. I have an SR45 and I experienced some issues that have been completely resolved by Ruger. I posted about the issues mainly to see what others were doing to fix them and how many others were experiencing the same problems. Although my patience was wearing thin I felt assured that Ruger would eventually fix the problem and that is what they did. One of the most important parts of a purchase as far as I am concerned is how the company backs up their product because issue can a and do pop up.
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