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Old August 3, 2011, 07:15 PM   #157
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Join Date: March 1, 2006
Location: Tampa,Fl
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Old Lincoln,

Try this next time someone targets you for panhandling or worst. Scenario you are pumping gas and unknown stranger makes a b line toward you. Once it becomes clear that he is coming to you but before he gets to close, ask him what he needs. If he continues tell him that he is close enough, again done well before he is on you. If he fails to stop tell him very loudly not to rob you that you have no money. At this point they have stopped every time apparently not wanting witnesses to think they were robbing you or maybe thinking you are a nut job since they hadn't announced a robbery.

A friend of mine shared this and it works.

P.S. If they continue to approach begin to maintain separation perhaps putting your car between you and the idiot.

This forces them to show their intent prior to making contact with you. You remain in control.
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