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Old April 3, 2013, 11:45 PM   #34
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Join Date: July 10, 2008
Location: Live Free or Die state
Posts: 259
So why do they want us disarmed?

I think the vast majority of gun banners are simply afraid of guns: your guns, my guns, the criminal's guns. They don't know anything about guns, but have been conditioned (brainwashed) to think the only people who should have guns are the police and military. Of course, they don't know that their chances of being shot by a policeman is about 10 times greater than their being shot by a concealed carry permitee. And unless your career choice is burglary, you aren't very likely to be shot by a home/gun owner. And they are incapable of understanding the vast danger of having the government own all the guns.

Then, there is the conspiracy theory. I generally scoff at such things, but this has me thinking.

So the Gov't has been absolutely flooding the country with M1, new actual cash for the last ten years, markedly accelerated in the past four. This has long-term affects on future inflation. They have also been flooding the world with dollars through the incredible Quantitative Easing program, where they create dollars - just make them up - to buy their own Treasuries doing two things - maintaining the appearance of demand for US Treasuries, and keeping interest rates at historical lows.

China owns a $ trillion or more in treasuries. At some point they will conclude the US can't honor its debts, or at some point we will just default on our interest payments when we run out of discretionary funds, because there are still honest people at the Treasury despite its recent leadership. China will start a sell-off, going back to hard assets like precious metals. the world will follow. Hyper-inflation could easily result. We would sink deeper into insolvency without the constant flow of borrowed dollars. Prices will shoot up on all desirable commodities - water, gasoline, food, alcohol, etc. Massive uncontrollable inflation will occur. The population will be unable to find, let alone buy, gas for their cars and food for their children.

Now if you were the govt, would you want an armed populace?

Anyhow, it bears consideration. Not saying it is true, or even likely. But it is possible.
"To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness... How pathetic." - - Ted Nugent

"Cogito, Ergo Armitum Sum" - (I Think, Therefore I Am Armed)- - anon.
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