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Old December 29, 2006, 09:46 AM   #8
Pat Rogers
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Join Date: July 31, 2001
Posts: 303
Dan- reporting accurately on what happens or how a piece of equipment performs is not "bashing".
Somethings are extremely subjective- how something feels in the hand; how it points and so forth.
Reporting on performance is nothing more than accurately stating facts.

Making statements that have no basis in fact- similar to about 90% of errornet posts- can be construed as many things, including bashing.

One gun- or ten- or maybe a hundred, are not necessarily anything more then an abberation or a minor glitch on that (or those) particular guns.

Scientific evaluations is not something done in the firearms industry outside of the government. Advertising may be truthful or fantasy, with a lot leaning towards the latter.
Gun evaluartions, like equipment evaluations, are an opportunity for the writer to present his observations on that particular gun/ widget over a short term.
Like the gun or not, unwilling to pay more for a pistol then a sniper rifle or not- that's on the individual reader. All the writer is doing (and i'm specifically referring to Denny here) is reporting on what he experienced.

Pat sends
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