Thread: Liability
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Old July 17, 2006, 02:31 AM   #27
Jammer Six
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Join Date: April 3, 2005
Location: Seattle
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That may be a little too confrontational, but I'll attribute it to style. Is there something wrong with the link? I don't always expect a respondent to go to the trouble to ferret out the applicable portions of a reference and spoon feed them here. A link is usually good enough. WESHOOT2 dug it out of the text, we can too.
That's nice.

I don't have a problem with confrontation, and this one hit home.

A citation, which is what "cite" is slang for, is a specific, definable piece of documentation. Anyone who has ever contributed to a knowledge base, written a paper for a college course, or, as we see here, posted to the internet knows exactly what a citation is, and how they are written.

No one is above being asked for a cite. Real scholars and real experts are pleased to demonstrate that expertise and professionalism by providing them UNASKED, in the body of a claim, or as a footnote, let alone when they are called upon to do so.

It is the difference between a foolish claim on an insignificant board on the internet by an anonymous fool pulling "facts", "figures", and "stuff" out of his neither regions and genuine, documented, valid information.

No one here has a reputation, and the claim that one was "impinged" made my day.

I needed the laugh.

Real reputations are created by expert opinion, with expertise that can be verified.

Gee? How would we do that?

Oh, wait, I know...

Made the boy swear, too.

"Huh?" --Jammer Six, 1998
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