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Old August 5, 2007, 01:26 AM   #5
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Join Date: January 5, 2005
Location: East Bay NorCal, People's Republik of Kalifornia
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Well, I got jumped by three very large, very drunk, and high, black guys that wanted to take out their anger with Mel's Alley bowling manager, on the nearest white guy.

They followed me into the bathroom, and, tried to scare me. I was in excellent shape at the time, and, here is what got me out of it. At close quarters, I have the advantage, since anything I strike is the enemy. They have to worry about my slipping, and, hitting or shooting each other. I tried to push myself out and through, watching everyone for weapons. Guy pulled a Walther PPK/S. That got my attention. I followed the gun, and made sure the muzzle never pointed at me. Since up to that point, no one had hit me, I had not decided to take the step to try and kill them. The guy used it as a club, hitting me over the head. I used the blow to sink down, on my haunches, like I was really hurt, yelling the entire time. At that time, they decided it wasn't as much fun as they thought, so they took off. I was well trained in Kenpo, and I've had dinner a number of times with the late Ed Parker, and Tino Temescululo. Along with that, Wing Chun is also very effective. Both styles are designed for close in fighting, and, using elbows and hand strikes you can do severe damage in a very short period of time. Think systems designed for fighting in a phone booth, and you get the idea.

Few things went through my mind: Good as day to die as any. If the thing started, I was going to hit vital points, and try to do as much damage as possible. Plus, try and stay close to them, so they didn't have much room, and, where I could use elbows, etc. at close range. Don't stay at one height, too easy a target. CATCH THEM BY SURPRISE.
Usually bullies are used to a certain pattern of response from their victims, which prevokes a reaction from them.
When you don't act as they expect, emotionally, or physically, it throws them off...
Worked this time...The goal is not to win the fight, but survive. Also, when you make the commitment, you stop thinking, and, try and do as much damage as quickly as you possible can, WITHOUT THINKING. If I die, I want them going with me. I was lucky, and, I believe my endless training saved my life, because I didn't prevoke them, because I reacted differently then they expected.

This is NOT the first time I've been jumped, nor the first time I got out of harms way, because of being very well trained, and, the guy, on a primal level, knowing something was not going to go his way.

In general, when you have bigger guys, you aim at points that are vital, but, you have to make the commitment that you are going to blind or kill them. Making piece with that commitment is the hard part, and, knowing that you are justified in doing so, as well.

Now, I carry directional pepper spray, not the general stuff, but something I can hit a guys face with. I also carry a general spray and run, small container. I also carry a .357 Magnum, with speed loader. I also don't bowl late at night, within 5 minutes cruise of West Oakland, and Fruitvale...

Dr S

To answer the question: remedies I've thought of:
Get a can of bear spray, paint it like a fire extingusher, and keep it where you can easily get to it, for car jackings.
Be aware of your surroundings, and don't get yourself in situations where you can be surrounded. Carry a large caliber handgun, with multiple clips, when going into a dangerous area, along with a backup piece. I'd carry my 45 Super, plus my 357 snubbie, and maybe a Glock 30 if going into certain parts of LA.

If you really think you are heading into a fight, bring a rifle or shotgun...

Get a bullet proof vest, and wear it.
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