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Old November 25, 2018, 02:15 PM   #55
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
Location: Upper US
Posts: 28,897
Does this mean what I think it means? You now must release all of your medical records before you can purchase?
I had not noticed that section before, but what I get from the quoted text is that by APPLYING to purchase you are giving consent for all your medical (and mental health) records to be released to investigating agencies. What ever the investigators deem necessary.

What's the harm in that???

here's a possible example;
untrained, unqualified people making decisions using medical records they don't understand.

hmmm, says here, you were on anti-depressants for four months in 1993...clearly you are an unstable person, no pistol or semiautomatic assault weapon for YOU!!!!

Do remember, human nature being what it is, at least some of those people will have a personal agenda against private firearms ownership, and will act on it at every opportunity. Someone like that, could potentially "downcheck" hundreds, perhaps thousands of applications, before their obvious bias becomes known, if it ever does. Until/unless there is an actual investigation into their integrity, even the flimsiest of excuses can pass muster.

In the example I used, their report could just say "applicant on medication for behavioral control" and leave out the small detail that it was for a limited time 25 years ago!!
Got a chronic pain issue? On meds (Opioid dependent?)
Did you go to grief counseling after your mother unexpectedly dropped dead on the kitchen floor at age 52?
Are you a VETERAN???
you might be classified as someone with a PTSD problem and NOT by the medical profession, but by an investigator! And once they put you in that box on their forms, good luck getting out. Reality matters less than you think, sometimes.

Things like that could very well happen.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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