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Old September 28, 2000, 01:18 PM   #11
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Join Date: July 7, 2000
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IT was a funny Idea. Buit it passed as quickly as it came for several "marked" reasons. First and foremost being, we dont have PD's here But there've got to be multiple laws against this, baiting, cruelty, explosives, potential range fires...
the list goes on and on.
But as far as "I like to think that all hunters have at least some sort of respect for life, and some pride in their skill and taking game with quick clean humane shots." Can anything kill a PD quiker than 20 gallons of propane going off? This amount of explosives would drop a cave bear, and as far as the PD is concerned, I dont think one way of leaving this world is anybetter than the other, as long as suffering isn't involved. If I was a PD, I'd choose inceneration, because they're cannible, and I wouldn't wan't my own family eating me
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