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Old August 20, 2008, 11:02 PM   #22
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But more to the point, would the attackers you mention be scared away
when you simply rack the pump on your shotgun?
I think the point is that you aren't going to make it to your shotgun before your wife or kids have a gun to their head.

Wow, unless your talking about the Nazi SS, I'm not sure where this kind of thing happens. At least not as the normal MO.
Try Googling crime, Republic of South Africa. To include carjackings where the murder rate for the driver is 75%, and gang rape of all female occupants, with little concern for age, is closer to 100%. And where newspapers are forbidden by law to report such violent crime incidents.
The reason I suspect RSA is because of the ensuing rape in front of the rest of the family, which is a trademark for home invasions there.

In the cases I'm familiar with, the criminals were foiled when an intended victim produced a pistol instantly and didn't hesitate.

I would hope that's not happening here, but given the easy access to our country by foreign criminals, one never knows.

For the rest of us, the crimminals may be less sophisticated, but capable of entring our homes just as fast and catching us off guard.

Latest Crime MO in Latin America is to kidnap a selected target off the street and force them to access their life's savings accounts and x-fer funds into kidnappers account from his laptop. Survival rate for victims: About zero--no witnesses.

But that's in Latin America--no worries that it will find it's way here.

I think advise to have your weapon on you at all times is the best course, with access to a shotgun where circumstances permit.

We'll talk about terrorists, who haven't really raised their head here yet, some other time.

Sorry to get a little off track, but I don't see the shotgun as a solution to most of the aforementioned problems, which more often get solved (if at all) with pistols and lack of dithering.
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