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Old September 27, 2010, 09:33 AM   #28
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What if's are the lifeblood of the internet forums. There are a few things to point out from this real life encounter.

The individual was aggressive. What caused that, don't know, they were willing to make contact. Contact made, the response will be bare hand combatives, in whatever level of force seems justified. The push off worked. Had it not, going for a gun would weaken the stance to defend against a counterattack.

Most gun guys miss that. Grabbing for a weapon takes that arm and hand out of play. It can't be used to deflect or punch. Since lethal force wasn't in play, going to lethal force wasn't justified. Had the aggressor pulled a gun, it would still be the better option to physically strike the aggressor to prevent them using it - disarm or mortal blow.

If combatives aren't studied, then it's likely a really aggressive and experienced fighter would get the upper hand while the other reached for a weapon. The advantage of a gun is there IF IN THE HAND, going for it is the disadvantage.

It's been said a handgun is a tool to fight your way to a rifle, step that down, combatives are the tool to fight your way to the handgun.
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